Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and seventy-three: new scorer and old scorer

Harden's touch porcelain skills look at the entire league, it is definitely a very thorough existence.

After all, it is not a day or two for him to focus on touching porcelain.

Although Harden's offensive skills in other aspects are also quite good this season, he is still very keen on clashing.

Link has just been really refreshed by the three views of the "meat-bun style touch porcelain", and now touch porcelain has also developed a pair of cooperation. Unbelievable, unbelievable.

Harden's acting skills also made Link admire him. He obviously found it on his own initiative, but he acted like he was greatly violated.

But Link knew that this was just the beginning.

After this, Harden will definitely show his fancy touch porcelain skills.

As a result, Link also entered the attack mode. The best way to contain Harden is not to make him score less, but to score more than him!

This time, Link held the ball mid-range on the right. Facing Ariza, Link suddenly turned to the right on the spot, with a very large arc, as if he wanted to turn back and break through.

But in fact, Link's pivot foot did not move. When Ariza moved across, Link quickly turned back!

Half-turned fake action!

In a simple step, Link shook Ariza away.

After turning his body back, Link easily made a mid-range jumper and the basketball hit the net!

Link seems more like a classical scorer than Harden.

He does not pursue the so-called "magic ball theory" as the most efficient way of scoring, nor does he use the method of touching porcelain to get to the free throw line.

Link is using his superb offensive skills to seek opportunities!

Link believes that basketball is not a math problem. Interpreting basketball with the thinking of data analysis is very one-sided.

He is going to use his own way to contain the new era scorer represented by Harden and also pursue efficiency!

"Beautiful footsteps, the scene just reminded me of Michael." Hubby Brown clapped his hands and applauded. This classic but wonderful middle distance scoring technique is almost extinct now.

In Link, you can always see the shadow of the older generation of scorers such as Jordan, Kobe, and Grant Hill.

He is more like a combination of those people, using a real basketball way to interpret what is called efficiency!

When you can throw the ball in the middle distance with your superb skills, there is no inefficiency.

Everyone is focused, and this game has become more and more interesting.

Because this is not just a milestone night for the Grizzlies to break the opening streak, and not just a duel between the top two in the MVP rankings.

It is a collision of two different basketball concepts!

Link's goal was pleasing to the eye, because Harden hadn't attacked with his back, so he couldn't make the series of wonderful moves just now.

But Harden is not envious, he has his own way to solve the problem!

When Harden attacked again, his first goal was to open Link first!

Now this alliance no longer pays attention to strong dialogue.

The Warriors and Rockets both highly praise the offensive method of forcing a switch and playing dislocation.

To put it bluntly, it is to use your strongest point to seize the opponent's defensive weakness.

If you thought Harden would stand off with Link like this all night, you would be wrong.

Once, when Kobe faced Artest in the Rockets era, he would never want to misplace to beat others, but was thinking about how to defeat the lunatic in front of him.

No matter how farther away, Michael Jordan faced the rough opponents, he could only solve problems with his own strength.

Even when Link and James faced off a few years ago, they both went head-to-head to see who could put the other down first.

But now it's different. If a certain star encounters a player with a strong defense, the first idea that pops up in his mind is definitely to force him to change defense!

As long as you can switch to a player with a weaker defense, your chances of scoring will be greatly improved.

In the face of more and more advanced and rich data, the players' offenses are all serving efficiency, and a bit less bloody.

The same is true for Harden. When he faced Link, Ariza immediately came up in advance to set up a cover for Harden.

The purpose of this screen is not to facilitate Harden's breakthrough, but to force the Grizzlies to change defense!

In this way, Wade crossed to Harden again!

"Fuck!" Link couldn't help cursing inwardly. When basketball was led by the nose by the data analysis, this was the result!

Why do many people complain that the current NBA is not as good as it used to be, and it is not as fierce as it used to be?

Link had to be dismissed by Ariza, and Harden got the chance to play Wade.

This time, Harden used his superb dribbling rhythm to get rid of Wade from the outside and drove straight!

Although Wade is actively chasing after him, his current footsteps and youth are completely incomparable. Harden was a lot ahead of Wade by half his position, and he made a breakthrough!

Before Gasol made up his defense, Harden gave a soft touch to finish the score!

The point difference returned to 6 points again, and James Harden had no intention of stopping.

"Go in again. Obviously, Harden is deliberately avoiding Link. But there is no doubt that this also makes his offense more efficient and simpler."

Hubby Brown doesn't think there is a problem with avoiding Link, avoiding the opponent's best defensive player, shouldn't this be right?

Harden's style of play is not right or wrong, only choice!

If the Rockets win in the end, people won't deny Harden's performance because he didn't single out Link.

Again, as long as the rules allow, you can't interfere in the process, the main thing is to be able to win!

The point difference continued to be narrowed, and the Rockets bit the score.

I have to say that Harden can get to this point by more than just touching porcelain. Because even in the face of Wade, it is very difficult to score calmly.

But in front of Harden, this is not a matter at all.

At this time, the rhythm of this game seems to have become like the Grizzlies and Lakers game a few days ago.

Now the comparison is whichever side does not score first, as long as one of them suddenly misfires, the game can't be bitten!

Link naturally wouldn't surrender. After Harden used a throw to close the gap, Link immediately used a beautiful back-turned jumper on the offensive end to return the color.

But soon, Harden fouled Gasol from outside the three-point line and continued to the free throw line.

This time, Harden simply found a misplacement and singled out Gasol.

Misplacement of small and big or big and small is also the offensive habit of this league today. This way of finding dislocation has become a trend.

Gasol is indeed the best defensive player ever, and his defensive ability is beyond doubt.

But if a defensive guard is dislocated at the fifth position, even the best defensive player ever will be very passive.

After Harden used several rhythm changes to shake Gasol's center of gravity, he suddenly took the initiative to take Gasol's arm to shoot.

Harden’s "unicorn arm" is very powerful, and Gasol can’t get it out even if he wants to...

In the end, the Spaniard had no choice but to foul once. In terms of using rules, Harden is definitely the number one player in the league.

This time, Harden directly got three free throw opportunities. Harden made three free throws.

The score difference has become 5 The Rockets are getting closer and closer to the equalizer.

In the second quarter of the game, when Harden turned on the scoring mode, the Grizzlies' advantage instantly disappeared.

At this point, Link and Harden are really like two boxers. They shook each other's fists, made moves to each other, it was up to them who couldn't stand it first.

Seeing Harden finally enter the state, Draymond Green was overjoyed. He took out his phone and posted a post on social media.

"Congratulations to the Grizzlies in advance for ending their winning streak. Unfortunately, the Grizzlies have reached their limit."

Green was full of confidence in Harden, once that guy turned on, even Link was helpless.

Link can win against Louis Williams, who scored 41 points in a single game, which is very remarkable. But Harden and Lu Wei are not of the same level.

The Grizzlies passed halftime with the ball, and another round of offense that could not be missed began.

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