Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and eighty-four: You can be twisted back to cover you if you are shaken

   The last time someone was able to complete a shocking catch in an NBA game was back in 2009, Shannon Brown of the Lakers.

   At that time, the "spring man" Brown chased after the eagle guard Mario West's ball, so that Kobe and others on the Lakers bench contributed a very classic expression.

   However, Link's catch this time was even stronger than Shannon Brown's.

   First of all, Link was not caught by Mario West, an unknown person like Mario West.

   was defeated by him, but Kelly Irving is among the top ten star guards in the scoring list this season!

  Secondly, when Shannon Brown caught offense, the game had entered garbage time and the Lakers' victory was set. Therefore, the impact of catching the risk on the victory is not great, but it is pure and very interesting.

   But Link's catching a cold is not only very exciting in the senses, it also played a substantial role in the outcome of the game.

   If Irving succeeded in that goal just now, the Cavaliers will go ahead again. There is no doubt that this is very passive for the Grizzlies.

   But Link's block blocked all this and gave the Grizzlies an advantage.

   Therefore, Link’s chasing and catching risks is more exciting and shocking.

   Reggie Miller can guarantee that this goal will definitely be among the top five of Link's career ten goals!

   Owen’s heart is completely cold at this time, Link’s power is like a bottomless black hole, making people ignorant!

  As a skillful point guard, Irving, like Paul, is one of the league's lowest blocked players.

   But Owen will never forget the feeling that the basketball was grabbed by the opponent.

   Irving has a psychological shadow now, and he will live under Link's shadow in the last two minutes of the game.

   This is exactly what Link wants. Now, he only needs to concentrate on dealing with James!

   After the catch, Link continued to threaten the knight.

   This time, Love stood very forward in order to help defend Link.

   But in order to prevent Link from passing the ball, Love is always paying attention to Jokic's position and trying to block the pass.

   However, Link sent the ball without warning in the process of turning around and breaking through. The ball was passed very secretly. Link almost brought the action of the street court to the NBA game, and Love and James had no time to react.

   In fact, if Jokic wasn't particularly focused, he probably wouldn't be able to catch this ball.

   Link’s ghostly pass can always achieve the effect of one person holding the ball and nine people nervous.

   This pass easily penetrated the Cavaliers' defense line and assisted Jokic with an overhead basket.

   Although it was Jokic who scored, the biggest credit for the offense was Link who sent the pass.

   He is still firmly in control of the game, and most importantly, the Grizzlies are now 3 points ahead! The difficulty for the Cavaliers to equalize was further increased.

   McLeod was already out of breath at this time. In the last two minutes or so, every round will decide life and death.

   He doesn't want the Cavaliers to lose, but he must admit that the Grizzlies are very strong today.

   3 points behind in this situation, McLeod is really nervous.

   James quickly responded. This time he did not choose to go to the basket in the attack, but unexpectedly made a three-point jumper with a retreat!

   Link did not expect that Lao Zhan would come to this trick, behind by three points at the critical moment, dare to make waves!

   But because James' shooting was very unexpected, he was not disturbed too much.

   When the basketball was spinning in the air, the hearts of all Cleveland fans raised their throats.

   And when the basketball hits the net, the nervousness immediately turned into excitement.

   James made a 3-pointer with a retreat step, and he helped the Cavaliers equalize the score again!

   "Really..." Link was speechless, and James actually made a three-pointer with a retreat.

   Is this James Harden or LeBron James?

   Link thought that the chasing and catching risks just now would be a turning point in the game, but now it seems that James has not been affected at all.

   Indeed, the catch just now must have frightened Owen. But James? He won't be easily quelled by that kind of scene.

   It seems that today’s matchup with James, don’t even think it will end even a minute earlier.

   After this, Link and James continued to fight. They are still inextricably good at scoring, rebounding and assists.

   Until the last 42 seconds, when James scored the ball from the basket, the Cavaliers and Grizzlies still drew!

   At this time, both Link and James have scored triple-doubles.

   Georgel called a timeout, which not only gave the players a respite, but also gave the fans and commentators a respite.

   Link and James’ “combination boxing” is too tight, and the rhythm is so fast that everyone can breathe.

   In the last 42 seconds, under normal circumstances, the Grizzlies and the Cavaliers will each have one more chance to attack.

  In other words, whoever can win these two rounds in a row will be the final winner!

   McLeod is not calm anymore, he hopes that the battle between Link and James will continue. To be honest, for now, it is a pity for both of them to lose.

   But by now, Link and James must have one to fall. Their battles must end here!

   "Who do you think can win, Miller."

   "To tell you the truth, I'm totally lost in my heart. These two guys are too strong today, and their performance has humiliated the other superstars in the league!"

  The game has come to the cruelest and most challenging stage of the stars' ability.

   Today, live TV broadcasts cannot even select one of the best in the audience. Because the performance of both James and Link deserves such a title.

   Now, whoever can win the game is the best in the audience!

   The timeout ended soon and the players from both sides stepped onto the court again.

   The Cavaliers switched back to JR Smith. In terms of key goals, JR is undoubtedly more threatening than Shumpert.

   The Grizzlies replaced Jokic with Harris, seemingly wanting to increase their mobility and continue to pass.

   But everyone knows that the replacement of the two coaches is just a bluff. In the end, basketball will only fall into the hands of Link and James.

   Link took the lead, James licked his lips and waited.

   He doesn't want to play overtime, he hopes to sum it up in regular time.

   Link also didn't want to, so he simply took possession of the ball and opened the scoring mode directly!

   McLeod's hands were tightly clenched, and he couldn't predict the way Link would single James.

   Because up to now, Link has used countless moves to deal with the enemy in front of him. McLeod couldn't imagine what other tricks Link could do.

   Link dribbled the ball between the midfield line and the three-point line, waiting for his teammates to open up space.

   After almost time, Link suddenly handed the ball to Conley, then cut in with his bare hands and sat down low.

   James understands what Link wants to do, this guy wants to play singles in the post!

   Link's back-up singles are dangerous, James knows.

   Previously, Hubie Brown said that Link’s back-up singles were a combination of classic top scorers such as Jordan, Kobe and Grant Hill, but it was no exaggeration.

   James tried his best to push Link away from the basket, but it didn't work. Link needs to be very stable, as firm as a rock!

   Kangli steadily dropped the ball into the penalty area and sent it to Link. Conley never missed the “delivery of ammunition”.

   Link successfully faced off with James in the low post. Everyone stood up nervously. Some Cleveland fans simply covered their eyes and dared not look.

   Link adjusted the center of gravity after holding the ball, then leaned back twice.

   But these two shots are just a test. Link's real intention is to turn over and shoot a jumper.

   Suddenly, Link turned to the left, and James immediately jumped to interfere!

   But after James had already taken off, he realized that Link's feet hadn't left the ground!

   That guy's fake moves are so real!

   After flying LeBron James, Link immediately turned over to make a jumper in the opposite direction. But at this time, Love, who had been under the basket, made up.

  He has been paying attention to Link, just to avoid such a situation. If James is swayed, Love can make it up in time.

   No matter how strong Link is, it is impossible to fly two people with low footsteps at the same time!

   Love stretched his arms and leaped high. He believed that Link could not escape the big net he and James jointly woven this time.

   But when Love flew halfway, his expression changed from triumphant to surprised.

   Link's second turn over is still a fake move!

   After lighting up Love, Link paused suddenly and forcibly stopped the action of turning over to shoot the jumper, then took a quick step and walked past Love.

   Then Link made a light leap, and gently raised his wrist.

   The basketball went over the fingertips of James, who had re-defended, and fell gently into the net.

   "After two consecutive goals were scored, Link's low footsteps were incredible! This time, the business of the Olajuwon training camp was at least half taken away by Link!"

   Reggie Miller yelled and applauded. In today's age when even the centers are floating out to shoot three-pointers, does anyone know what a low footing is?

   Link is simply a living fossil, he can always bring back to the game those rare but very exciting skills.

  The most important thing is that Link can always use these skills to win!

   "Fuck!" Seeing Link scored a goal, James unwillingly slammed the basketball to the ground, allowing the basketball to bounce back into his hands.

   Link can fly two people at the same time, which James did not expect.

   But he doesn't want to continue to struggle with the failure just now, he still has a chance to complete the redemption.

   Although James does not want to play overtime, right now, overtime is the best choice.

   Three points? If there is a chance, James will of course choose to use three-pointers to kill the game.

   But now everything is based on stability, first make sure not to lose, and then think about winning things!

   Link also knows that the most threatening Cavaliers now is the three-pointer. If James makes a three-pointer, all the previous efforts will fall short.

   Therefore, this round, Link's defense of James can no longer continue to use the strategy of not letting go.

   James' three-pointer today is still very reliable, and his previous three-pointer withdraws is still fresh in Link's memory.

   So Link didn't dare to let James go in one step. He would rather be attacked by James than to be killed by James.

   The game has entered the most critical round. If Link can win these two rounds in a row, the game will be won!

   But let James suddenly want to restrict him, this is not easy.

   James is also delaying time. If this goal is scored, whether it is a three-pointer or a two-pointer, he does not intend to give the Grizzlies time to change their fate.

   Link stuck so tightly that almost the whole person was stuck to James.

   This game has really become a duel between two great players!

   In the last five seconds of the game, James suddenly accelerated his breakthrough.

  Sure enough, the too tightly attached Link was passed by James in one step. James' first step is not as fast as Link, but his strong body allows him to easily take off the defender.

   "LeBron broke through, does he have a chance to tie the score!?"

   In McLeod’s shout, James, who successfully broke through to the basket, raised the basketball to prepare for a layup.

   Link jumped up the cover with enough effort, he hoped to end everything with another beautiful chase.

   However, James is not the stunner of Owen, he knows Link too much!

   He knew that just breaking through Link does not mean you are completely safe. You never know what is chasing yourself behind you.

   So he raised the basketball this time, it was just a fake layup! The purpose is to shake up Link who is about to chase him.

"Damn, I learned so fast!" Link who was already floating in the air yelled in his heart. At the same time, James raised the basketball again and layup on the as long as this is easy. To make a layup, James and Link’s battle will continue.

   At this moment, after being swayed, Link half-turned in the air, turned around and changed his other hand to block James' layup!

   James and everyone on the scene were shocked, what kind of reaction speed and ability to stay in the air! ?

After    was swayed, he was able to twist it back for a second time! ?

  This kind of ball is indeed incredible, but in Link, there is no word "impossible".

   "Pop!" Link, who turned around in the air, slapped the basketball with a slap, and James' layup was blocked!

   The moment the basketball fell to the ground, the electronic buzzer sounded through the audience.

   The game ended, James failed to score the equalizer goal!

"This...Is Link finished blocking!? Yes, he can actually twist back in the air to complete the block after being swayed! Oh my god, this is a record enough to be recorded in history. Cover!"

After    Link landed, he put his hands around his chest, raised his chin, and faced the stand behind the rebound.

   James looked at Link's figure and suddenly lost his energy.

   Such a must-go goal can be covered, and it can be compensated after being swayed...

   James played with Link back and forth throughout today, very intense.

   But Link’s last defense made James a hit.

   This game suddenly became less happy.

   He lost, the loss was perfect.



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