Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and twenty-five: There is an inner taste

   In mid-September, the summer is over, and the major players have also posted their training photos on social media.

   At this time, everyone began to prepare for the new regular season in a month and a half.

   However, when the other players in the league were training hard, ESPN broke a big news.

   "Link will bring all the Grizzlies teammates and coaches to start a one-week trip in Hawaii."

   This news surprised everyone very much. Seeing that the new season is about to begin, the Grizzlies don’t hurry up in training, but the whole team goes up to "team building"?

   What's going on! ?

   The incomprehension of the outside world was completely in Link's expectation.

   After all, they don't know that most of the Grizzlies players have actually been training themselves since August.

   While other stars are fishing, participating in commercial activities, and having yacht parties with beauties, the Grizzlies players are training.

   And now, when others start posting training photos on social media, everyone on the Grizzlies has finished training.

  Also, everyone on the Grizzlies has a very good professional attitude.

   Therefore, Link believes that the next pre-season training camp will be enough for everyone to recover, and there is no need to start the pre-season training camp in advance.

   Rather than restoring the state, Link believes that connecting everyone closely is more important than the state.

   Not every championship team wins the same way.

   You can’t say that the Warriors of last year and the Bulls are similar teams, and no one thinks the Mavericks led by Nowitzki are similar to the Grizzlies of the previous three years.

  The leader and playing style of each championship team are different.

   But there is one thing that every championship team has.

   Closely united heart!

   Regardless of the final outcome of the Celtics Big Three, at least initially, they are closely linked together, they have a common goal, and are willing to sacrifice for it.

   Whether Kobe and O'Neal eventually part ways, at least on the court, they are still closely connected.

   When Nowitzki won the championship, the others around him did not want to lose. They gave Dirk the greatest help and they fought together.

   When Michael Jordan created a miracle, Scott Pippen also fought to death. Jordan's last championship in his career, people say it was a five-to-four and a half duel.

   The half of the bulls is Pippen who insists on playing with injuries.

   People sacrifice each other, achieve each other, and then move towards honor together.

   This is the similarity of all championship teams, and this is what Link wants to inject the Grizzlies.

   Talent awe-inspiring is not enough. If a team is not united enough, then nothing will be accomplished.

   Therefore, Link followed the example of the holiday when the Celtics Big Three was formed and organized everyone to play together.

   In 2007, the then Celtics coach Doug Rivers organized a special tourism event that summer in order to harmoniously handle the relationship between the three superstars.

   He asked all Celtics players not to use mobile phones and traveled with each other for a week.

   In the first season after the formation of the Big Three, they won the championship trophy.

   In this era, it is impossible for players to use mobile phones at all. Therefore, Link did not require that everyone must not use mobile phones.

   If he forcibly asks you not to use your mobile phones, it will be counterproductive and the players will feel resistance.

   Link just took everyone to rent a villa in Hawaii for a week off.

   This week, all Grizzlies players live together, play cards together, play games together, surf together, and party together in bars.

  Sometimes, working together may not improve the personal relationship between men. But playing together is absolutely fine.

   A week later, the Grizzlies’ pre-season training camp officially began.

   Memphis Grizzlies at this time, from the old Carter to the young Jokic. From the newly joined Wade to the old Youtiao Randolph, from the players to the coaches, everything has become one!

   At this time, the Grizzlies players don't care about personal data or competition between the same positions. They only have one goal-to win together!

  Under such circumstances, it becomes very easy to carry out the work.

  Sure enough, the performance of the Grizzlies players in the training camp is gratifying. Wade and other veterans quickly recovered their form, and even the veterans trained very hard.

   As for the young people such as Jokic, the progress made Jorge more pleased.

   Soon after the preseason, Georgel specially gave Jokic, Dinwiddie, Harrell and Richardson four young people to play a lot of time.

  On the court, these four young people have played a completely different performance than last season.

   Moreover, the cooperation of the Grizzlies players on the court is also quite tacit. Facts have proved that Link's trip to Hawaii is indeed effective.

  Finally, the Grizzlies had a winning streak in the preseason!

   Before the start of the season, they achieved an excellent result of 6 wins and 0 losses in the preseason!

   The Memphis fans are all excited. After all, the last time the Grizzlies won a full preseason, they won the championship.

   Everything that is happening now is very similar to that of the past!

   But the Grizzlies' results only made the local fans in Memphis happy.

   In the eyes of most people, even if the Grizzlies have won all six preseason games, next season is still not expected to compete for the championship.

   The time soon came to October 23, only two days before the start of the new season.

  As in previous years, both ESPN and T.N.T broadcast special programs for the new season on their own TV stations.

   But when talking about the Memphis Grizzlies, most experts just kept shaking their heads.

"No matter how good the preseason is, it’s useless, because everyone didn’t play it seriously. Therefore, the preseason record is not very informative. Every year in the preseason, there are always a few players who can play amazing Amazing performance. But as soon as they entered the regular season, they were revealed. Therefore, don't expect too much from the four young Grizzlies."

"The configuration of the Grizzlies is not the configuration of a championship team. Except for Link, they don't have any players at the peak. The old is too old, the small is too small. Conley and Gaso Well, they have just experienced major injuries. Can such a team win the championship? Memphis fans seem to be too optimistic. They can't expect the 34-year-old Wade to repeat the miracle of 2006. "

"I admit, Link is still the top three player in the league. No, you can even say that he is the best player in the league! But you know, Jordan may not win without Pippen. Kobe does not have Gasol, the same Can't establish his own two consecutive championships. But in Memphis, who can serve as Pippen and Gasol next to Link?"

   Everyone still doesn't think the Grizzlies can return to the top. The champions are still the Warriors, Cavaliers, and even the Spurs without Tim Duncan.

   Everyone is discussing how likely the Warriors are to win consecutive championships, and everyone is discussing whether James can bring Cleveland a championship trophy.

   When talking about the Grizzlies, everyone said, "They are very strong, and they are still a strong team in the West. But there is still a gap from the championship. It takes more than a year for the Grizzlies to return to their peak.

   No one thinks that the Grizzlies can do a lot in the new season, and even people think they may not be able to win the new season's first opponent, the New York Knicks.

   On October 25th, the 16-17 season will officially start. This year, the league arranged a special matchup between the Knicks and the Grizzlies.

   The popularity of the Grizzlies is of course needless to say. Although they lost ground in the Western Conference finals last season, they are still one of the most popular teams.

   The Knicks, who failed to make the playoffs last, became one of the championship contenders due to their strong signings this summer.

   Rose’s deal, Noah’s and Courtney Lee’s joining, and "Jian Huang" Jennings’ surrender, made the Big Apple City lineup look colorful and made Anthony’s face a smile. Of course, it also allowed this New York team to regain the attention of fans.

   Therefore, the league puts the Grizzlies and the Knicks in the opener, which is justified.

Although the Knicks can play this season is still unknown, but in the words of the New York media, "I would rather expect the scarred roses to bloom again, and I don't believe Wade can usher in the second spring of his career. I would rather Looking forward to Porzingis’ performance, I don’t believe Jokic can bring the Olympics to the NBA. The Grizzlies want to win the championship? Let’s see if they can beat the Knicks!"

   As we all know, the New York media is the most difficult group of people among all the media in the league. They even make things difficult for their own players, let alone players from other places.

   However, Link’s response at the press conference the next day left the traditionally domineering New York media with nothing to say.

"What? I heard that right? Dwyane and I have five rings together, and the Knicks are 0! Just like that, they actually think they can beat us? God, it seems they lack the basics for the championship members. Respect. But it’s okay, I will soon let them learn how to respect others."

   Wade, who attended the press conference with Link, smiled. This is Link's usual style.

   The domineering of the championship team... Well, it's starting to smell inside!



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