Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and five: a dominant January

The Warriors lost to the Grizzlies for the second time in a row this season, which cast a huge shadow over their defending prospects.

Of course, this also made Durant completely at a disadvantage in the contending with Link.

At the press conference after the game, reporters were all asking Durant about the "double return." Obviously, no one knows where Durant doubled back today.

Even if you don't win the game, you have to have better personal data than Link to make sense.

However, today Durant lost to Link both in terms of game results and personal performance.

This kind of double refund can be said to be quite unusual.

Durant spent the entire press conference in embarrassment and humiliation.

If he can, he really hopes he can go back a month ago, the day when the Warriors and Grizzlies met for the first time this season.

He didn't want to change the result of the game, but wanted to remind himself at that time, don't say anything stupid like double giving back!

At the same time, in the Warriors locker room, countless reporters huddled in front of Draymond Green and asked him what he was yelling with Durant after the game, whether there was a conflict.

Of course, Green denied these suspicions, he just said that he was discussing the game with Durant.

But this explanation can only be believed by fools.

Although the reporters have no evidence of the discord between Green and Durant for the time being, once the crack forms, the reporters have the ability to expand it a little bit until it collapses!

Even if Green and Durant are really nothing, reporters will write a locker room story as complicated as a Chinese palace drama.

And once a team has a locker room problem... they will be farther away from the championship.

Not everyone is like Kobe and Shaq, who can win three championships in conflicting situations.

Link not only defeated the Warriors today, but also directly broke the Warriors' seemingly close team friendship.

After this game, ESPN also spent a lot of time analyzing the Warriors' defeat.

The next day, in an ESPN article, they pointed out the reasons why the Warriors lost to the Grizzlies.

First, the Grizzlies almost froze the Warriors' offense in the fourth quarter.

Throughout the fourth quarter, the Warriors scored 1 of 9 three-pointers, only relying on Curry to score one. Not only is it three points, the Warriors are also outrageous in other areas.

Durant has two open opportunities to miss, one of which is a key ball! In addition, Green and Livingston also missed some goals they should have scored. Thompson was the most exaggerated. He missed three free throws in the fourth quarter alone, including one of the key two free throws.

Otherwise, how about Link's critical moment ability, the only one in the league?

In the fourth quarter yesterday, the Warriors had only 2 assists! If you look carefully at all the Warriors' shots in the fourth quarter, you will find that they have only 3 shots created by passing.

This is a far cry from the Warriors' superb running and transmission in the third quarter.

The advantage of the Grizzlies was analyzed by Mark Jackson yesterday, that is, the Memphis is neither panicking nor making mistakes at critical moments.

Whether it's Link or Randolph, they can hit the key shot hard.

Regardless of 24 seconds or 2 seconds left in the offense, they can complete the offense calmly.

The whole article did not say anything good about the Warriors in the fourth quarter.

In this regard, the author’s explanation is: “After watching the video of the fourth quarter of the two sides repeatedly, I confirmed that the Warriors did not show any outstanding performance in the fourth quarter. No wonder, they will eventually be reversed. Up."

This article is sought after by many fans because the analysis is very detailed.

Even Warriors fans have nothing to refute.

Because of the Warriors' performance in the fourth quarter, there is really no bright spot.

In this game, Link not only won the victory, ended the losing streak.

The warrior kicked into the bottom.

This may be the darkest time the Warriors have experienced since the start of the season.

Accusations, suspicions, defeat, dissatisfaction from fans and gossip from the locker room swarmed the Warriors.

This game is indeed a double reward game.

But it was not Link who suffered double damage, but the Golden State Warriors.

The result of the battle with the Warriors undoubtedly boosted the morale of the Grizzlies team and made everyone full of infinite vision for the just-coming 2017.

There are still a large number of people in this Grizzlies who have not experienced three consecutive championships or even seen a championship ring.

Therefore, the Grizzlies team's enthusiasm for the championship is very high.

At the beginning of the regular season in October last year, people said that no dynasty team after the disbandment could ease off after a year.

But now, people are very skeptical of this view.

Because defeating the Warriors is just the beginning of the Grizzlies' rampage in 2017.

On January 8, the Grizzlies took the Jazz lightly and drove back onto the winning streak of highways.

On January 11, the Grizzlies met Thunder again. The last time the two sides played against each other, Link hit a historic quadruple-double.

Today, Westbrook is going to be ashamed.

As a result, at the Chesapeake Energy Arena, where the Thunder did not score in a sports game and the fans did not sit down, the Grizzlies froze and beat the Thunder with an incredible 20-0!

The Grizzlies' high morale turned into an extremely tough defense in the game. Both physically and psychologically, the Grizzlies' defense is very tough.

The Thunder fans' legs are sore, they just don't see the Thunder score! But there is no way, the rules set by myself, I have to stand up even crying.

Although the Thunder eventually broke the scoring drought, the game has been very difficult for the Thunder after a wave of 20-0 by the Grizzlies.

In the end, Westbrook scored a triple-double with 24 points, 13 rebounds and 12 assists, but the Thunder also lost 99-113.

Link proved once again that it is meaningless to fail to win a triple-double.

After the Thunder, on November 13, the Grizzlies encountered another powerful Western Rocket.

In this battle, Harden and Link played a lot more softly and did not score points with each other, but both connected the team together.

Harden had 9 assists in a single game, and the Rockets scored in double figures with six.

Link sent 12 assists and also allowed 6 Grizzlies to score with both hands.

The two sides fought so anxiously until the last few rounds, and Link also began to stand up and take the initiative to score.

In the end, Link made 4 of 4 shots in the critical period, helping the Grizzlies defeat the Rockets 110 to 105.

From the Warriors to the Thunder and then to the Rockets, the Grizzlies have defeated three powerful Western teams in a row!

And in every game, the Grizzlies were able to cope with ease.

A week later, the Grizzlies met the Cavaliers again at home.

During this period, the Grizzlies defeated the Bulls and Wizards respectively, and the winning streak has unknowingly reached six games.

From two-game losing streak to six-game winning streak, the league may never find a second team that rebounds as fast as the Grizzlies.

In this game against the Cavaliers on January 20, the Grizzlies also maintained their recent good form.

The Cavaliers still played hard in this game, and the duel between James and Link still made fans hooked.

But Marc Gasol's 5-for-10 three-pointer from beyond the three-point line today became a turning point in the game.

The Cavaliers were not afraid of Gasol's three-pointer at first, and Tyronn Lue believed that the traditional center's three-pointer would not kill anyone. Therefore, the defensive strategy is mainly to shrink to prevent Link.

He just let Gasol go, betting that the Spaniards won't make many.

Then, they were killed by Gasol.

Link had 25 points, 6 rebounds and 11 assists. Gasol had 27 points. The Grizzlies defeated the Cavaliers 107 to 95.

So far The Grizzlies have won seven consecutive victories! The most important thing is that they beat the Warriors, Thunder, Rockets and Cavaliers in January and won!

The gold content of this seven-game winning streak can be known!

The Grizzlies' current 40 wins and 4 losses exaggerated record can not help but make people have infinite reveries about 70+ wins in a single season!

Maybe the Grizzlies can do it!

"For the Grizzlies, this is undoubtedly a month full of dominance! They defeated almost every strong enemy and are already one of the strongest teams in the league! If the Grizzlies win the cup again this year, I will not at all Surprised!"

After the game with the Cavaliers, the on-site commentator couldn't help yelling and applauding.

The day after the game ended, when ESPN updated the MVP rankings again.

Link finally appeared where he should have appeared.

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