Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and thirteen: I won again this time

On January 25, while the Grizzlies defeated the Rockets, the Warriors also undertook the Charlotte Hornets away.

As a team with a winning percentage of just over half, the Hornets are naturally not an opponent of the Warriors. In the face of Batum, whose strength has declined severely, Durant also scored 33 points.

Although they are playing two completely different games, the fans still feel that Link and Durant are competing with each other.

Link said that the Warriors would lose before the Grizzlies, Durant said disdainfully, let's wait and see. As soon as Link won the Rockets, Durant killed the Hornets.

Even when Durant joined the Warriors in the first year of last season, the two were not so hostile to each other.

After all, Durant didn't have much confidence last season. He has just joined the Warriors and has yet to win the O'Brien Cup.

But now it's different. Now as the defending champion, Durant certainly doesn't want to see everything he has finally had, and is snatched back by Link.

Therefore, they didn't deal with each other as much as they wanted, and the degree of hostility has soared this season.

As the season continues, the fight between the two sides will only become more intense.

The day after both sides won the game, on January 26, the NBA officially announced the full list of entries for this year's All-Star Game.

In the West, Curry, Harden, Link, Durant and Anthony Davis formed the All-Star starting lineup.

Forwards as strong as Leonard can only be placed on the bench, which shows how fierce the competition in the West is.

But even in the competitive West, Link still became the All-Star ticket king.

Speaking of it, this is the fifth consecutive year that Link has become the All-Star champion.

Compared with three consecutive championships, it seems nothing remarkable to be the top voter for five consecutive years.

However, in fact, there was only one player who could become the All-Star vote leader for five consecutive years before Link - Michael Jordan.

As the most popular star in the world, Jordan has become the All-Star ticket king nine times in his career! Among them, 7 consecutive times were consecutive votes.

This record looks incredible now. Because in the history of the NBA, apart from Link and Jordan, only Carter and Julius Irving can become the top votes for three consecutive years. Others have not been possible for three consecutive years.

Link's five consecutive times are the second most in history.

Obviously, Link will be the player most likely to break Jordan's record of winning the vote for seven consecutive years.

Although Link is the vote leader, the Warriors are not completely defeated in the All-Star lineup.

For the Grizzlies, only Link, the vote king, made the All-Star team. The Warriors, including the starters and substitutes, have a total of four selected for the All-Star team!

Curry, Clay, Green and Durant are all selected!

At this point, the Warriors have an overwhelming advantage.

Therefore, the fans on both sides also quarreled fiercely on the Internet.

Some people say that it is even greater to be the top voter for five consecutive years. Others say that it is even greater for a team to have four people selected for the All-Star at the same time.

Both sides insisted on their own words, and quarreled happily in major basketball forums.

The hostility between Link and Durant, the Grizzlies and the Warriors, has undoubtedly infected the fans on both sides.

But in Link's view, winning the vote for five consecutive years and winning four All-Stars is not great. Victory is great.

Although facing the Rockets, the Grizzlies passed the danger, but their challenge is not over yet.

Just a day after the battle with the Rockets, the Grizzlies ushered in another opponent that is not easy to mess with-the Portland Trail Blazers.

The Trail Blazers and the Grizzlies have also had two encounters this season, one of which was Link's lore and the other was a victory for the Grizzlies.

At present, the Grizzlies are leading 2-0.

Today’s game against the Trail Blazers is similar to that of the Rockets, because the opponent also has an X factor that makes the game process very elusive.

In the last game, the Rockets’ X factor was Decker. Today, the X factor for the Trail Blazers is 13 second-round pick Alan Crabbe.

Crabbe entered the industry in 13 years, averaging less than 5 points per game in the first two seasons of his career, so he has no sense of existence. He, like most second-round picks, seems destined to leave the league silently.

But since 15 years, Crabbe has become a major rotation member of the Trail Blazers, averaging about 10 points per game.

As a substitute for the Trailblazers' "double shots in the backcourt", this data is good enough.

Today, Crabbe also came off the bench, but he made a hit rate that made Lillard and McCollum ashamed.

Crabbe hit 6 goals in 8 shots from beyond the three-point line, with a 75% three-pointer percentage!

This terrible hit rate makes it impossible for the Grizzlies to completely leave the Blazers behind.

However, at critical moments, Link's excellent defense made Crabbe deflated.

In the last three minutes of the game, Link blocked Crabbe, which directly blocked his magical performance.

At the same time, Old Carter stepped up and scored two key goals to completely accept the game.

115 to 109, the Grizzlies encountered "unexpected surprises" in two consecutive games, but they were finally suppressed with hard power.

After the game, Lillard shook his head helplessly.

From the bottom of his heart, Lillard is confident to break his wrist with the Golden State Warriors. But with the Grizzlies...Forget it, never won...

The Grizzlies once again won without danger. The last two strongest opponents in January, the Grizzlies have already settled.

Their winning streak has also accumulated to 10 consecutive victories.

Now, all the pressure is on Durant's side. Because the day after tomorrow, the Warriors' opponent is precisely the Blazers!

If the Grizzlies win the Blazers and the Warriors fail to do so, it would be equivalent to Durant losing to Link again.

On January 28, after the Grizzlies continued with the Blazers and Rockets, they defeated the Jazz in a back-to-back game.

People were surprised to find that the Grizzlies seemed to have become even more terrifying after a bitter battle with the Raptors!

Their dominance, cohesion and tacit understanding seem to be even better than the first half of the season.

The Grizzlies players are like a group of Saiyans. Every time they are on the verge of death, it means a significant increase in strength!

Now, the Grizzlies have won three of their last four games in January. The only remaining opponent, the Sun, seems to pose no threat to the Grizzlies.

The Grizzlies' victory in the last four games in January is almost a certainty. Now, it depends on Durant and the Warriors.

Unfortunately, on January 29, the Warriors overturned the car at Moda Center!

"C.J. McCollum made another three-pointer. This is his fifth three-pointer in this game! This number is the sum of Curry, Thompson and Durant!"

After McCollum hit a three-pointer on Clay's head, the live commentator cheered.

Today, the Warriors have a terrible three-pointer. Durant was 1 in 7 and Clay was 2 in 6, except that Curry's 4 of 2 was normal.

On the other hand, the Blazers, perhaps because the Grizzlies defeated the Grizzlies in the last game were very unwilling. So today, they vented everyone's grievances on the Warriors.

McCollum broke out from beyond the three-point line, and Lillard also turned Curry into a sieve full of holes.

Although the Warriors have been in the lead most of the time, the Blazers have been persistently reluctant to let go.

Finally, at the last moment of the game, McCollum's three-pointer allowed the Blazers to overtake the Warriors by 2 points in the final 3.4 seconds.

The fans of the All Moda Center are standing up and cheering for their players. They failed to beat the Grizzlies, but they must defeat the Warriors!

In the end, Durant executed the lore, but his three-pointer shot out of the box and failed to hit.

113 to 111, McCollum must kill the Warriors, ending the Warriors' winning streak!

"Fuck!" Durant yelled at the end of the game.

He failed to grasp the last chance. He let a team that had just lost to the Grizzlies beat him and ruined everything himself!

He and the Warriors were the first to lose the game, UU Reading www. also lost this contest against Link!

At the end of the game, there were several reporters around Lillard and McCollum.

Lillard was very proud, and his frustration after losing to the Grizzlies finally disappeared.

Facing the camera, he smiled and said: "I always think that the Warriors are not invincible. Compared to the Grizzlies, the odds of winning against the Warriors are greater. Of course, the Warriors are not easy to fight, but if the probability of winning the Warriors is 10%, then The probability of winning the Grizzlies is only 1%. I am very happy that we seized this 10% chance today."

Lillard's support after the game made the Warriors extremely embarrassed.

After the game, Durant was absent from the press conference.

Although the Warriors did not give an official explanation, all reporters knew the reason for Durant's absence.

That guy just ran away. Link won another crucial victory in the duel with Durant.

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