Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and twelve: 1 year later

   The morning sun spilled into the bedroom through the gap in the curtains, and Link was awakened by the dazzling sunlight, so he opened his eyes dimly.

   He sighed, turned his head and looked beside him, and found his fiancée was asleep.

   So Link got up on tiptoe, and after going to the toilet to wash, he planned to prepare for Rachel for the morning.

   Outside the kitchen window, the sun is shining and the wind is beautiful. The lake in the backyard was waved by the breeze.

   Seeing this scene, Link was stunned.

   All this seems to be so similar to last summer, or even exactly the same!

   He hurriedly took out his cell phone to take a look, and then shook his head slightly.

   He didn't dream, he didn't wake up and went back to the summer when the dynasty was established last year.

  The year on the phone is 2016.

   All this happened this year, are real...

   Yes, it's been a year. One year has passed since the Grizzlies established their dynasty in 2015.

   In less than a month, Link will be celebrating his 28th birthday.

   From 22 years old to now 28 years old, before he knew it, Link had been a professional player for 6 years.

   He couldn't help but look at himself in the mirror. Although 28 years old is not too old, he does look a little older than his original youth.

   Also, now he is no longer a young player in the league.

   Link shook his head, time passed faster than expected.

   The last time I experienced this morning, it seemed to be yesterday. I remembered that I was going to run for three before, it seemed that it was still very far away.

   But now, everything is close at hand.

   Link took two eggs out of the refrigerator, heated the pot, and started to make breakfast.

   While frying the eggs, Link recalled scenes from that year just past.

   Time flies so fast that he doesn't have the time to taste like today.

   This year is not a very smooth year for the Grizzlies and Link.

   Last summer, the Grizzlies suffered a complete defeat in the free agency market. In contrast, several of the Grizzlies’ biggest opponents have been reinforced to varying degrees.

   So, the Grizzlies started their new season without being optimistic.

   This year, Marc Gasol is 31 years old, and he has finally passed the age called "young".

   "Big Black Bear" Randolph is 35 years old. This naive ghost who stuffed popcorn into Link's car six years ago has come to the end of his career.

   Vince Carter is 39 years old and everyone is discussing whether this will be his last season.

   Tony Allen is 34 years old. You can clearly see that he is a little weak when defending the boys who are more than ten years younger than him on the basketball court.

   The former "little AI" has also come to the age of 32. He dunks fewer and fewer times. The average points per game in the playoffs and regular season have also fallen to single digits.

   The opposite of the aging lineup is the youth of the Grizzlies’ fresh blood.

   In the main rotation, Harrell, Jokic, Richardson and Dinwiddie are all first-year rookies. Although Jokic and Dinwiddie are strictly second graders, they are officially playing in the NBA in their first year.

   A team with so many rookies entering the main rotation, this is generally a matter of rebuilding the team's talents.

   Therefore, no one is optimistic about the Grizzlies this season. After three consecutive championships, everyone took it for granted that it was time for the Grizzlies to fall.

   After the regular season started, the Golden State Warriors with Durant joined the Grizzlies.

   They slaughtered all quarters in the alliance without any disadvantage.

   opened 24 consecutive wins, breaking the longest opening streak set by the Grizzlies in the 13-14 season.

   There was no losing streak in a single season and became the second team to achieve this achievement after the Grizzlies continued.

   Not losing to the same team more than once in a single season, which is also the first case since the Grizzlies.

The single-season away win is the first in history, the second fastest in history to lock the playoff team, the number of three-pointers in a single season is 1,077, the first in history...and the Warriors tied the Grizzlies’ 74 in a single season Winning record, tied for the first place in history with the Grizzlies.

   No matter how you look at it, the Warriors have the shadow of the Grizzlies back then. In the words of Bill Simmons, "They are an overly strong team!"

   And the grizzly bear? The Grizzlies won't even miss the playoffs this year. But their 58 wins in a single season is a far cry from the Warriors' 74 wins.

   This is also the first time the Grizzlies won more than 60 games in a single season in four years!

   This year's regular season, the Grizzlies have indeed exposed some problems of declining strength. But it is not the strength of the lineup that really crushes them, but the injuries!

   If you say last season, the Grizzlies have fallen into an injury spell. So this season, they are directly in the purgatory caused by injuries.

   Gasol has only played 52 games this season. On February 10, 2016, he announced an indefinite truce due to a broken right foot. On February 24, the Grizzlies had no choice but to announce that Gasol had undergone foot surgery and would miss all games for the rest of the season.

   Conley is not much better, only playing 56 games, the second-lowest appearance rate in his career. Also in February 2016, Conley underwent surgery on his left heel to remove a small protruding bone and was reimbursed for the season.

   The remaining few veterans, Randolph played 68 games, Iguodala 65 games, Tony Allen 64 games, Carter 60 games, all three of them were beat and stop, and minor injuries continued.

   This season, a total of 28 Grizzlies have played for the team! Among them, most are firefighters who have played less than 15 times.

   You know how serious the Grizzlies’ injury problems are.

   But not every time the Grizzlies sign a firefighter, they can sign a guy like Whiteside.

   In the end, Link can only bring a bunch of young, old bones, and a bunch of mercenaries to enter the playoffs as the third in the Western Conference.

   In the first two rounds, the Grizzlies were already very difficult. They first eliminated the Blazers 4-2, and then in the Western Conference semifinals, they defeated the second place in the Western Conference this year through a tiebreaker, with the "double-demand combination" winning the Spurs.

   After two rounds of the series, Link averaged 35.4 points per game! It can be said that he pushed the Grizzlies to the Western Conference Finals by himself.

   In the Western Conference Finals, the Grizzlies met the Warriors who were almost invincible this season.

   In the end, Kevin Durant finally achieved his revenge as he wished. He finally defeated Link and experienced the taste of victory.

   4 to 2, clean and neat, the Warriors eliminated the Grizzlies. For the first time in four years, a Western Conference team has passed the Grizzlies level!

   For most people, it is a miracle that Link can hit this point. He has proven himself.

   It is impossible for anyone else to bring this year's Grizzlies better than him. Last year, Westbrook alone led the better Thunder, but didn't even make the playoffs.

   But Link didn't think there was anything to be happy about. Losing to the Warriors and losing to Durant was the last thing Link was willing to face.

   This year, the regular season MVP was taken by the 74-win Durant, and the best defensive player belongs to Draymond Green. Link was empty-handed except for a pair of one.

Although Link has long thought that the Grizzlies are likely to fail, when the failure really comes, this extremely victorious guy, this guy with three championship rings, this guy who has become accustomed to dominating others, is extremely unbeatable. anger.

   Link closed his eyes, thinking of three championship rings in his mind. And, the sounds behind them.

   "The game is over! The Memphis Grizzlies, who participated in the finals for the first time in team history, won the NBA championship. They are the championship! They are the biggest dark horse! Ladies and gentlemen, a new era has begun!"

   "LeBron knelt on one knee and the game ended! Link led his team to successfully defend this supreme honor in Miami! 4-0, they swept and won, they are the king of the world!"

"Link sat on the Mike Conley threw the basketball into the air, the electronic buzzer sounded, it was over, everything was over! The Grizzlies won, not once, not twice, and Three times, three times! They are championships, they have established their dynasty, their golden age! Long live the Memphis Grizzlies and long live Link!"

   These voices gradually became smaller, drifting away, until they disappeared from Link's brain.

   At this time, Link suddenly smelled a burning smell.

   He hurriedly opened his eyes and took a look, sure enough, the eggs were mush...

   Link shook his head and dumped the completely black eggs into the trash can.

   He knew that those three champions had become the past forever.

   Next, the Warriors and Cavaliers fight in the finals. And he, fried eggs in his kitchen...

   The golden age of the Grizzlies is over. Two days ago, it was terminated at Oracle Arena.

   Now, Link has only two options.

   Either, sink completely, become a hero in people’s memory, embrace the honor you already possess with peace of mind, and live forever in the past.

   Or, as he said to Pella last year, find a way to establish a new golden age and regain everything that belongs to the Grizzlies.

   Even though, this is too difficult to complete. Even though, all efforts are likely to fall short.

   Link shook his head, no matter which way he chose. This summer, they will definitely be extremely busy.

   (End of Golden Age Volume)



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