Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady

Chapter 84: Plum blossom door, strange prison car

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The reason why the coachman knew this Xiebangye must also say that the day was very coincident. On that day, Sandingjia crossed the streets of the horse. Many ladies went to see the champion, the second place, the style of exploring flowers, the three in Huayang Houfu An unmarried young lady, of course.

The coachman at the time was him.

Wei Yuewu's heart moved, "Three ladies have gone?"

"Yes, the three young ladies have gone. At that time, the second lady also said what to see and said there was nothing to look good at. At that time, the fourth lady said that she must go and see. Later, the second lady and the fifth lady returned and left. Miss Four, watching all the way, and later went to the official department with other ladies of the family, and after this Xie Bingye came out, I was followed all the way and saw him where he lived before leaving. "

The coachman said.

Wei Qiufu, who has always been dignified and quiet, is a model after his predecessors. He is like an ordinary idiot girl, closely following Sandingjia who crosses the street, and even stares at his home. The doorway is really something that Wei Yuewu can't imagine.

Is it really just secretly admiring this Xie Bangye?

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Wei Yuewu was photographed directly. From Wei Qiufu's peaceful eyes, Wei Yuewu's vague sense of "ambition"!

However, how can this Xie Bingyan who has no trouble with himself be counted towards himself? Weiyuewu leaned back, her face was cold and thin, the water in Huayanghoufu was really deep!

Regardless of this matter, who is behind it will definitely not stop there. She will have to see who is planning in secret and calculating herself ...

The next way was very stable, but at the entrance of the hall, the carriage was stopped unceremoniously.

Along the way, there were a few carriages in front, all of them were guarded by knives, and they were mercilessly stopped at the arrow from Limen.

The coachman Lao Li wanted to talk to those guards with knives, saying that the lady in Huayang Houfu was stopped by Wei Yuewu. The scene in front of me knew that it was not easy at first glance. Wei Yuewu doesn't feel it necessary to jump out at this time.

Some of the stopped carriages were unconvinced. Just behind the Weiyuewu carriage, a carriage heard a sharp voice, saying proudly, "Where are you guards, our lady is Lord Shishi You have blinded your dog's eyes, and dare to stop them. "

Doctor Yushi is the emperor's eloquence. He speaks very hard. Even if the emperor does not do well, he can speak straight. Although the rank is not the highest, most people are not willing to offend the doctor of Yushitai.

But the next moment, the clever girl ring scared the whole person into a panic. When a knife holder was around the neck, the sword holder still looked at you with the look of a dead person, even if there was courage. , I dare not say anything, not to mention that it was originally just a girl ring, the fox and the tiger pretending to be pretentious.

If this is true, how dare you say more.

Seeing that Yahuan stopped speaking, the indifferent guard with a knife waved his hand, motioned the carriage to retreat on both sides, and saw that the sword was really pulled out. The rest of the carriage did not dare to say anything, and obediently set aside, Coincidentally, the horse carriage of the Royal Family also followed Wei Yue Wu's carriage and stepped aside.

A large prison car was actually released from the plum blossoms so slowly. The reason why it is called a prison car. It's because the carriage is covered with fences and locked, but there is only one person inside, a middle-aged fat man in a Chinese suit, and it still looks indifferent, and there is a case in front of him. Above, there were drinks and pastries, not at all like sitting in a prison car, but like going to some gorgeous banquet.

The middle-aged fat man in the Chinese service laughed a lot when he saw the two rows of carriages in front of him. At such a solemn time, the fat man in Chinese clothes who laughed so loudly was really impossible to make people wonder, so the two sides became strangely quiet.

And following the prison car came a gorgeous and lightweight carriage. The carriage was not large, and the curtain was still half open. It was clear that a lady and two girls were sitting in it. Looking from the perspective of Weiyuewu You can see it, but you can't see it clearly. There is a distance from there.

Such a weird combination is obviously unexpected.

Even the moon dance of the Weiwei thought that this plum blossom must be a heavyweight figure, such as the prince, the prince, and so on. No one could think of it. It is such a prison car that is not like a prison car. The fence is not the big iron lock that has been put on. No one will think that the fat man in the Huayi will be a prisoner.

The fat man suddenly raised his hand, the prison car stopped, and the carriage behind came slowly. Coincidentally, at this time, the prison car was walking to the position of Weiyuewu, and the half-curtained carriage also passed by. The side of Wei Yue Wu.

Weiyuewu was at the window. As she passed by, she was seeing a woman inside, a family of about fifteen or six years old, but holding a papa, covering her face, seemed to be crying, and papa blocked half of it. On the face, only half of the jade-like skin and sakura lips with dandan are seen.

However, as the horse-drawn carriage turned a corner and stopped in front of the prison car, the woman inside happened to be blocked inside.

"Father!" The woman's voice slipped like Zhuyu, with a bit of utter innocence, but extremely distressing.

"Well, go back. I'm fine. The emperor is waiting to play chess with his father!" The middle-aged fat man in the prison car waved his hands impatiently.

"Father, how can you make your daughter feel like this?" The woman said softly, her voice was very pleasant. Although she was just a stunner, Wei Yuewu believed that this was a very beautiful girl.

But it wasn't anyone who saw Wei Yue Wu in the palace that day. With the appearance of this woman, if she appeared at the banquet that day, it would inevitably attract everyone's attention.

"What's wrong with me? Okay, okay, if you feel so uncomfortable for your father, go to the kid of the Yan family and ask for pleading, isn't that kid always looking for you! If you go to talk, you must be able to OK, don't cry here, nothing bothers me. "

The middle-aged fat man became more and more impatient. After saying this, he didn't wait for the woman to say anything. He urged the prisoner to move quickly, so the prisoner was slowly walking down the mountain under the guard of two teams of guards, and then, No longer stopped the other carriages, and the carriages went to the parking lot of Xutang one by one.

The woman's carriage did not follow this time. When the carriage of Weiyuewu came around, it was found that the curtain had been pulled down, but the weeping sound of the woman inside could be heard faintly. The daughter of a middle-aged fat man should be sad and sad at this time. The coachman, Li, bypassed the carriage on the road lightly, followed the other carriages, and entered the plum blossom parking lot.

The carriage stopped, Wei Yuewu helped Shu Fei to get off the carriage, and looked behind him. The delicate carriage was still at the intersection, as if it had been abandoned.

"Miss." Shu Fei pulled her by the hand, trying to point to the carriage and asked, but was swept by Wei Yuewu's cold eyes and shut up.

There were some people who came down from the other carriages, but they pointed at the carriage, but everyone clearly did not see clearly, or they could not see clearly who did not know who the lady in the carriage was. Everyone has said that he hasn't seen the fat man, and his current situation, where he seems to be in jail, and the plum blossoms come.

It's more like swimming in the mountains.

Near the parking lot, there was a female concubine with plum blossoms standing there. When she saw the aristocracy on the carriage, the horse guided the direction of the crowd. Basically, at this time, they all came to Meilin. In this Meilin, it is said that as long as you pass by, you will always see it.

Stepping on the curved path, the gravel path didn't go far, and I saw the piece of Meilin, a large one, looking far away, as brilliant as Yunxia.

In such a big winter, it is really bright to see such a sea of ​​flowers.

Walking into the sea of ​​flowers, turning a corner, Wei Yuewu did not go deep into the plum blossom, but followed Shu Fei and turned to the edge, going down the mountain. The main purpose of her coming today is to Will shiver.

The Meilin in Houshan became more and more sparse. In the end, only one or two were left. Slowly no more plum blossoms appeared, but some tall ancient trees were erected on both sides of the gravel road. The yard is just below. Actually, the tenants in the town originally lived here, but a few of them were still empty.

Weiyuewu asked Jin Yizhao's shopkeeper to help rent this, and brought her here. She only said that she was here to vote for her relatives. Before she could find a relative, she lived here, and sometimes she could help the people in her family. Take care of the flowers.

Seeing Weiyuewu entering the house, the shiver was so excited that he fluttered to the front of Weiyuewu and cried with both hands to grab the sleeve of Weiyuewu: "Miss Six, Miss Six, you want Revenge for his wife, they killed his wife, and they murdered his wife heartily. "

"What the **** is going on?" Wei Yuewu raised her greetings with both hands, held her to the stool on her side, and took a deep breath to ask, pressing down a trace of pain in her heart.

There was still some memory for the biological mother, but because her own mind was not yet fully mature, the memory seemed a bit vague, only vaguely remembering that she seemed to be a gentle and beautiful woman, even though her body was very weak at that time Not good, but every time I hugged myself and hugged myself gently.

Be gentle and affectionate and talk to yourself, even if you only speak some naive words at that time.

The kind of affection for the flesh and blood, even if it is still small, can still be felt.

Now that I know that the mother may die unknown, how she did not feel heartache, the handkerchief was sternly twisted in her hands, but the look on her face was calm, and only the black and white eyes were bleak.

No matter who it is, she will not let go of her mother, even if that person is her own biological father ...

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