Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and twenty: King of Key Balls

After basketball entered the net, the cheers in the Federal Express Arena were already very enthusiastic, but they still continued to increase.

Link waved his arms excitedly, but fortunately the referee flashed fast, otherwise he would definitely copy the tragedy of Boozer's punch on the referee's stomach during celebration.

After the punch, Link was hugged by Wade, who rushed up from behind.

In the stands, all the fans stood up and cheered for the incredible layup.

In front of the TV, I don't know how many fans opened their mouths in surprise.

Only 2.8 seconds left in the game, and Link's goal put the Grizzlies ahead by 4 points!

4 points, which is not too big a gap in a basketball game.

But under the circumstances at this time, this 4-point gap is insurmountable.

With a steal, a difficult defensive jump shot and an incredible layup, Link once again demonstrated his unparalleled and powerful key ball ability at the critical moment of the critical fourth quarter!

"Link is definitely a star who can play hard games. Do you know why the Grizzlies always win? Because in the last three minutes of the game, he doesn't just think about passing the ball like Chris Weber! I have no malice against Weber. I just want to say... Link is so awesome!"

Hubby Brown can no longer contain his emotions. Old people like him usually rarely experience such emotional moments.

However, Link made Hubby Brown jump up and down with excitement time and time again.

After explaining Link's game for a long time, Hubby Brown felt as if he had become younger.

Yes, the Grizzlies' record is so good, it's not without reason.

First of all, the Grizzlies' hard power is already above most teams. Under such circumstances, Link's unimaginable key ball ability can also allow the Grizzlies to win most of the 50-50 games.

With such a leader in the formation, it is difficult for the Grizzlies to have a good record.

At critical moments, Link never disappoints. If the league has statistics on scoring at key moments of the season, Link will definitely be the first in the league.

He is the well-deserved king of key balls!

When everyone in the audience was cheering for Link, Popovich used the last timeout he had.

With 2.8 seconds left in the game, the Spurs trailed by 4 points. Obviously, even if Popovich is extremely smart, it is almost impossible to reverse the game under such circumstances.

The old man is just not reconciled, he still wants to make the final struggle.

In the eyes of the fans, this timeout seems to have been called specially to make time for everyone to watch the replay.

When the game was paused, a slow-motion replay of Link’s layup was played on the big screen.

His shocking actions were finally fully displayed in front of the fans.

The fans finally saw clearly how Link deliberately dropped the ball in the air to avoid blocking, and then caught the basketball to complete the layup.

Everyone's mouth has become an "O" shape. No matter how experienced the fans are, they have never seen such a goal.

If it weren't for seeing it with their own eyes, fans would never imagine this kind of picture.

When a person is in the air, the ball is released. Under normal circumstances, it is basically impossible to get it again. Many mistakes were caused by the offensive team dropping hands in the air.

And even if you really receive a basketball again, almost no one can readjust and complete the layup in such a short time.

Sometimes the player who received the basketball after he got rid of it still didn't react. What happened? His body had already landed.

But Link was stunned to complete this incredible goal in front of the best defensive player in the league.

His terrifying ability to stay in the air and reaction speed are breathtaking.

It's no wonder Leonard held his head painfully after Link scored.

It is not the 4-point gap that makes the "face paralyzed" feel desperate, but Link himself!

When he witnessed Link scored that incredible goal, Leonard's self-confidence was completely destroyed.

He knows that a guy who can score that kind of goal cannot be defeated!

"Unbelievable, I don't know how to describe this goal except for the word. We don't know if Link subconsciously avoided blocking like this in the air, or if he planned to do so. But no matter what the situation is Suffice it to show Link’s strength. Kawai performed very well today, but unfortunately, he met an invincible opponent. He is not weak, but the opponent is too strong!"

Popovich looked at Leonard. Although the No. 2 was still expressionless, Popovich could see unwillingness and loss in his eyes.

Yes, he obviously played with Link for the entire game, and he obviously didn't perform badly. It was a 50-50 match with Link.

But at the last moment, he was defeated by Link three times in a row, resulting in a complete loss of the game...

It's hard to accept this kind of thing on anyone.

Popovich shook his head. He felt that he couldn't afford a tactical board.

Even his own confidence has suffered a huge blow.

Although the game still has 2.8 seconds to end, the fans on the scene have already begun to celebrate the victory in advance.

However, Link still clapped his hands and shouted, "Concentrate!"

This sentence put an end to all possible miracles for the Spurs.

In the end, Leonard's forced shot from beyond the three-point line failed to hit. The red light on the backboard also lit up when the basketball was hitting the iron.

At this time, Hubie Brown said the old saying: "In Memphis, only the Grizzlies can perform miracles!"

86 to 82, with Link's "three-game winning streak" at the last moment, the Grizzlies passed the risk by 4 points and raised their winning streak to 16 games!

Link has 25 points, 8 rebounds and 5 assists in this game. For Link, this is relatively ordinary data. What's more, Link's hit rate today is far below average.

But no one would think that Link did not perform well in this game, so basketball is not a simple data analysis.

This difficult defensive battle ended in victory for the Grizzlies.

After the game, Link shook hands with Leonard. I have to say that if Leonard hadn't driven Link into a desperate situation today, Link would never have thought of such crazy moves.

Link respects Leonard, this league player who can use defense to push him into desperation is basically gone.

Leonard can be said to be the only one.

Such an opponent, Link is respect from the heart.

Leonard also hugged and shook hands with Link politely, looking very sporty.

But everyone knew that his heart must be very uncomfortable at this time.

Since losing to the Grizzlies in the tiebreaker last summer, Leonard has been waiting for a chance for revenge.

Now it's hard to wait until the first encounter with the Grizzlies, but it's such an ending.

Losing in the critical round, this is the most sad way to lose, even more uncomfortable than losing directly to the Grizzlies by 20 points.

Some people seem to be close to him.

But this slight gap may never be bridged.

Now Leonard has this feeling in his heart.

No matter how well you do, Link can do better than you...

After the game, even Popovich, who has always liked to show up, couldn’t show up Link’s goal is incredible, I can’t even imagine how he came up with that kind of action of. I was very satisfied with the performance of my players in this game. They played a glorious game, but... not very lucky. Link's key ball ability is daunting. "

Popovich pouted, and the team that sits firmly on the strength rankings this year is really not easy to mess with.

Link also praised Leonard at the press conference. He said frankly: "Kavai’s defense has brought me huge troubles. I was risked by him twice today and he was intercepted once. He is really strong. ."

However, as a winner, the more Link praised Leonard, the more he can highlight his greatness.

Such a powerful opponent, Link, is done, can it be great?

After this crazy night, the Grizzlies' record became 49 wins and 4 losses.

Link's goal of over 74 wins is getting closer.

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