Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand and ninety-three: Link's 4 pairs and Westbrook's awkward 2 pairs

In the fifth minute of the fourth quarter, Link stayed in front of Westbrook.

At this point, the point difference between the two sides has reached 24 points, Link has scored 29 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists in a triple-double.

On the other hand, Westbrook averaged a triple-double, but he has only 17 points, 4 rebounds, 0 assists and 9 turnovers!

If Link can defend Westbrook this round, the possibility of the Thunder wanting a comeback is very slim.

The personal duel between Link and Westbrook will also end with Link's victory.

But at this time, all the fans are still watching Link attentively. The atmosphere on the scene is still very lively, as if the game is still very anxious.

Including all the players on the Grizzlies bench, also stood up, looking nervous.

They all know that this round, Link is likely to break the 22-year-old record!

On the court, Link was meticulous. In fact, he is not thinking about the quadruple.

Link knows very well that the more you want to refresh a piece of data, the less you can get it. You can't play with the mentality of brushing stats, everything will come naturally and the stats will come up naturally.

It's like when many players get 9 assists, they will always try to get the 10th.

The result is that they will pass in order to pass instead, miss the real opportunity.

Westbrook was panting, knowing he was discredited today.

I wanted to prove himself through this game, but he didn't know that this game was even worse than when he played the Warriors!

He knew that this round might be the last chance for the Thunder.

If this attack fails, the Thunder will not only lack time, but also lack confidence.

In any case, he has to beat Link once!

This time, Westbrook was very cautious in his possession. He didn't plan to pass the ball anymore. He still had 0 assists in the fourth quarter. He already recognized it.

His current goal is only one-attack the basket!

Westbrook stepped in, but Link's defense did not loosen Creek because of the team's big lead.

After walking near the free throw line, Westbrook suddenly turned around, and Link immediately followed by a step, changing the center of gravity.

"Fucked!" Seeing Link moving with him, Westbrook was overjoyed.

He just wanted to make a half-turn. After Link moved, Westbrook immediately turned to the other side.

This time, Link didn't follow along. Westbrook thought he successfully shook Link, but it wasn't.

Link did not follow the move because he seized the opportunity to steal!

When Westbrook did a half-turn, the ball closed very high. There is no doubt that this is a good opportunity to cut the ball.

Even setting aside the factor of stealing data, Link would still be so defensive.

Link's defense doesn't actually pursue data, he just wants to destroy the opponent's offense.

But sometimes, this just makes his data fly wildly.

Sure enough, Westbrook's half-turn fake has not yet been completed, and the basketball suddenly lost control.

Link stabbed a basketball again!

"Damn it!" Westbrook's heart shook, and at the same time, Link took the opportunity to move forward after taking the basketball away!

Westbrook struggled to get the ball back, but after reaching out, he didn't touch the basketball, but instead touched Link's arm.

Westbrook fell to the ground in embarrassment at the speed of Link.

"Successful, successful! Four-double, Link got an incredible four-double data! And, is the second player in history to achieve a four-double due to 10 steals!"

Accompanied by the roar of the old man Hubby Brown, the fans also raised their arms and jumped in the stands.

And Link finally used a heavy tomahawk-style chopping button to bring this perfect match to an end.

With 31 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, and 10 steals, Link officially became the fifth player in NBA history to score a quadruple double! At the same time, it is also the first since the 21st century!

After the dunk, Link did what Iverson did, placing his palms next to his ears to signal the fans to shout louder.

As a result, the entire Federal Express Arena was overwhelmed by the shouts of MVP.

"Listen, listen to this voice! This is the MVP the fans want, this is the performance that the MVP should have! When the next MVP ranking is updated, we will never accept any results other than Link first! "

Link closed his eyes and listened to the sounds around him.

When he couldn't become a professional player in his previous life, Link's favorite thing about playing NBA2K's career mode was to listen to the fans chanting MVP after his outstanding performance.

Whether it is reality or the game, this is an honor for the players.

Although this is not the first time that Link has enjoyed such treatment in the Federal Express Arena, Link will not be bored with such calls no matter how many times they come.

Compared to a quadruple pair, this shout is even more moving.

Billy Donovan called the game to a halt, acquiescing to the loss of the game, and gave the Grizzlies players and fans some time to celebrate and cheer.

The moment the whistle sounded, Wade jumped onto Link's back.

The other Grizzlies players also gathered excitedly to celebrate Link's great record of reaching a quadruple double.

On the other side, Westbrook walked off the court with his double-double stats.

Yes, he still scored a double-double in this game. It was just an embarrassing double-double consisting of 10 turnovers...

10 turnovers, 0 assists and less than 5 rebounds.

Today, the average triple-double in front of Link was completely overturned.

At this time, all the shots were aimed at Link, and he became the only protagonist today.

In addition to the fifth player in NBA history to win a four-double, Link also became the 11th player to score 10 steals in a single game.

People originally thought that today would be a wonderful duel between Link and Westbrook.

However, this was not a duel at all, it was just a massacre.

When the timeout ended and the players from both sides returned to the field, it was found that the Thunder and Grizzlies had already won all the main players.

This means that the game officially enters garbage time.

Oklahoma City Thunder and Westbrook still failed to escape the fate of losing to Link.

If at the beginning of the season, some people questioned the Grizzlies' ability to compete for the title. So now, no one will dare to ignore the power of Memphis.

Indeed, their dynasty was finally broken by the Warriors last season and the record of three consecutive championships was terminated.

But obviously, the grizzly bears after being injured will become more brutal.

When the electronic buzzer sounded, the score was fixed at 117 to 95, and the Thunder lost by 25 points.

The Grizzlies have achieved a five-game winning streak, with a record of 32 wins and 2 losses that is embarrassing!

Immediately after the game was over, several cameras were frantically shooting around Link.

The fifth player in history to be able to score a quadruple-double, this is a magical existence.

God knows how many years will be the next time such a player reappears. After all, it has been 22 years since the "Admiral" to the present!

Therefore, everyone tried to record this memorable picture tonight.

Westbrook walked out of the court silently, without anyone's favor and attention.

This game made his average triple-double data meaningless. Link proved with practical actions that Westbrook's magical data does not play a role in every game.

No matter how good the stats per game are, they can't fight tough battles and are equally useless.

This is why it is generally believed that Bill Russell is greater than Wilt Chamberlain.

Chamberlain's statistics are terrible but "Lord of the Rings" Russell has won more games.

Link was in a good mood, so he smiled when facing the reporters' camera.

The reporters asked a lot of questions related to quadruple and triple doubles, and Link patiently answered them one by one.

In the end, it was Stephen A. Smith who asked a slightly less boring question.

"Link, Kanter provoked you many times in this game, but you didn't reply a word. Can you tell me how you control your emotions?"

Link shrugged, "I didn't deliberately control my emotions at all, because lions are born to ignore dog barking."

No one thinks Link's answer is too much, because compared with the four-double data, Link's answer is not painful at all.

What the winner says is always the truth.

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