Reverse Growth Superstar

: Ninety-five: I got a routine (7/40)

Memphis on January 21 is highly anticipated. This is the second consecutive focus game for the Grizzlies after the New Orleans Hornets.

In addition to the personal grievances between Link and the Rockets, this game is also related to the competition between the two sides.

With the Jazz's performance declining, the Rockets, Hornets and Grizzlies will compete for a place in the playoffs even more frantically.

The original probability of 3 in 1 has now become 3 in 2, so naturally everyone wants to fight hard.

In the last game, the Grizzlies just defeated the Hornets and improved their rankings from a head-on match. So for the Rockets, their pressure is huge.

The Grizzlies and Hornets are gradually widening the gap with the Rockets, and Adelman may not allow his team to miss the playoffs for the second consecutive year.

So today, the Rockets came to the Federal Express Center Arena in the afternoon to prepare. This shows how much the Houston Rockets attach to this game.

However, when the Rockets players entered the field, they found that the Grizzlies had already begun to warm up. Adelman couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that the opponent was eager for victory as much as him.

Link always felt a little weird watching the Rockets players enter the field. In Houston, he and Adelman and some of the Rockets players actually get along pretty well. What he really hates is using his Morey, not the Rockets players.

Although he has only played in the NBA for less than half a season, Link has already experienced the complicated mood of playing against his old team. His experience is really amazing.

"Link, long time no see!"

Just as Link stared at the Rockets players, Jordan Hill, a center with a dirty braid, walked towards Link enthusiastically.

During the Rockets, Link's most talked about goal was his air relay with Jordan Hill. And because of that ball, Hill got along very happily with Link. Although Link only spent ten days with the Rockets, he and Hill are also friends.

"Long time no see, how are you doing these days?" Link hugged Jordan Hill, and he suddenly felt that the NBA world seemed more than just cruel fighting.

"What a good thing, the rankings are behind you. It's a pity, I thought we would continue to cooperate..." Hill sighed, even he did not expect the Rockets to give up Link.

"No way, this is something we can't control. How is the preparation for the game? It's not that simple to take away the victory in Memphis."

"Yeah, yeah, even Chris Paul has fallen into your hands. Of course we will not take it lightly." Hill said, turning to look at Kevin Martin who was warming up in the other half, "but You have to be careful too, because we are well prepared."

Link looked at Martin over Jordan Hill's shoulder. Speaking of which, he happened to be facing that guy today...


"I didn't expect you to come to Memphis. I heard that you applied for it?"

On the commentary stage of the Federal Express Center, two T.NT commentators chatted for a while before the game started.

Jeff Van Gundy, as the former Rockets coach, was arranged by T.NT to explain the game. According to the original plan, his partner should be a local narrator in Memphis. But today, the famous Charles Barkley appeared beside him. Therefore, Van Gundy asked curiously.

"Hahaha, I did take the initiative to apply to explain the game. To be precise, I want to watch the game in person." Barkley made no secret of his purpose, although this guy is a "villain in front of work" ", but in fact he is very sincere to his colleagues.

"Why? Something in Memphis?"

"What can be the matter? If you watched the last game between the Grizzlies and the Hornets, I believe you will be attracted to the Grizzlies. I believe that today's game is no less exciting than the previous one. "Barkley said, throwing his gaze to the court, staring at the number 0 who was talking to Jordan Hill.

"Haha," Van Gundy smiled, "I understand what you mean, Charles. It seems that you have become a fan of Link?"

"The fans can't talk about it, but...I always have expectations for that kid, and I want to know what he can do. Don't look at him so friendly now, when he gets on the court, that kid has completely changed. Personally."

On the court, Link ended the conversation with Hill, and then continued to warm up. Today, under the leadership of Marcus Will, Link deliberately practiced the offensive action of holding the ball and breaking through to the basket. There is no doubt that Hollins today definitely asked Link to use his physical advantage to beat Kevin Martin.

Martin has performed very well in the last two games. On January 17th, the Houston Rockets played against the Bucks. Martin blasted 36 points. On January 19, the Rockets played against New York, and Martin also scored 25 points.

Therefore, Link did not dare to slack off. He is the opponent's top scorer today, and he doesn't want to be crushed by Martin.

The warm-up continued for a while, and the referee signaled that both sides were ready to start the game. The players of the two teams have just left the field and listen to the head coach for the final deployment.

"On the defensive end, be careful of that kid's fake moves. You are experienced and I believe you will not make mistakes. As for the offensive end... seduce him more, you know what to do." Before the game, Adel Man deliberately reached Martin's ear and confessed a few words.

He knew that Hollins would definitely use Link to continue playing the starting second position today. After all, for the three games in which Mayo was suspended, Link did a very good job in the starting position.

Starting in three games, Link averaged 18 points per game and hit 57.6%. Compared to Mayo's starting, I don't know how many times it works.

Not to mention, Link's key steals and lore with high gold content in the previous game.

Therefore, it is normal for Adelman to be afraid of Link.

But Adelman also believes that Kevin Martin has the ability to defeat Link. No matter how great Link is, he will always be a loser. Kevin Martin is not the Belinelli of the last game. If you think Martin is just a shooter, you are wrong.

A few minutes later, the game officially started. Barkley stared at the stadium expectantly. He wanted to see how Link would take revenge on the Rockets.

Also paying attention to this game is the Rockets general manager Morey, although in front of the media, he is a link. But in fact, Morey is eager for Link to play abnormally today.

In this way, the Rockets can not only win, Morey can also get rid of infamy.

Before you know it, Link has also become a lot of attention.

"This game is of great significance to the Grizzlies starting second position, Link, who entered the league with enthusiasm, but was cruelly abandoned by the Houston Rockets. So he played against the Rockets' subordinate team Viper in the Development League. In the game, Link scored 52 points in one fell swoop, setting a personal scoring record for the Development League. Today, facing the real Rockets, I don’t know what Link can perform."

Barkley on the commentary stage has begun to play up the atmosphere of the game before jumping the ball. He directly moved the relationship between Link and the Rockets, hoping that all fans can catch the spotlight.

Both sides jumped the ball, and Gasol continued to win the ball for the Grizzlies. Rockets center Chuck Hayes claims that he can reach 2 meters in height in shoes. Naturally, he can't compete with Gasol for the fifth position of this body.

The Grizzlies played a very regular first offense, and Randolph took the lead to open the situation.

Randolph went into the low post to play Argentine forward Scola, and easily used a hook to give the Grizzlies the first place.

As a "born and raised" Chinese, the Rockets of Yao Ming were naturally one of Link's home teams. And Scola, is the character that the Rockets of that period could not spare.

The Argentine has excellent skills at the basket, and his steps are very exciting. But limited by physical fitness, his defensive ability is very mediocre. It's not a colander, but it's not powerful either.

Therefore, Randolph playing Scola is not too easy. Inside offense, this is the main offensive strategy of the Grizzlies today.

The Grizzlies took the lead in scoring, but Link did not relax his vigilance. Because he knows very well that he is about to meet today's first challenge.

The Kevin Martin, who looked thinner than Link, was running towards the frontcourt.

The Rockets' starting point guard is Kyle Lowry, who will become a big hit in Toronto in the future. Link still remembers that Lowry became famous this year. This once little-known guard entered everyone's field of vision from this However, Lowry's offensive stability was very poor during this period. Therefore, his first goal is not to score, but to connect the teams.

Kevin Martin ran across the court, hoping to get a chance to catch the ball. Link followed closely behind. He knew that the best way for a defensive shooter was to end a close press without giving him any space.

Martin finally ran to the right corner and received a pass from Lowry.

Martin did not hesitate after catching the ball and broke through immediately! He wanted to beat Link for a time lag, but Link backed up in time, and blocked his way.

"Link did a good defense, he always stayed around Kevin Martin!" Jeff Van Gundy exclaimed on the commentary stage.

But Adelman on the sidelines laughed, and that kid really got fooled!

Seeing Link clinging to him, Kevin Martin, who broke through to the middle distance, suddenly jumped, his body still leaning forward.

Link, who has rich experience in Grant Hill, understood what Martin wanted to do at once, but it was too late to escape.

In this way, Martin leaned on Link and shot the ball, and then fell to the ground very exaggeratedly, as if he was hit by a big truck.

And Link dared to swear to heaven, he didn't use any force at all!

However, this is the essence of Kevin Martin. His superb acting skills and thin body can easily win the referee's sympathy. From the visual point of view of the ball just now, Kevin Martin seemed to have been seriously violated.

When Link recovered, the referee had already blew his whistle. Link shoots a foul, Martin wants to stand on the free throw line and make two free throws!

"I'm Cao?" Link looked at Martin, and then remembered that this guy was the defender who would play against porcelain in the league before James Harden became famous!

Martin Yin smiled and walked past Link, then stood on the free throw line. One loses the draft, win it!

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