Reverend Insanity

Chapter 49: Do what you can and feel at ease

Zhang Zhu cursed loudly, but he was still involved in it after all. In a thrilling chase with a near-death experience, they managed to escape a flying elephant. Finally, he ran to a cliff and was blocked by two flying elephants.

The ground shook, and the flying elephant rushed over.

"Boy, run away!" Zhang Zhu shouted and flew to the left.

"Oh my god!" Chen Xin yelled, and before he could move, the flying elephant hit him head-on, and then a big hole was created in the cliff, and the ivory was inserted into the rocks.

Both flying elephants were temporarily restrained.

"Yao bless me, my life should not be cut off!" Zhang Zhu took a few deep breaths and collapsed on the ground...

The mountain wall was shaking, and the two flying elephants were roaring. He kept shaking his head vigorously, causing gravel and debris to fly, and the hole where the ivory was inserted continued to expand.

Zhang Zhu was frightened for a while, knowing that the two flying elephants would soon be out of trouble, so he quickly pushed himself up and tried to get up.

He had just stood up when suddenly there was a sound of wind and his whole body was shaken!


A white bone gun with spiral patterns pierced from his back to his chest, and then the tip of the gun was nailed to the ground.

Blood flowed down the bone gun and dripped on the ground.

Zhang Zhu hesitated, opened his mouth slightly, and a stream of bright red blood immediately overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He slowly lowered his head and saw the deadly spiral bone gun.

At first, he thought it was Bai Yu Feixue's ivory, but soon he realized that it was obviously an attack from the Gu Master.

"Who is it?" He wanted to turn his head and see clearly the murderer who was plotting against him behind his back.

But the next second.

Phew, another bone gun shot!

This shot entered directly from the back of his head, then came out of his mouth, and the tip of the gun was fixed on the ground.

Zhang Zhu was firmly fixed, his eyes widened in vain, but his pupils shrank to a point.

he died.

I will never die with my eyes in peace.

In a hidden corner, Fang Yuan watched from afar.

In these days, he has found out the details of Zhang Zhu. This Zhang Zhu is his obstacle and must be eradicated.

The two white bone guns gradually disintegrated and turned into dots of white light, dissipating in the air.

Zhang Zhu had no support and fell to the ground.

A white-feathered flying elephant pulled out its teeth, rushed to Zhang Zhu's body, and stepped on it. He trampled it into flesh and crushed its bones.

The white feathers flew away, and the flying elephant rose from the ground and flew into the air again.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan looked back and saw that Zhang Zhu was completely dead. Feixiang trampled the corpse, saving Fang Yuan the work of cleaning up the crime scene.

He quietly retreated.

Shortly after he left, another white-feathered flying elephant also flew away.

Its tusks penetrated the mountain wall, leaving two deep holes as big as the mouth of a bowl. A large piece of the mountain wall was recessed, and gravel was scattered around.

Suddenly, the rubble pile trembled, and then a head emerged from it.

"Oh my god, you scared me to death! Fortunately, I have the underground poison and escaped this disaster..." Chen Xin came up from the ground, breathing heavily, sweating, and terrified.

This underground Gu can make the Gu master sneak into the ground and hide temporarily. The disadvantage is that once used, the Gu Master can only be buried in one place and cannot move. And when it is activated, the Gu Master needs to continue to activate a large amount of true energy.

Chen Xin was chased all the time, and it wasn't until the last moment that he had time to use it.

"The situation is getting more and more chaotic. A Gu master actually assassinated Zhang Zhu." After taking a look at Zhang Zhu's body, which had been trampled into flesh and became unrecognizable, Chen Xin swallowed a mouthful of saliva and fled in panic.

The elephants wreaked havoc for more than an hour before leaving.

Shang Xinci and Xiaodie supported each other and walked out of the rain forest.

They were covered in mud and were in a state of disarray, and Xiaodie's face was even more purple. It was obvious that she had hit something while running away.

"Miss..." She was frightened to death. Death was so close to her, and her body was shaking when she walked.

Shang Xinci patted her hand to comfort her. But in fact, she was also pale.

Along the way, corpses were everywhere and blood flowed in the wild. Broken wheels, tragically dead camels, and the carcasses of fat black-skinned beetles and winged snakes lay across the commercial road.

As the survivors gradually gathered together, groans, wails, and cries were heard.

As the leader of the caravan, Jia Long's face was ashen. The casualties were too heavy this time. The entire caravan was severely reduced in number, down to one out of ten, and was completely disabled.

After gathering the team, there were only more than a hundred people left. Most of them are Gu masters, and a few are mortals.

The most powerful Jia family and Chen family are both suffering from injuries, let alone other teams. There are only three Gu masters left in the Lin family, and some unfortunate family teams have even died.

There are also dangers in the rainforest. Many people did not die under the stampede and collision of white-feathered flying elephants, but were greeted by the ferocious beasts and poisonous insects in the rainforest.

"Baiyun, it's great to see you. We were in the rain forest just now. Thank you for guiding a white-feathered flying elephant for us." Shang Xinci spotted Bai Ningbing in the group and took the initiative to express his thanks.

Fang Yuan was not at ease with Bai Ningbing and worried that she would be connected with Zhang Zhu, so he went to attack and kill Zhang Zhu himself. Bai Ningbing is responsible for following Shang Xinci secretly and protecting her life.

"It's nothing. I always repay kindness. Miss Zhang, it's not me who saved you, but your good deeds in the past." Bai Ningbing said.

She is usually taciturn and hardly speaks. If he speaks, he deliberately changes his voice and lowers his voice.

At this time, she no longer hid, and spoke in a normal tone, her tone was cold, her voice was clear, and it was obviously a female voice, which made both Shang Xinci and the maid have a slightly strange look on their faces.

"By the way, Baiyun, have you seen Uncle Zhang Zhu?" Shang Xinci asked, looking anxious, "I've searched everywhere, but I haven't found him yet."

Bai Ningbing sighed in her heart, Fang Yuan had returned, and she knew that Zhang Zhu must die.

"Don't worry, miss. Zhang Zhu is a Gu master with extraordinary skills. Maybe he is on his way back," she comforted.

"I hope so." Shang Xinci frowned, feeling increasingly uneasy.

Over there, Leader Jia Long stood on a high place and shouted: "Listen, everyone, the smell of blood here will soon attract other herds. We must evacuate as soon as possible. Everyone, move quickly and bring as much cargo as you can." Go up. What cannot be moved must be abandoned. We must leave here within one stick of incense."

The danger has not passed yet, so everyone has to cheer up, suppress their grief in their hearts, and get busy.

"Help me, someone help me! My blood is still flowing..."

"Take me with you, I only have one missing leg, I can still walk."

"Please, I'll give you yuan stones as reward. Two, three? Four is fine!"

The domestic slaves who were seriously injured and unable to move began to cry out in pleas.

Few people get help. These disabilities do not bring labor, but are a burden. Many people have been ruthlessly abandoned.

Watching the crowd go away, many went crazy and cursed loudly.

Some were crawling on the ground, trying to catch up with the caravan.

"Save me, Miss Zhang, you are the most kind-hearted!"

"Miss Zhang, please be kind..."

Shang Xinci hesitated in his steps, his lips trembled, his face was bloodless, and his eyes were confused and wandering.

The mountain breeze blew her green dress, and her hair was messy, as weak as grass in the wind and rain.

"Miss Zhang, let's go. Now is not the time for you to show kindness." Fang Yuan walked to her side, held her arm, and forcibly led her forward.

Xiaodie, who usually chattered like a sparrow, shut up now and hurried on, her legs and feet trembling.

"Believe me, everything will be fine." Fang Yuan said softly.

Shang Xinci covered her heart and took deep breaths. It was as if the air was thin and she couldn't breathe.

At first she just breathed through her nose. Gradually, she opened her mouth and sucked in the air.

Her steps became more and more shaky, and her limbs became weaker and weaker. If Fang Yuan hadn't supported her, she might have collapsed on the ground.

The smell of blood hit her nostrils, and her whole body was soaked with sweat. She shivered solidly when the mountain wind blew.

Just after this chill, Shang Xinci's breathing gradually calmed down.

After walking for more than ten steps, she stopped breathing heavily. After thirty steps, she closed her mouth and her breathing was no longer heavy. After more than fifty steps, her steps became strong again and she no longer needed Fang Yuan's support.

The mountain path extended steeply upwards. She walked to a slope, and a gust of mountain wind blew up, completely messing up her hair.

She held out her hand, sorting it out as she walked.

When she rearranged her bun, the confusion, fear, and worry in her eyes faded away, leaving only determination.

"Thank you." She said to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan nodded and let go of the hand supporting her.

Standing on the slope, she slowly stopped and looked back behind her.

"Do you know? This is the most difficult journey I have ever walked since I was born." She sighed quietly, her face still pale and her voice extremely soft.

A smile appeared on the corner of Fang Yuan's mouth, is this Shang Xinci? It is indeed a famous entry into southern Xinjiang.

Even Bai Ningbing couldn't help but look sideways and looked at Shang Xinci with admiration.

It is really not easy for a young girl to adjust so quickly after encountering a tragic change.

During this section of the road, there were constant sounds of begging and crying. These sounds were nothing to Fang Bai Erru, but to Shang Xinci, they were the greatest torture and torture!

Especially when Zhang Zhu disappeared and his biggest support disappeared, Shang Xinci was able to face all this bravely, which is really amazing.

This section of the road was an ordinary mountain road, but also a difficult and anxious journey. Shang Xinci gritted his teeth, did not fall, and walked through it with strength.

As if in an instant, she matured.

Fang Yuan suddenly chuckled and looked at Shang Xinci with a deep look: "Miss Zhang family, you are kind-hearted, why don't you help those who have been abandoned?"

These words earned Xiaodie an angry glare.

Shang Xinci smiled bitterly: "If I can save them, I will definitely take action. Unfortunately, even if I try my best, I can't save these people."

"Hehehe." Fang Yuan laughed loudly, "This is what I admire most about you. Irrational kindness is a crime. Although you are an ordinary person, I admire you. Miss Zhang family, on your way to life, There is a lot of wind and rain, and sometimes the road is very muddy. As long as you do the best you can, you can feel at ease."

Shang Xinci looked at Fang Yuan, and a wave of light flashed in his beautiful eyes.

She had already vaguely guessed that Fang Yuan and Bai Ningbing were not extraordinary. Fang Yuan's words just now made her confirm this point.

In her mind, she had unintentionally given Fang Bai Erru some help. These were only small favors, but they won Fang Bai Erru's recognition and appreciation.

After that, Fang Bai repaid himself several times. First, Bandit Monkey Mountain came to help, then he helped him make money, and just now he saved his life.

As a weak woman, she was expelled by her family in disguise, and most of her goods were lost. What was there for them to plot?


Under such circumstances, they still stood beside him all day long. Just from this action, you can tell that although they are mysterious, they have pure and upright characters, and they have truth, goodness and beauty hidden in their hearts.

I am lucky to have met them both.

Thinking of this, Shang Xinci couldn't help but feel emotional ripples in her heart. She stared deeply at Fang Yuan and said sincerely.


Although there were only two words, it revealed the deep gratitude in her heart.

Bai Ningbing couldn't help but roll her eyes.

If Shang Xinci knew, almost all disasters were directed by Fang Yuan. I wonder what her attitude will be?

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