Reverse Growth Superstar

: One Thousand and Five: Brat, the wings are stiff

   On the fourth day after winning, once again, Memphis was carnival.

   held a championship parade in his city for the third consecutive year, but not all fans of the team have this blessing.

   This year, the Grizzlies championship parade is still lively, attracting more foreign tourists to participate.

   It is said that as early as the end of the finals, the major hotels in Memphis were already fully booked.

   Memphis has never been a tourist destination, and the tourism industry is not developed. The reason why people book hotels in advance is to experience the frenetic atmosphere of the championship parade.

   Even if the finals were not over yet...

   It can be seen that the championship parade has even become one of the endorsements of Memphis. The game has not yet been determined, and everyone can't wait to pour into Memphis to participate in this lively event.

   The influence of a well-known professional sports team on a city really involves all aspects.

   If Link and the Grizzlies didn’t have the three consecutive championships, Memphis might still be the same as it was.

   This year's championship parade to celebrate the dynasty is the largest in three years. The Grizzlies players started directly from the suburbs and slowly drove into the city center.

   Even though the route is so long, every section is still full of people.

  Although the scale has become larger, the specific process is similar to previous years.

   Finally, the players' destination is still the showroom of the Federal Express Arena.

   Under the attention of all the Grizzlies players, Link put the third O'Brien Cup belonging to Memphis into the display box, adding a strong touch to this already magnificent honor showroom.

   Once, the Federal Express Arena didn't have an honor showroom, because the Grizzlies couldn't get any honor.

   But now, the various honor trophies and honor moments of the Grizzlies are enough to decorate this big room beautifully.

   When every new player joins the Lakers, the Lakers management likes to take him into the showroom, ask him to face a row of attractive O'Brien Cups, and then pour chicken soup.

   Now, Grizzlies can learn this trick and use it. In the future, there will be new players joining the Grizzlies, Link will definitely bring him here, and then said earnestly, "Look, look at the honor here, look at this glorious history. As long as you work hard, you can become one of them. a part of."

   After Link placed the trophy, the Grizzlies players have completed the last task of this long season.

   Link looked at the three championship trophies, and countless images and memories poured into his mind.

   Unknowingly, he created an era...this feeling is really amazing.

   "Well, you did your last task very well. Congratulations, everyone, it is my honor to work with you. Now the team is disbanded on the spot. Enjoy your vacation, guys."

   In the end, Dave Jorge brought the final end to this season.

   The players screamed in excitement. The days of fighting with muscular men every day are finally over. Can you guys be upset?

   Everyone walked out of the showroom one after another, discussing plans for this summer in groups.

   Link is going straight home, and then discuss their summer trip with Rachel.

   At this moment, Jimmy Butler suddenly got close to Link.


   "Jimmy, what's wrong?"

"Um...Is there time in two days? I want to invite you to have a meal alone." Butler smiled. Although it seemed relaxed on the surface, he actually made this invitation, but he got up. Great courage.

   "Oh? What's the situation? You won't suddenly bring a girl over and say I'm getting married, hahahaha." Link laughed, but didn't attract the attention of others.

   Because most people are talking and laughing at this time, everyone is in a good mood.

   "Well... it's not such a thing. In short, if you have time, just tell me, just two days, okay? I'll go back and wait for your call." Butler finished speaking, and left hastily.

   Link stopped, staying in place and scratching his head.

   What matter, you have to come out alone. Butler can be considered to have accompanied Link all the way. Since Link's second grade, he has been fighting hand in hand with Link ever since.

   But for so many years, Butler has never been so nervous.

   Link shook his head and didn't continue to think. Anyway, he will stay in Memphis these few days. Since Butler is kindly invited, let's find out.


   Link met Butler in an empty high-end restaurant. It was obvious that Butler temporarily contracted the entire restaurant for this "date".

   Of course, this consumption is completely stress-free for this unlucky person who once could only stay at a friend's house.

   "Damn, we are in such a big battle. I don't know, I thought we were really dating." Link and Butler made a joke, but Link found that Butler was smiling reluctantly.

   Butler really doesn't like to laugh, so he can't pretend to laugh.

   At that moment, Link suddenly realized that this is more than just a gathering between old friends.

  Today is a sunny and sunny day. But Butler was sitting on the side in the shadows, and Link felt as if he couldn't see his face.

   "Link, how was your vacation?"

   "The holiday hasn't officially started yet. Rachel and I plan to go to Europe for a while. It's not me, Jimmy. Your opening statement is really bad, do you have something on your mind?"

   Butler suddenly pursed his lips, like a child whose heart is being said by an adult, "I...I do want to tell you something, but I don't know how to speak."

   Butler was very nervous, even more nervous than asking him to perform a lore shot at the last second.

   Although Link entered the league only a year earlier than him, but I don't know why, Link is full of majesty in front of him.

   In Butler's mind, Link is not only his teammate, but also a stern brother.

   Butler has fantasized about this scene countless times, even on the day of the championship. He thought he was ready, but when this moment really came, he was a little at a loss.

   "Damn, look at you like that. If there is anything that can't be said, what is taboo between the two of us, let's talk!"

   "Hmm..." Butler hesitated for a moment.

   "Then tell me first, is it bad news?" Link leaned forward, shortening the distance between Butler. Now, Butler had to face all this even if he was hiding in the shadows.

   "I don't know if this is bad news, I... Link, I plan to test the free agent market this summer."

   Link was startled, he thought he had misheard. He never expected that Butler would go out to eat by himself, actually for this kind of thing.

what's the situation? They just took home the third championship trophy together a few days ago. They just established a dynasty, and there is no contradiction between them!

   In that case, why would you want to leave?

   Seeing Link staring at him with an unbelievable expression, Butler quickly explained, "This question, uh... I actually thought about it for a long time."

   Butler wiggled his hands, because he was so nervous that he had nowhere to put it.

   After the shock, Link also leaned back on the back of the chair and picked up the wine on the table. "Why?"

" know, following you in the past few years, I have done things that many people can't do in their lives. I won the championship, three. I was selected to the All-Defensive Team, I From an unpopular first-round rookie to a star player..."

   Butler paused, he rarely said so much at once. But Link didn't interrupt, but nodded and motioned for him to continue.

   This picture really looks like a gangster reporting to the godfather.

   After getting the consent of the "Godfather", Butler continued to speak.

"To be honest, I was very happy in Memphis. I also enjoyed the feeling of playing next to you. I am very happy that we built a dynasty together. I love this city and this team. But I also know No matter how many championships you win, no matter how many dynasties you establish, this is your team, your city, not mine. I am here, not even Scott Pippen."

   "Of course I am not complaining, Link!" Butler waved his hand quickly, fearing that Link would be wrong.

"I'm glad I got three championship rings here, but it's enough. If I continue to follow your **** and win more championships under your protection, I don't think it is for me. It makes sense. With three championship rings, I want to go for it myself, I want to let go, I think... I want to be like you!"

"People say that a man will always have one thing in his life that they want to accomplish you, Link. Under your leadership, I do The urge to do something."

   Link probably understood, Butler was neither for the money nor because he was unhappy in Memphis.

   It's just that his ambitions started to stir, he wanted to make himself greater. He wants to be Jimmy Butler, not Link's helper Jimmy Butler.

   Yes, you can never confine a bloodthirsty bulldog, nor can you keep it on a chain.

   Link smiled and muttered a Chinese sentence, "Smelly boy, the wings are hard."

   "Huh?" Butler had been fantasizing about how Link would respond, but he never expected Link to reply with something he didn't understand at all.

"Nothing, if you really think about it, I can't stop you. Of course I don't want you to leave, but after all, you are not my personal property, and I have no right to interfere with your life. What will you go after? The road is up to you. But I have to give you a shot. If you meet on the basketball court in the future, don't expect me to forgive you lightly, Jimmy, I will spank you."

   Link patted Butler on the shoulder, "Let’s eat, I’m hungry."

   "Thank you, Link."

   "Cut, after eating, remember to tell others in advance, it is not good to leave without saying goodbye."

   "Well, I see, Link!" Butler nodded, at least for now, he is still Link's little brother.

   Finally leaving the shelter of the strong, taking his own role, Butler was a little excited.

   Of course, I am also very disappointed.



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