Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and fifty-two: 3 single superstars per game

   After Kevin Durant provoked the Grizzlies, his social media went viral again.

   Since his transfer to the Warriors last summer, Durant, the youngest scoring champion, has changed dramatically.

  Before in the Thunder, people thought he was a good boy who was taciturn and focused only on basketball.

   But after transferring to the Warriors, Durant seemed to have lifted the seal and began to reveal his true self.

   He is no longer taciturn, whether on social media or in the game, Durant has a lot of words.

   He is no longer gentle, he immediately tweeted and mocked his former teammates after he moved to the Thunder, started a scolding war with Westbrook on the Internet, and even opened a trumpet to chat with fans.

   All these behaviors have changed Durant's image in the hearts of fans.

   Now, people finally understand why Link is so averse to Durant. Although Link is not a good person, at least he is more straightforward and truthful than Durant.

   After experiencing the transformation of the Warriors, when Durant once again made bad comments on social media, the fans will no longer be surprised.

   After all, this is not the first time Durant has done this.

   The fans are just looking forward to it now. They all want to know whether the current Grizzlies can compete with the defending champion of last season! And, how the Grizzlies players will respond to Durant's rude words.

   Although the Grizzlies and the Warriors will not officially start until December 5th, the Grizzlies have to compete with the Pelicans first.

   But this kind of blockbuster competition often starts building momentum days in advance.

  Since December 2nd, ESPN will continue to broadcast the promotional video of this game in advertising time.

  On the Internet, fans from both sides also took the lead in starting a contest of "whose keyboard is harder". Whether in the United States, China, or other places in the world where basketball is concerned, as long as it is about basketball, there will always be wars of criticism.

   Memphis, the city government also upgraded this regular season to the level of the series.

   The big billboards in the city are filled with huge posters of "defeating the championship".

   Fans flocked to the streets just to show off the "recapture" T-shirts they wore.

  In the NBA, it has been a long time since there has been such a frenetic situation. The two teams played against each other, and the fans played like a war.

  Probably only the battle between the Lakers and Celtics in the 1980s could achieve such a sensational effect.

   No one can predict how much benefit this game will bring to the league.

  No one knows how much praise the side that wins the game will get!

   Of course, if you lose, whether it is the Warriors or the Grizzlies, they will undoubtedly lose their reputation.

   If the Grizzlies lose to the Warriors again, their current 19-game winning streak will become meaningless. Because of the winning streak, you can't win the O'Brien Cup.

   And if the Warriors lose, the gold content of their championship last year will definitely be questioned. People will say that they won the championship because the Grizzlies had too many injuries.

   In any case, this is definitely a game that neither side can afford to lose.

   Although it is only a regular season, it is also a battle of honor between the two teams, a battle of honor between Link and Durant!

   After Durant took the lead in provoking Link, Link did not idle.

   If it was someone else, Link might really bother to care.

   But Durant is a different story. The opponents have come to the door. There is no reason to fight.

   Even if it's a battle of words, you have to fight Durant to the end! So soon, Link launched a counterattack on his social media.

   "The championship lost before it took a shot. I'm sorry, we are now No. 1 in the Western Conference, and we have not yet tried to lose. What about the championship? The championship has now lost three games."

   Link started to take the Warriors' current record of 18 wins and 3 losses.

   18 wins and 3 losses is of course great, but compared with the Grizzlies' 19 wins and 0 losses, it is still a bit less interesting.

   Link’s positive response further pushed the competition to its climax.

  His argument undoubtedly stepped on Durant and the Warriors' painful feet. Link used the record to speak, which is exactly what the Warriors worry about most.

   However, if the Warriors were choked so easily that they couldn't speak, it would be too weak.

   Soon, Draymond Green also joined the scolding war.

   "Of course the Grizzlies have an outstanding record. If we can also meet the Timberwolves three times in a month, we will maintain a complete victory."

Green is undoubtedly secretly complaining about the Grizzlies schedule. He believes that the reason why the Grizzlies can suppress the Warriors in the regular season record is not because they are stronger, but because the Grizzlies have encountered weak teams in more than a month. More!

  The implication is that if the Warriors beat the Grizzlies opponents, they can also win lightheartedly. The current record of the Grizzlies has no gold content and persuasiveness at all.

   Green has just said this, and the Grizzlies fans haven't done much yet. Minneapolis fans have taken the lead.

   Nonsense, you and the grizzly bear each other and you bring the Timberwolves. People will definitely not do it.

   This time, Green was besieged by Minneapolis fans without Link taking a shot.

  Even, even Garnett, the retired Timberwolves, couldn't help returning to the world of spray.

   "Did you know? Even if some bad guys win ten championships, they can't get the respect of others, because he has a heart of a vile, despicable, loser!"

   Link looked at the comment section where Greene was captured by the Minneapolis fans and shook his head.

   Green, this guy is really silly.

  Although Garnett and Timberwolves fans have helped Link educate Green, Link does not intend to stop there.

   In an interview with ESPN reporters at the training hall on the afternoon of December 2, Link expressed his admiration for Green.

   "Seriously, I am actually very envious and jealous of him. Seeing the achievements Green has achieved, I still feel a little unbalanced in my heart."

   Listening to Link's words, the reporter got excited in an instant. Is it possible that Link wants to tell everyone about his inner world?

   But the next second, things immediately reversed.

"I'm jealous of Green, because he can be regarded as a superstar by the fans with only three He just brought down a few opponents with dirty means, and easily got the tens of millions. His contract. He just met a few teammates far above him and got the championship ring. This kind of **** luck, who doesn’t envy and hate? Many players and I fight hard every day, yet Not as happy as he eats dry food."

   Link’s interview was almost exploded by Green’s lungs after ESPN broke out.

   Link’s words can be said to be inserted into Green’s chest like a knife.

   The slogan of "three singles per game" has also become popular among fans.

   After this, Green started to fight back furiously.

   But "I'm the championship", "You didn't win me last season" and so weakly yelling are not enough to form a counterattack. On the contrary, it is more like an urgent child swearing.

   Link's interview put him in the lead temporarily in the battle of words. Imagining Durant and Green's angrily spreading, Link felt extremely refreshed.

   Of course, this is not the final victory. Link can't wait to give the Warriors a fourth defeat.

   Just as the scolding battle between the two sides entered a fierce stage, on December 3, the Grizzlies met the Pelicans away.

   The New Orleans Pelicans are also the last opponent before the Grizzlies and the Warriors.

  People thought this game was just a warm-up before the Grizzlies and the Warriors played.

  Unexpectedly, Link and his teammates ran into some trouble in New Orleans.



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