Chapter 4150【239】Golden Period

 The family members of the patients are also forgetful. They cannot tell clearly what they fed the patients for dinner and what they swallowed. As a result, the doctors can only guess again and again, like a headless fly searching again and again.

The characteristics of medicine are destined to be like this. There is never a 100% certainty. What tests the courage of doctors.

Many people think of Dr. Cao Yong’s name. I have to say that Grandpa Cao’s decision to change his grandson’s name was just right, which proves that Grandpa Cao is a far-sighted doctor.

Talk about the current cases of orthopedic patients, it is of significance for gastroenterology patients to be vigilant and learn from it. Everyone begins to wonder: Is it just the lack of courage?

The famous orthopedic doctors will definitely not admit it. Could it be that they are less courageous than an attending doctor like Dr. Jiang Mingzhu? Famous doctors have definitely dealt with more difficult and difficult diseases than small-time doctors.

Dr. Xie Wanying also said matter-of-factly: “Although posterior hip dislocation combined with fracture is not uncommon, posterior hip dislocation combined with femoral head fracture is a rare case among hip fractures and dislocations.”

 Hence why she did not object to Leader Fu and Senior Chang finding an orthopedic surgeon who could operate on the patient.

“Is there anything special that should be paid attention to when combined with a femoral head fracture?” Dr. Xia Dongxian asked Junior Sister Xie while thinking: How many books have you studied and read for a stubborn person like you, and you even know all about orthopedics?

That is definitely not the case for Xie Wanying to study orthopedics specifically. It's just that she has been a human being for two lives. She was also a doctor in her previous life and has seen many cases.

  Posterior hip dislocation is really a common disease in orthopedics. There are many such conditions among the elderly. We have often heard people say this in medical circles in hospitals in the past, and they do not necessarily need to be remembered in particular.

Every time I hear my colleagues say, oh, this old man is in a difficult situation and has to undergo an operation. I don’t know if the operation can be done well. Basically, it is accompanied by a fracture of the femoral head.

 A major feature of femoral head fractures caused by posterior dislocation of the hip joint is that it tears the joint capsule and damages the blood supply of the femoral head.

We all know that blood supply is very important. If there is a problem with blood supply, the femoral head may naturally suffer from avascular necrosis.

Not only that, the dislocated femoral head will pull and compress the blood vessels, again affecting the blood supply, and even forming thrombus, aggravating the incidence of avascular necrosis of the femoral head.

Even if the reduction is successful, whether it is manual reduction or surgical reduction, if the process is delayed for too long, the dislocation will last for a long time, which will cause degenerative changes in the cartilage of the femoral head and lead to traumatic arthritis.

 Simply put, the femoral head is a very important bone in the human body. It is like an important part of a machine and a precious part. It needs lubrication and other maintenance all the time to support its normal operation. If an accident is not resolved quickly, it is equivalent to an accident with rare parts, and the serious consequences can be imagined by ordinary people.

 “The six-hour golden period.” Dr. Xie Wanying said.


These words were like a bomb exploding in the crowd.

 “Hey, how many hours has it been?” Xia Dongxian hurriedly turned back and asked the group of orthopedic surgeons.

  Don’t think that only the often mentioned cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have a golden period for rescue treatment. The golden period of treatment extends to every department.

 Dr. Xia Dongxian is an ICU person and is most sensitive to rescue time. He glared at the orthopedics department: How long do you want to discuss?

“Yes, it’s six hours, right?” Dr. Chang Jiawei asked other orthopedic colleagues uncertainly. After all, this disease is not his main business in the orthopedic department and he is not very familiar with it.

 (End of this chapter)

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