Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and ninety: rebounding doesn't work here

Westbrook's first two rounds were undoubtedly a disaster.

After being intercepted, he was taken consecutively. If you play a game, a blue mark with a cold feel will definitely appear.

In a real game, it's not just a cold feeling.

Now, Westbrook needs to overcome tremendous psychological pressure.

Link's defense broke all Westbrook's plans. He is good at impact and breakthrough points, but he can't play his advantage at this time.

Westbrook's only option now is to follow Harden and the Warriors and force Link to change positions!

Only if Link is dismissed can he have a chance of winning.

Although this is somewhat evasive, for the time being, this is the wisest way.

So in the next offense, Robertson played a pick-and-roll with Westbrook near the midfield line, forcing Link and Conley to switch positions.

The strategy of the "God Turtle" succeeded, and Conley had to face Westbrook. The confidence of the Thunder on the 0th suddenly rose, and he wanted to return all the aggrieved aggrieves left by the previous two rounds!

"Unexpectedly, Russell chose to switch positions so early. It seems that he also knows that it is not the way to continue playing with Link." Hubby Brown was a little disappointed. He thought this guy who averaged a triple-double could More backbone.

Of course, it is understandable to choose a more efficient way to attack.

Westbrook motioned to everyone to pull away, and Conley's defense was certainly not bad. But just like Thompson, it's just not bad, but it can't contain the people in the MVP rankings.

After the teammates opened up the space, Westbrook made a simple forward change of direction and broke through.

For Conley, Westbrook's first step was a little difficult to deal with.

Moreover, his increasingly terrifying confrontation ability also put Conley at a disadvantage.

Conley was actually not deceived by Westbrook's change of body, he made the correct prediction the first time.

But under the impact of Westbrook's speed and strong body, Conley was surpassed most of his body in an instant.

Westbrook finally completed the breakthrough happily. He had waited for this moment for too long.

But at this moment, Gasol and Jokic both made up to the basket.

If according to the past temper, Westbrook doesn't bother to care about whether there is anyone in the basket, and it will be over if he bit the bullet.

But now, having missed twice in a row, Westbrook must be cautious.

He can't fail anymore. If he fails to attack after dismissing Link, it will have a huge blow to morale.

Not only his own morale, but also the morale of his teammates.

Therefore, Westbrook, who has always been an iron player, chose to pass the ball carefully this time!

Jokic and Gasol came in to make up the defense, which meant that Adams and Sabonis had a chance.

Although the first-year junior Sabonis has averaged only 6 points per game this season, he undoubtedly inherited the soft touch of his father, Avidas Sabonis, and has done quite well in shooting.

Although it is a four position, but the three-pointer of Sabonis is also quite threatening. In the middle distance, it is quite stable.

Westbrook shook his wrist and immediately passed the ball to Sabonis! At this time, he has been completely emptied by Jokic.

If this assist is successful, the situation will change!

I have to say that Westbrook's passing accuracy is still very high. Otherwise, this assist is not even a double-digit average per game.

The basketball quickly flew towards Sabonis, who was ready to catch the ball and shoot.

However, just as Sabonis was about to receive the basketball, a big hand suddenly crossed between him and the basketball.

Sabonis and Westbrook both widened their eyes. They never thought about the possibility of a mistake!

"Link cut off the pass and he completed the steal! Westbrook made another mistake. He missed offensively for the third time in a row!"

Westbrook was completely autistic and thought it would be safe to leave Link off. But it turns out that he was so wrong!

Even if Link was pushed away, his shadow would cover the entire half.

And Westbrook's assists are also very simple, they are basically rough breakthrough points.

At this point, it is very different from Paul and others who can really organize an offense.

Therefore, to judge the passing route of the "Turtle" is actually very simple.

You just have to look at who is vacated and who is vacated who has the greatest threat of shooting.

In fact, many NBA-level players can judge Westbrook's simple and rude passing path, but their bodies can't keep up with their brains and passing speed.

But Link, a body that is more top-notch than Grant Hill at his peak, does not have this problem.

Westbrook pulled his hips on offense for three consecutive rounds, which was a fatal blow to the Thunder's morale.

But fortunately, this time the Thunder retreated very quickly, and the Grizzlies didn't let the Grizzlies fight back easily.

The two sides were forced to fall into battle, and Robertson defended Link very closely.

Had it not been for the fact that Rachel and Robertson had no intersection in this history, Link might have thought that Robertson worked so hard because he regarded himself as a rival in love.

After a series of organizations, basketball was finally beaten to Wade. He ran out of an open position and got a three-point shot.

But this shot may be the reason why the starter hasn't been hot yet, and the "Gill Gangster" doesn't feel very good.

The basketball knocked on the neck of the basket and then popped high.

Steven Adams immediately stuck Gasol, and Sabonis Jr. also stubbornly withstood Jokic.

But the weird thing is that the two elders have no plans to take off and grab the board. There is no doubt that they are waiting for Westbrook to come in and grab the ready.

In this game until now, Westbrook's statistics are all 0 except for turnovers. This rebound is a good opportunity for Westbrook to break the data panic.

Westbrook rushed to the basket. He leaped hard, straightened his arms, and prepared to take off the basketball.

"Mysterious Turtle" has already thought about it, and the moment he takes the basketball down, he will speed up the counterattack!

In any case, he must break the scoring drought!

His body rose rapidly in the air, and the basketball was close at hand.

But unexpectedly, the other hand suddenly appeared in Westbrook's field of vision.

I saw that big hand took the basketball one step ahead of Westbrook, and directly buckled the popped basketball into the frame in the air.


The rebound sank sharply, demonstrating the power of this dunk.

Link hung on the hoop with one hand. Next to him, Westbrook fell to the ground empty-handed.

The rebounding trick is not feasible for the Grizzlies!

Either the big guys quickly close the board, or they don't even want to grab one!

Good location and wait for Westbrook to eat ready-made? Sorry, the Federal Express Arena does not have this rule.

"Perfect one-handed dunk. Link stole the rebound from Westbrook. So far, Link's performance has been perfect. And's true It's hard to explain in a word."

At this point, Thunder coach Billy Donovan had to call a timeout.

It is no longer a question of Westbrook's shame, but the entire Thunder is in crisis.

Judging from the performance of these rounds, the gap between Westbrook and Link is bigger than people think!

If the situation has been maintained like this...Westbrook's MVP ranking first place ~ ~ I am afraid it will not be long.

After the game was suspended, Westbrook walked off the court with a black face.

But at this time, Ines Kanter was very angry.

He will not let anyone bully the Thunder wantonly, and when he comes on the court, he will let Link understand this.

"Link, be careful about Kanter later. That guy is a big move. If he plays, you must protect yourself. Also, don't get frustrated with him. If there is a conflict, you will be fooled."

As soon as Link got off the scene, Georgel reminded him. Kanter may not be good at hard power, but he is definitely a good at doing "dirty work".

Link nodded, "Don't worry, who will end first with him? It's not necessarily true."

Link does not want to spam with Kanter, but this does not mean that Link does not want Kanter to suffer on the court.

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