Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and one: Cole's counterattack

At the end of the half game, few fans in the Oracle Arena were smiling.

58 to 55, the Memphis Grizzlies returned to the locker room with a 3-point advantage.

Although the 3-point gap is not big, the Warriors have been unable to attack for a long time when the opponent lost Gasol. This really disappointed the Warriors fans on the scene.

The entire second quarter became Link's personal performance time.

He can always stand up to resolve the crisis when the Warriors are about to take the lead, scoring amazing goals one after another.

After halftime, Link had already scored 22 points. In the second quarter alone, 14 points were credited.

Durant only scored 14 points in the two quarters. He didn't score much in the first quarter. In the second quarter and Link singled out, Durant also repeatedly hit a wall.

Now, Dulan specifically said that he doubled back, he couldn't even match Link.

Everyone felt that the Warriors must be quite depressed right now, and they must be anxious.

However, when Steve Kerr was interviewed on the sidelines, he looked calm.

"We are only behind by 3 points and the game is still under control so far. In the second half, it's our shot."

Cole's tone is calm, and his calm and composed look doesn't seem to be pretending.

In fact, Cole did not pretend.

Link's performance in the second quarter was simply amazing. On his own, he filled the vacancy left by Gasol's departure. On his own, he dominated both offense and defense.

But in the same way, the consumption of Link in the second quarter is quite huge!

When you have to face a defensive player like Durant every round, even if you can score a goal, you have to pay a great price. Not to mention, you have to face Durant on the defensive end again and again.

What's more, the Grizzlies just finished back-to-back games. And in the two back-to-back games in Los Angeles, there was no garbage time.

In other words, Link's playing time is not a lot.

The next second half will be a very severe test for Link.

In addition, the Warriors will also change their offensive strategy in the second half. Kerr decided to help the team regain the advantage beyond the three-point line.

In fact, after the suspension of the second quarter, Cole's change has achieved initial results.

Had it not been for Link's performance to be too good, the Grizzlies would never be leading now.

But in the second half, Link may not be able to withstand it.

The cheerleaders during the intermission did not cause much disturbance. After all, the people who came to watch the game were aimed at the men.

Although the intermission was short, the fans on the scene seemed to have been waiting for centuries.

The gap between the exciting games is so impatient.

After 15 minutes, the players from both sides returned to the court.

Link played at the beginning of the second half, although he only had a two-minute break in the second quarter that just ended.

Seeing this, Cole waved his hand!

He wants to use the league's fiercest offensive firepower to devour that guy!

"The Warriors' offense has become very fast, and the number of passes is also very large. Obviously, they have reduced the singles of the stars and paid more attention to teamwork."

While Mark Jackson spoke, Thompson made a three-pointer with the screen and pass of his teammates.

At the beginning of the second half, the Warriors evened the score.

Soon, "Savior Link" went online again. His resolute breakthrough caused Durant's defensive foul and successfully won two free throw opportunities.

Although it caused a foul, Cole could see that Link's footsteps were already a little heavy.

If you have plenty of energy, the ball just now might be 2+1.

Link made two free throws, but it took longer to adjust breathing between the two free throws than in the first half.

After the free throw, Link cannot start running immediately.

Because the Warriors drove a fast baseline, the pace must be as fast as possible.

Gradually, the Warriors began to take the initiative, and the difference was gradually opened.

Link and others are still resisting, but with the Warriors' high three-pointer shooting rate, their resistance is somewhat weak.

By the eighth minute of the third quarter, the point difference had been widened to 12 points.

Link was already out of breath, he was too tired.

It is indeed not a good choice to fight a small lineup with the Warriors who own Durant. The third quarter of the game seemed to instantly bring Link back to last summer, back to the day when he lost to the Warriors.

"The Warriors led by 12 points, and the Grizzlies played more and more passively! Sure enough, the basketball game will never know the result before the last second! When the Grizzlies dominated the first half, many people thought the Warriors were finished. But now, Kevin is working hard to achieve his goal of double returning!"

Mark Jackson is not alarmist. If the game continues like this, the point difference will definitely be increased.

At that time, the game will be beaten, but it is not necessarily.

"Damn, you can't continue to fight with them in a small lineup. This is simply hitting their hardest part." Quinn Snyder can't sit still. The Warriors after having Durant are in their favorite rhythm. , Almost invincible.

Georgel didn't answer, and of course he knew it. But now, he has no way to force the Warriors to change.

Harrell is also very good, but due to his height and lack of autonomous offensive methods, it is difficult for him to pose a threat to the Warriors' defense.

After another two minutes of the game, the point difference became 16 points. This is still when Wade soared into two three-pointers at a critical moment, otherwise the point difference has been 20!

On the court, Durant finally started to spam with Link.

Now Link, he can afford it!

"Don't worry, your double reward package is coming soon, bastard!" Durant babbled in Link's ear, and Link didn't even have the energy to fight Durant.

At this moment, Georgel stopped the game and he could no longer sit back and watch.

"The Grizzlies were stopped. I can't remember how many times they were stopped in the third quarter. But now there are only the last two minutes left in the game. No matter what coach Georgel makes, it should be difficult to receive. It worked."

Mark Jackson shook his head. He thought the Grizzlies had begun to mess around.

Link walked off the court and put on a towel. As soon as he lowered his head, big sweat began to drip onto the floor.

"The game is very difficult, guys, but we must not give up. Next, we need to force the Warriors to slow down, and we need to regain the advantage inside!"

Georgel hit the tactical board with a punch, hoping to make everyone cheer up.

"Link, Richardson will play for you next. You rest for two minutes, in the fourth quarter...I may need you to play full."

After Georgel finished speaking, Link nodded, not trying to take over the job of the head coach.

Players and coaches must also trust each other.

"Next, Zach, you and Jokic partner inside. Offensively, we try to play inside!"

As soon as Georgel said this, everyone turned their attention to old Zach.

Randolph and Tony Allen are basically two bench tricks this year.

But although playing time is not much, the confrontational training within the team has never fallen.

Now I don't want to be led by the warrior, this can only change actively.

Randolph nodded and stood up quickly.

At the same time, countless live cameras have also targeted the **** bear.

Cole looked at the big screen and smiled disdainfully.

So the current savior of the Grizzlies is an old-fashioned Zach Randolph?

The warrior won!

Randolph moved a little, then looked at Link, as if he had something to say.

"What's wrong? Zach."

"Remember the last time I won the championship, I asked you after the reimbursement of the season?" Randolph looked serious. In a critical moment, this fat man would never pull his hips.

"Hmm... I don't remember." Link waved his hand embarrassedly.

"At that time, I asked you to take us to the top. You did it. Now, I will try my best to lead the team out of the predicament. Then you will take us to the top again."

The timeout was over and Zach stepped onto the court.

The background of the Memphis team can be deep.

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