Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and twenty-nine: just the beginning

   Wade held the ball close to the Knicks halftime, and at this time, there was not much cheers in Madison Square Garden.

   The game has now reached the middle of the second quarter. In the first quarter, Jeff Hornacek's timeout did not stop the Knicks' decline.

   Link and Wade’s crazy performances put the Knicks at the end of the first quarter with a double-digit disadvantage.

   But thankfully, the Knicks still have enough time to equalize.

   The Knicks fans hope that in the next three quarters, they still think this brand new Knicks can turn the tide.

   However, in the middle of the second quarter, when the angry Wade reappeared, the fantasies of the Knicks fans were shattered again.

   At this time, the defending Wade is Justin Holiday, the brother of Pelicans All-Star guard Zhu Holiday.

   Justin Holiday is not as famous as his younger brother. He was not even selected when he participated in the draft. Like Link, he lost the draft.

   Although he has barely gained a foothold in the NBA in the past two years, he has been wandering around and has changed three teams in two years.

   Facing Holiday, Wade seemed more confident.

  Because just now, he has already made two three-pointers! Now, Wade's three-pointer shooting rate in the second quarter is 2 of 3!

   Wade made two three-pointers as soon as he went on the court in the second quarter, which made the Knicks, who had finally seen a little light, fell into despair in an instant.

   Of course, it surprised everyone on the scene, including Mike Brin.

   Counting the open three-pointer in the first quarter, Wade has already made three three-pointers today!

   The three points he scored in half of the game is almost half of the total three points scored in the whole season last season!

   No one thought Wade would burst out so much power from beyond the three-point line. The Knicks paid a heavy price for their pride and contempt.

   Link watched Wade's crazy performance and couldn't help sighing again and again.

   This is the role of the veteran superstar. Many people don't understand why the Grizzlies signed Wade. That's why.

   For players like Wade, sometimes the upper limit is beyond your imagination.

   Wade has been fully opened, so this time, he "has gotten harder" and made a back three-pointer!

   On the left side of the court, facing Justin Holiday, Wade pretended to break through. When Huo Ledi retreated, Wade suddenly retreated beyond the three-point line, strayed out of space, and shot immediately!

   Take a three-pointer back, which is not something Wade is good at.

   But when he hits the touch, he doesn't care if he is good at it.

   Phil Jackson stared at the orange basketball, his heart seemed to fall with the basketball.

   A second later, the Nets rolled up. Wade stepped back and hit a three-pointer, and this was his third consecutive three-pointer in this section!

"Going in again, Dwyane Wade is unrelenting from beyond the three-point line today! The Knicks are 18 points behind, and before the half of the game is over, they are already 18 points behind! Jeff Hornacek does not Will be happy, Phil Jackson will not be happy, and Knicks fans will certainly not be happy! The course of this game is definitely different from what they expected!"

   Wade faced the stands, facing Phil Jackson, then bulged his biceps with one hand, and put the other hand on his lips, making a "shh" movement.

   The camera shows the "Zen Master", his face that was so confident last night is only full of embarrassment and embarrassment.

   "He will only hide behind LeBron, leave LeBron, it seems he won't win."

   "To be honest, Dwyane is not as great as it seems on the surface."

   Last night, how arrogant "Zen Master" was in the show, how cool he was to spray Wade, how embarrassed he was at this time.

   The "not-so-great" player in his mouth is battling the team he is proud of!

   If you don’t know what is the night festival? Then look at Phil now.

   Wade's three-point rain stopped the Knicks again. Link hasn't made any shots yet, and the Knicks seem to be unable to withstand it.

   Now, countless New York media must be scolding the Knicks in their hearts.

   They originally expected this new Knicks to hit the championship, but now they can't even beat the Grizzlies who can't make it to the finals.

   They originally thought that the Grizzlies were just a foil today, but the foil hit the protagonist too hard.

   They all cursed the Knicks in their hearts for being unsatisfied. This team is just the mud that can't support the wall.

   However, it was they who took the Knicks to the sky.

   This is the New York media.

   This wave of three-point rain from Wade extinguished the raging fire in the hearts of the Knicks.

   After the game, Anthony and Rose played very hard. They can still score goals, but the efficiency is a bit flattering.

   Today, the Knicks perform best is Porzingis.

   He took up the offensive task of the Knicks. The few highlights of the Knicks were all from Porzingis.

   However, as Link said, Porzingis is nothing but a second-year kid.

   Under the torture of Tobias Harris and Harrell, finally, at the end of the third quarter, Porzingis became exhausted.

   Porzingis’ physical problems were exposed last season.

   He is not only weak in the second half of each game, over time, the more he plays later throughout the season, the worse Porzingis' performance becomes.

  If the physical condition of the Latvian can improve, then he will undoubtedly become a new generation of superstars.

   Unfortunately, there is no perfect player in this world.

   Porzingis was unable to continue his firepower, and the Knicks also lost their only weapon that could compete with the Grizzlies.

   Finally, Link came off the field with 21 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists.

   This may be the worst link in the opener in recent years.

   But when Link was off the court, the Grizzlies bench was full of joy.

   Because at this time, the game has entered the garbage time four minutes early! And this is the only reason why Link's data is not so dazzling.

   Before he broke out, the enemy had already got down.

"Dave Jorge replaced Link and the game is over! I know that there are still four minutes before the game is truly over. But I don’t think the Knicks can reverse the game in the last four minutes. 26 points!"

   After Mike Brin finished speaking, he looked up at the stands of Madison Square Garden.

   As expected, there are not many fans left in the stands. Most of the New Yorkers who were looking forward to it, have already left early.

   The mood is bad enough now, they don't want to be bothered by traffic jams later.

   Phil Jackson? He is no longer there, he is no longer in the stands.

   Maybe he knew that he really had no face to sit here.

   Yes, facing Wade's 35 points and 10 rebounds, plus a 5-for-7 three-pointer, Phil Jackson must not be able to sit still.

   If he is caught by a reporter later, he still doesn't know how to deal with it.

   It's just the suffering of Rose, Noah, Anthony and Porzingis. The anger provoked by Phil Jackson was cast on them by Wade.

"Dwyane Wade must have disappointed many New York fans. In his first game with the Grizzlies, he scored 35 points. There is no more perfect debut than this! And, as long as Wade does it again By scoring two three-pointers, his number of three-pointers will be the same as last season. Don't ignore this year's Dwyane. He has proven that he will be Link's right-hand man!"

   Link, who walked off the court, smiled at Wade, then shook his head slightly.

   "Should you say good education is the main thing?"

   "I didn't control my strength, and I didn't expect them to be so vulnerable." Wade shrugged, looking innocent.

   In the end, the Grizzlies players spent four minutes laughing up and down on the bench. Because Wade kept telling everyone cold jokes on the bench, which amused everyone.

   117 to 95, when the electronic buzzer sounded, the difference between the two sides was fixed at 22 points.

   And in Madison Square Garden, boos sounded all over the sky.

   But Link believes that this time, the boos were not directed at them.

   Rose made 6 of 13 shots and only scored 13 points.

Anthony’s score is only one point less than Link’s, but his 33.3% shooting percentage is really Noah performed well, 6 points, 10 rebounds and 6 assists. , The data is quite comprehensive.

   But Gasol's 14 points, 8 rebounds and 8 assists completely suppressed it.

   Except for Porzingis, no one in this new Knicks performed as expected by the fans.

   It was Wade, which surprised everyone.

   The 34-year-old "Uncle Wei" can still kill the game. He is not as unbearable as people have predicted.

   As expected, your uncle is still your uncle.

   After the game, a reporter approached Link and asked him what he thought of the new season opener.

"To be honest, I didn't think we would lose from the beginning, but the New York media thought we were dangerous in wishful thinking. Also, to provoke Dwyane, this is really not something smart people do. Right, Phil?" Link hippie smiled, he couldn't get serious all this game.

   Because there is really no pressure!

   "So, do you think you can really return to the championship this season?"

   However, when facing this problem, Link's expression became more serious.

   He worked hard for so long, prepared for so long, but not just to win the Knicks!

   So Link looked at the camera grimly and raised the corners of his mouth.

   "Everyone had better prepare, because the terrible Memphis Grizzlies are back! Today is just the beginning."

   The terrifying aura exuded by the Grizzlies began to spread in the Alliance again after a year.



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