Reverse Growth Superstar

: 1981: Before Link comes back

     When Link appeared on the court wearing thick shoulder and rib protection, everyone on the Grizzlies was a little surprised.

   They thought that Link would not appear today, but the Grizzlies leader still stood on the basketball court.

   "Can you play today? That's great!" Hearing the news that Link will be available today, the Grizzlies players instantly boosted their morale!

   Their already determined heart has become more indestructible.

"You can play, but it won't last long. I will come off the bench today, so most of the time, I have to rely on you." Link smiled slightly. With so many supportive teammates around him, Link felt Very pleased.

   Fighting for such a team is worth it!

"Hahaha, great. Now, we can beat the warriors fiercely! They thought they could take advantage of others and dream of it!" Iguodala waved his fist, and the flames in his body seemed to be burning. .

"By the way, Andre. I saw everything you said in the interview today. Thank you, I am proud to have you by my side." Link looked at Iguodala, his eyes full of Love...

"Uh... have you seen it all...hahahaha, it's all from my heart, and it's what I should do." Iguodala scratched his head, if it wasn't because of the skin. Black, his blush must be very obvious.

"Now there are reports about you everywhere on the Internet. I think you must now become a thorn in the eyes of Warriors fans." Link shook his head. In the original history, Iguodala was the most important player of the Warriors. one.

   And now? He went to the opposite of the Warriors.

   Destiny is really wonderful.

   "It doesn't matter, as long as I can still fight, they won't want to step on us easily!"

   "I will come off the bench today, and it won’t be long. When I’m away, I’ll beg you, Andre."

"Don't worry, leave it to me, I said, I will guard your glory. By the way, and your championship ring. I can never leave you empty-handed and propose to Rachel?" Iguodala As he said, he blinked his eyes.

   He once said that all he can do when it comes to the proposal is to help Link get the championship ring.

   Now, it's time to fulfill the promise.

   When warming up, Link just made a few random shots and sat back to rest.

   So in the eyes of people, Link still has no chance to play today.

"Although Link came to the scene wearing a jersey, he seems to have no chance of playing when he warmed up. The Warriors must be happy now. Although they are lagging behind, they are one step closer to the championship. !"

   Mike Brin sighed, how long has it been since the NBA has had a team or player capable of establishing a three-game winning streak?

   I thought that Link would truly define this era and really produce a dominant result. But who knows, the Grizzlies would have such an encounter.

"This is the NBA, Mike. The last time the two sides played against each other here, people thought that the Grizzlies would start a counterattack. However, the Warriors are not 100% able to win. Andre said before the game, he would Desperately protect Link’s glory. He has never been an annoying player. Let us look forward to his performance."

   Next to Mike Brin, Kevin Haran focused on Iguodala.

   The forward who is no longer young, like Link, never likes to write bad checks.

   Of course, the Warriors did not take Iguodala's words into consideration. Kerr admits that Iguodala is an outstanding player. But he does not think that Iguodala has the ability to stop the Warriors from advancing.

   "There is nothing to say about this game. If you still want to win and want to win the championship, then kill them cleanly! The Grizzlies have lost their most powerful weapon, and now we are fighting back!"

   According to Cole, the Warriors should have won yesterday. If it weren't for Link's two miraculous defenses at the last moment, or Carter's last miraculous shot, the Warriors would now be ahead!

   But miracles cannot appear every day, without Link, Carter's magic will disappear.

   The Grizzlies can never be so lucky every time. Today, no one can stop the Warriors from winning.

   The game started very quickly, and sure enough, Link sat on the bench and did not appear.

   Warriors fans cheered, and their biggest worries are now gone.

  The victory is not martial? Are you kidding? There is no victory in the world of competitive sports, there are only winners and losers!

   The live camera gave Link a close-up. The thick protective gear made him look bloated.

"The starting five of the Grizzlies are Conley, Butler, Tony Allen, Andre and Harris. They are still a five-small team, but without Link. Without Link, this is the biggest Grizzlies today. problem."

   "The Golden State Warriors will not be merciful. They will definitely destroy the Grizzlies before the fourth quarter. They have been oppressed for too long and the counterattack will be very fierce."

   The whole world has already sentenced the Grizzlies to death. Iguodala’s "affectionate confession" to Link before the game is indeed touching, and indeed inspiring. It shows the Grizzlies’ unique and good dressing room atmosphere to the fullest.

   But no one thinks that Iguodala can really do it.

   I have to say that people are indeed forgetful. When Warriors fans reported this kind of psychology last time, Carter did a lore in the bottom left corner...

   When the game started, when Green was striving for basketball, the shouts of the fans in the stands rushed to the court like waves.

  Link was sitting on the bench, and he felt as if he would be washed away by the loud sound at any time.

   The Warriors played decisively and confidently. If they can't win even when Link can't play, don't play at all!

   As soon as the game started, Thompson made a three-pointer after getting a chance by running without the ball.

   They are not going to torture the Grizzlies. The Warriors want to make a quick decision and quickly get the lead.

   After Thompson scored, the Warriors quickly retreated. They believed that without Link's sharp knife, the Grizzlies could no longer tear the Warriors' defenses as easily as before!

   The defense of the Warriors is also one of the top five in the league.

   Kangli slowly took possession of the ball and walked to the Warriors halftime. He observed the situation and found that there was no good chance.

   So, the point guard who was also eager to protect Link's glory called Harris to come for cover, and he planned to look for opportunities himself.

   But after breaking into the restricted area under cover, Conley still didn't get any space. If it was Link, he might be able to score in such a harsh situation.

   But Conley is not Link, and not everyone can play the role of super scorer.

   Kangli then took the ball around the penalty area and walked out again.

   Cole is very satisfied with the Warriors' solid defense, and he is confident that the Warriors can maintain this defensive efficiency throughout the game!

   Seeing that the Grizzlies’ offense was about to stop, Conley suddenly threw the ball into the penalty area without warning.

   Cole was startled at first, but soon calmed down.

   Conley's pass made Cole think of Link for an instant. That guy can always violently burst out of tight defense and complete dunk dunks.

   But Cole remembered that Link was still sitting on the bench, so he instantly relaxed.

   This kind of ball, besides Link, who can the Grizzlies catch?

   Just when everyone in the Warriors thought Conley's pass was taken for granted, the strong forward wearing the Grizzlies No. 9 jersey got rid of Livingston and rushed in.

   He leaped high, straightened his arms, and caught the basketball that seemed to be thrown into the air at random.

   If it wasn't for the skin color and the jersey number people might really think that Link had run out of the bench.

   Iguodala struggled in the air. After gliding for a certain distance, he slammed the ball into the frame with both hands!

   Indeed, Iguodala always plays dead in the regular season. But don’t forget, he was once one of the league’s best athletic players in the third position!

"Andre Iguodala, he completed this beautiful dunk! When the Grizzlies were unable to open the situation, he bravely stood up! Before the game, Andre said he would Desperately guarding Link's honor, it seems that he didn't joking with Cole!"

   After the goal, Iguodala looked up and screamed, then glared at Green.

   From last summer Randolph took the initiative to cut his salary for him, to now Link has endured unspeakable pain and returned to the court for three consecutive championships...

   Iguodala has fallen in love with this team, and he will not let anyone beat this tenacious team at will.

  Before Link played, he didn't allow the Warriors to get a half-point advantage!

   Seeing Iguodala succeed in dunking in such a harsh situation, Cole instantly felt very painful in his brain.

   Iguodala, this guy, won’t he really stand up...



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