Reverse Growth Superstar

: Nine Hundred and Eighty Eight: The Forgotten LeBron

     That evening, Link and Rachel cuddled up on the sofa and watched the live broadcast of Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Finals.

   Since the Grizzlies and Warriors’ super game has been awaited by fans for a long time, this year, most fans’ eyes have focused on the Western Conference Finals.

  So that, this year's Eastern Conference finals ratings have been very worrying. Even many people don't know how the situation in the east is going.

   But if someone is like Link today, take a night to watch the Eastern Conference finals. Then, he would be quite surprised.

   At this time, the Cavaliers and Eagles series has reached the fourth game. The total score of the series is 3 to 0!

   The Cleveland Cavaliers did not give the Eagles, who won 60 wins and ranked first in the East, any chance. In every game, the Cavaliers almost pushed the Eagles into desperation!

   The Hawks this season are not easy to provoke. Generally, the Eastern Conference teams with 60 wins are basically champions.

   For example, the Heat with 66 wins in the 12-13 season, the Cavaliers with 61 wins in the 2009-10 season, and the Celtics with 66 wins in the 07-08 season.

   This year, when the Eagles played a destructive offensive in the regular season and led the Cavaliers to the playoffs by seven wins, people had high hopes for this "Eastern Spurs".

   In the first two rounds of the series, the Hawks did indeed play very well. The first round defeated the wealthy Nets 4-2, and the second round also eliminated the energetic Wizards 4-2.

   In the playoffs, the Eagles' ultimate team basketball is still playing vigorously. It is said that Budenhorse will reshape the Spurs' glory in Atlanta.

   However, in the Eastern Conference Finals, the Hawks met the Cavaliers, and everything changed.

  In all three previous fights against the Cavaliers, the Eagles had lost indefinitely.

   In the first game, the Eagles lost ten points with an advantage, and they lost to JR Smith's magical 5 three-pointers in the second half.

   The Hawks lost 12 points in the second game. With 30 points, 9 rebounds and 11 assists, James completely destroyed the first in the Eastern Conference.

   In the third game, the Eagles broke out across the board, eager to regain a city, after all, this is their last chance to keep hope. If the total score becomes 3 to 0, then everything is over.

The results of it? James Demigod made a large triple-double with 37 points, 18 rebounds and 13 assists. While winning the game, he also surpassed Karl Malone in the playoffs total points list, ranking sixth in history.

   So, the eagle can only face this desperate situation. 3 to 0, the Cavaliers did it cleanly.

   No one thought that the Cavaliers would be so relaxed when facing the Eagles. Most importantly, James' performance was beyond everyone's expectations.

   This season may be the one that James has received the least attention.

   Link and Curry's duo battle for hegemony, the 60+ victories exploded by the Grizzlies and the Warriors, and the disappointing record of the Cavaliers themselves all made James lose his former aura.

   In this year's MVP vote, James got only 11% of the votes, which is a lot behind Curry and Link. You know, just a few years ago, he still won 4 MVPs in 5 years.

  The whole world thinks that James is old, he is no longer the former overlord. But this tough No. 23 ended all suspicion with a series of beautiful victories.

   Now in the playoffs, the Cavaliers have only lost two games. This number is only one more than the Grizzlies.

   And tonight, James' performance is still bursting. There is no doubt that James no longer wants to waste time in the conference finals.

  His goal has always been not an Eastern Conference championship or regular season number one, but a championship!

   From the beginning of the 12-13 season to the present, James has been experiencing failure. He reached the finals for four consecutive years, but only took away a championship trophy.

   Although he did get the coveted championship ring, for James, one is far from enough.

   What he wants is to create a dynasty, to establish an era of his own, not just a championship ring.

   Therefore, James did not give the Eagles any chance tonight!

   From the first second of the game, James has a firm grasp of the rhythm. Under his attraction, Irving and Love also got a lot of easy scoring opportunities.

   As soon as the first quarter came up, the Cavaliers took a 12-point lead. In the absence of superstars, it is difficult for the Hawks to close the score even if they have three quarters to play.

   Link looked at James running on the court and clenched his fists.

   Yes, everyone thought that James had fallen, and everyone thought that the era of "the proud man of heaven" had ended.

   But in fact, LeBron has always been Link's worst enemy! He has always been the most powerful contender for the championship, and this has never changed.

   "What's wrong with you? Why do you feel that your whole body is tense suddenly, is it uncomfortable?" Rachel hurriedly got up from Link's arms, for fear that he was pressing on Link's wound.

   "It's okay, I just saw an old friend I haven't seen for a long time. I was a little excited." Link smiled. This year's finals still seems to be very interesting.

  In the end, the Cavaliers slaughtered the Eagles 118-88 at home, leaving no good wishes for the Eastern Conference No. 1 player.

   4 to 0, clean and neat, James entered the finals for the fifth consecutive year!

   There is no sense of existence in the regular season, and there is no bright spot in the record? It doesn't matter, just win the playoffs!

   After the game, LeBron James was interviewed by reporters on the sidelines.

   The Eastern Conference Finals this season is indeed very humble, because after the Cavaliers just played a beautiful victory, today's interview question is still related to the Western Conference Finals.

   "LeBron, who do you think the Warriors and Grizzlies will eventually meet with you in the finals?"

   Faced with this problem, James just smiled, then pointed to the camera, "I know you are watching, I am waiting for you."

   After speaking, James turned and left.

   Many people are at a loss. James answered this as if he didn't answer.

   But Link knew that James was waiting for himself!

   "Don't worry, I won't let you wait too long." Link muttered, turning off the TV.

  The duel between him and James cannot be interrupted by others.

   Two days later, at the Federal Express Arena, the Golden State Warriors launched a desperate resistance.

   Curry, Thompson and Green all showed their own housekeeping skills.

   This year, after all, there is an example of a 1 to 3 backward result reversal before everyone. Therefore, the Warriors players did not give up easily and played very hard.

   But the two games in Oakland have given the Grizzlies great confidence.

   No matter how fierce the Warriors counterattack, the Grizzlies can withstand it.

   In this game, the two sides took turns leading 22 times. But the biggest difference is only 7 points. This shows how intense the game is.

   But in the last few minutes of the fourth quarter, the Warriors were somewhat weak in follow-up. The lack of an advantage for a long time has caused their morale to decline a little bit.

   In the last 27 seconds of the game, the Grizzlies only led the Warriors by 2 points. Stephen Curry got a chance to kill the game, but under high pressure, he finally failed to withstand it and struck out a three-pointer.

After    passed, Link, who was still wearing his protective gear, made a jump shot from the top of the arc outside the three-point line.

   This three-pointer is as if Link pulled the trigger on a pistol.

   put an end to the last possibility of the Golden State Warriors.

   Most people make mistakes in the face of high pressure, but only a small number of people will become more and more courageous in the high pressure environment.

   Link falls into this category.

"Five points, Link's goal ended all the suspense of the game! There is still 1.3 seconds left for the Warriors. But even if one more second, the Warriors are already powerless. Cheers, the Memphis Grizzlies survived. The most difficult level before the finals! Now, Link will officially launch an impact towards the third consecutive championship!"

   The whole Memphis was jubilant, 4 to 1. Although one step behind the Cavaliers, the Grizzlies still entered the finals for the third consecutive year without any risk.

  The sky floated down the ribbon, and the on-site staff pushed the Western Conference Championship trophy into the Grizzlies players embraced and celebrated each other.

   Link couldn't celebrate too much with his teammates, so he stood in the center of the court and clapped foolishly.

   For an instant, the whole world seemed to have forgotten the Golden State Warriors. When they left, they didn't care at all.

   When the Grizzlies players were on the court celebrating their third consecutive year of winning the Western Conference trophy, Draymond Green, who was walking in the player tunnel, was extremely upset.

   He really regrets that when he gave Link an elbow, he didn't use more force...

   "Fuck!" Green hit the wall with a punch. The louder the cheers outside, the more anger in his heart.

   But being vigorous is useless, he has already lost. Want revenge, only wait until a year later!

   One year later, one year later...

   Green suddenly raised his head, took out his cell phone, and found a name in the address book that he had barely contacted.

   After thinking for a few seconds, Green sent a text message to the name.

   "See what we lack? We need you, come on."

   One year is enough to change many things...



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