Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady

Chapter 161: Momentum, Wei Yuejiao returned home

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Since they are prepared, how can they be unprepared here!

Wei Yuejiao's entry into the house was indeed a huge one. Even though Wei Yuewu had estimated the love of Miss Wei San's wife too much, she did not expect that it would be such a big scene.

Early in the morning, people hadn't arrived yet. Sixteen carried gifts first, and they were carried in full.

Eight of them were sent directly to Mrs. Tai's yard, and the other eight were sent to the second and third bedrooms, respectively.

As soon as Mrs. Tai was happy, she gave a reward directly to the people in and out of Hefu.

For a time, the whole house was full of joy, and they praised the three ladies for being blessed and generous.

Wei Yuewu was still painting in front of the desk case. Although the embroidery was only glanced at the same day, there were a few pictures in her mind. At this time, she drew her sleeves in one hand, and drew attention to the meticulous and detailed drawings. Write, think again, and add a few more strokes.

Although it may not be exactly the same as the original painting, Wei Yuewu believes that at first glance it must be somewhat similar.

"It's too much." Shu Fei walked in angrily, but she had nothing in her empty hands. She had gone to the kitchen for lunch.

"What's the matter?" Jin Ling was afraid that it would disturb Wei Yuewu's meditation painting, pulled Shu Fei aside and asked with a low voice.

"It's too much. I used to have lunch at this time in the past, but now I'm past and I haven't prepared anything. The whole kitchen is preparing the food for the three young ladies. She The meeting hasn't arrived yet, so we can't eat either. "Shu Fei's face was all white.

"You haven't prepared lunch for the lady at this time?" Jin Ling asked in amazement and looked at the sky. It was a long time later than before.

"Not yet, and there was no preparation. When I went in and asked them, they remembered it and said that Miss Three was going to the house right away. Let our lady wait for the meeting first. Once the dishes are done, you can free up your hands to cook for our young lady. Whatever it is, our young lady is the young lady of Huayang Houfu. "

Shu Fei stomped angrily.

"Miss's stomach is bad. It's past dinner now, but I haven't prepared it for the girl yet. If ... Miss if ..."

"Go get some pastry, give the lady a pad, and I'll urge it." Jin Ling put down her work plan and told Shu Fei a word, hurried out of the hospital door and went to the kitchen.

Although they spoke quietly, Wei Yuewu still heard it, lowered her pen, and sneered at the corners of her lips. Sure enough, Wei Yuejiao gave herself a dislike before she entered the house.

I didn't expect that this auntie was still so long although she was not in Beijing.

It ’s been a while since I came into the house. After coming back this time, she clearly felt that the servants in the whole house were in awe of herself. Even the stewards in Li ’s house were embarrassed, and she did not dare to run against her. Yahuan, the mother-in-law did not prepare lunch for herself.

This doesn't make sense at all, unless someone has tampered with it.

Looks like it's time to come, it's still here!

Fortunately, I am not completely unprepared here, my lips are slightly raised, and a cold smile is evoked.

Auntie Winter, right? There should be her in the cause of her mother's illness ...

"At the end of the painting, if you are free these days, embroider this picture." Wei Yuewu picked up the painting placed in front of the book case and started to look at it.

"Yes, slaves know." Nodded at the end.

"Miss, you can order some cakes first. Sister Jin Ling went over to the kitchen." Shu Fei came in with a box of cakes.

Wei Yuewu shook her hand, her black and white eyes blinked, and she smiled slightly: "No!"

"Miss, your stomach is not good. If you use it late, it will hurt your stomach." Hua Mo also advised.

"No problem!" Wei Yuewu's gaze turned around the faces of the two girls, and she smiled sweetly, "Since my good third sister deliberately delayed the time of entering the government, it should be accurate! "

Sixteen carrying a heavy gift into the door, but Wei Yuejiao in the chaise did not arrive!

Do you want to shock yourself or give yourself a kick?

Wei Yuejiao's carriage arrived within one hour after the normal lunch time in Houyang Houfu. Before half an hour, Mrs. Tai sent someone to invite her over.

Wei Yuewu went there to take a look. Not only Wei Qiuju was there, but Wei Qiufu was also there. Counting herself, the four young ladies who were not in the court of Huayang Houfu were all here.

Wei Yue Wu first met the wife with a happy face, and then took a seat on the other side of Mrs. Tai, which happened to be Wei Qiufu.

"Sister Liu's face is not very good, but where is it uncomfortable?" Wei Qiufu asked without a smile, as if the two were in the plum blossoms and nothing unpleasant happened.

In this way Wei Qiufu adjusted it and returned to the original gentle and gentle appearance, but made Wei Yue Wu secretly vigilant.

"Thank you for your attention. The previous injuries were not complete, so my face looked paler." Wei Yuewu owed herself, and said softly.

"Dancing girl, you are not well, you can go back first." Madam Tai glanced over her eyes and looked at her very lovingly.

"Thank you grandma, I'm fine." Wei Yuewu shook her head.

Long eyelashes flickered, and she lowered her eyes, knowing that her health was bad, and she knew that Wei Yuejiao was just a niece, and it was out of order for him to wait for her to enter the door.

But Mrs. Tai still gave Wei Yuejiao such a face, which made her look fake when she went back to rest.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's really nice to see your sisters coming back together!" Said Mrs. Tai with a smile.

Is it happy? Wei Yuewu can remember that when she came back, she set up cards everywhere, and repeatedly questioned her identity.

He raised his head and smiled slightly. "Grandma said that it's a pleasure to get closer to a few sisters."

"Grandmother, it is true that our sisters need to get closer to each other, so as not to be born, everyone is a young lady in Huayang Houfu. It is always necessary to unite together. There are some minor contradictions between the sisters, which is not a big deal." Wei Qiufu Yingying laughed, turning her eyes to Wei Qiuju.

If Wei Qiufu had said this before, Wei Qiuju would definitely be the first to respond, but now she looked at Wei Yuewu and looked at Wei Qiufu again, her head lowered, pretending not to hear, and continued to stir her hands. The papa in the middle, looked restless.

Wei Qiufu's eyes flashed a little anger, but she could not say anything, her eyes turned coldly on Wei Qiuju, and Wei Qiuju's head was lowered.

"What Fu girl said was always the sisters of the same government. If they leave the house afterwards, only the sisters in the family will be the closest. What's the matter, as long as the Huayang Houfu is here, they will definitely support you. This family is You ca n’t forget this one! ”Mrs. Tai was very satisfied with Wei Qiufu ’s words. She glanced over the faces of several people, and she spoke graciously.

Wei Yuewu smiled and nodded, but did not speak. She knew that Mrs. Tai must be looking at her at this moment, did she want her to calmly shake hands with Wei Qiufu to make peace?

Is it because Wei Qiufu could still be in the Prince's House?

For the benefit of Huayang Houfu, one's own life and death are also trivial! Wei Yuewu sneered.

In this Huayang Hou government, Mrs. Tai sees everything above everything else, but Wei Yuewu has no emotion at all. She even feels that even the bricks in this high wall are coldly calculated to others.

"Mrs. Tai is here, here, and Miss Three is here!" Acer ran in happily, but before anyone came in, the voice came.

"Come here!" Mrs. Tai stood up awkwardly, but when she saw the surprised expressions of Wei Qiufu and Wei Yuewu, she sat down again and instructed: "Please come on, please, girl Jiao."

"Grandma, Jiaoer is back!" During the talk, the curtain lifted, and a beautiful girl in a green eight skirt came in.

"Grandmother, I want to die!" Ignoring the people around him, Wei Yuejiao only saw Mrs. Tai, and saw that Mrs. Tai was overwhelmed with excitement.

Wei Yuewu's gaze fell on her in surprise, followed by the long-shouldered beauties who appeared, with a smile of joy, pink skin, and beauty like a spring dawn, no one saw her. Will forget such a face ...

Actually Jing Wenyan, the young lady of Yasukuni!

"This is ..." Mrs. Tai also found Jing Wenyan and asked hesitantly.

Even though Jing Wenyan just stood there without saying a word, the excellent face and elegant and calm temperament still masked Wei Yuejiao's costume.

Even if some people are just a random stop, they also show off their own colors, not those gorgeous clothes can make up for.

"Grandmother, this is the young lady of the Palace of Jinguo." Wei Yuejiao turned around and introduced, and there was no pause when Wei Yue danced with her eyebrows.

It was not long before the capture of the emperor's son in the state of Yan Guogong. The emperor of the state of Yan gong was still in Beijing. How could Mrs. Tai not know the so-called Jingdi?

However, there was no clear order in the palace, so the name of the Yasukuni was preserved. I heard that the Yasukuni was also released and lived in his house in Beijing.

Like the princes in other places, all the large and small princes have houses in Beijing. Occasionally when they enter Beijing, they have a place to live.

And the first beauty Miss Jing Jing, who is well-known in Jingdi, usually stays in the house, and almost disappears from all banquets.

However, at this time, it suddenly appeared in the Houfu House of Huayang, and it was still the house that went with Wei Yuejiao, which made people feel surprised.

"Wen Yan met Mrs. Tai, and came in a hurry, and also asked Mrs. Tai for forgiveness." Jing Wenyan generously stepped forward and gave a gift. "I met Miss Wei San in front of the house, so she was invited by Miss Wei San Come in together. "

This is the reason why she came into the house with Wei Yuejiao.

"Miss Jing, please sit down." Mrs. Tai smiled and reached out a hand.

Wei Yuejiao also smiled and pulled Jing Wenyan to the side of the chair, which happened to be right next to Wei Yuewu, but the attention that Miss Wei San showed was all in Jing Wen. Yan, so I didn't take a look at Wei Yue Wu.

"Miss Wei Liu!" Jing Wenyan sat down and smiled at Wei Yuewu.

Wei Yue Wu smiled and fell short. Regardless, Jing Wenyan was the daughter of a state-owned father-in-law, and her status was a bit higher than her daughter of Huayang Hou.

"Miss Wei fourth, Miss Wei five." Jing Wenyan smiled at Wei Qiufu and Wei Qiuju who were opposite, not because Wei Qiuju was a maidservant and had a slight meaning.

Jing Wenyan rarely goes to Beijing. Although many people know that this young lady of Jingdi is known as the first beauty of Jingdi, some people even say that she is the first beauty of the entire Zhongshan country, but the people who have actually met Is not much.

Of course, Wei Qiufu has never seen her. The courteous manner she met was owed to her. Wei Qiuju didn't dare to neglect to see both of them.

"I wonder what Miss Jing Jing is here for?" Mrs. Tai asked with a smile.

"Specially come to Miss Wei Liu." Jing Wenyan turned to Wei Yue Wu, smiling gently.

Wei Yuewu stared at Jing Wenyan in surprise, staring at the big water, and for a moment didn't understand what the two people had in common.

"Miss Jing, we dancers only entered Beijing. I don't know when we met Miss Jing?" Mrs Tai asked with a smile on her face after two turns between Weiyue Wu and Jing Wenyan.

"Miss Wei Liu and I didn't know each other. I came here today and really tasted it, but there was something really wrong. I wanted to talk to Miss Wei Liu in private. I also hope that it is too convenient for the bad people." Jing Wenyan said generously.

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