Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and twenty-three: The enemy who is pressing every step (1/5)

Durant and Green mocked Link with a fake cough at the press conference, which was probably the biggest news before the start of the All-Star Game.

Although Durant and Green were criticized by everyone, Durant also apologized in a painless manner on social media under pressure.

But once Liangzi is knotted, it is not so easy to untie it.

Obviously, Link did what he said again. Whenever a reporter asked questions about Green and Durant, Link's answer was always mixed with words starting with F and B.

The joke was very upset about this, and gave Link a ticket and warning.

But Link still went his own way and did not shy away from it. He said he would no longer respect Durant and Green, and he implemented it quite thoroughly.

It's not that I didn't think of giving Link directly the penalty of suspension, but in the upcoming All-Star Game, the key publicity superstar has been suspended...It doesn't seem to be too plausible.

As a result, the conflict between Link and Durant can only intensify.

Finally, the arrival of the All-Star Weekend eased this matter slightly. Everyone's thoughts have also shifted from the conflict between Link and Durant to the All-Star Weekend performance.

After the Grizzlies lost to the Warriors, they successively defeated the Pelicans and Nets, which can be regarded as a slight reassurance of the anger of Memphis fans.

However, this matter has just come to an end, but it is far from over.

In this year's All-Star Game, even Durant and Westbrook played the emotional card to relieve the past, but Link and Durant still did not deal with it.

Reporters found that Durant and Link were the only two players on the Western Conference All-Star team who didn't say a word to each other.

Even in the performance-based All-Star Game, Link and Durant were secretly competing. After a goal is scored by one of them, the other side must also score a goal to give up.

As if Link and Durant did not fight in the same locker room, it was a blessing in misfortune.

The two didn't have any idea of ​​reconciliation in the All-Star Game.

Although this year's All-Star MVP was finally awarded to host Anthony Davis, who scored 52 points tonight.

But after the game, it was Durant and Link that people discussed most.

These two guys are like modern Jordan and Isaiah Thomas. They seem to be unable to reconcile the entire player era.

Once the All-Star Game was over, the conflict between Link and Durant was still a hot topic.

In the atmosphere of the duo's battle for hegemony, who will reach the finals this year between Link and Durant has become the biggest attraction in the West.

Of course, no matter how fierce the fans are, it can't represent anything.

Who is the master of this alliance depends on the performance to rank seniority.

In the Warriors' first game after the All-Star break, they easily won the Clippers.

The Clippers can't compete with the Warriors because of Paul's injury.

Curry beat Paul's replacement Austin Rivers with 35 points and a 60% three-pointer.

The next day, the Grizzlies also ushered in their first game after the All-Star Weekend.

All fans hope that the Grizzlies and Link can use a victory to destroy the arrogance of the Warriors and Durant.

However, their ending is not as good as the Warriors.

In Indianapolis on February 24, the Grizzlies lost to the Pacers by some surprise.

The Pacers have only 29 wins and 28 losses this season, which is not too amazing.

Although because of Paul George, the Pacers are still considered a force that cannot be ignored. But at this time, they are no longer one of the champion contenders.

However, it is such a team that can only be regarded as a playoff level, but it has played a perfect game.

Link's performance was of course as good as ever. George used all his best to make a tie with Link.

However, the rest of the Pacers took a shot from beyond the three-point line today.

In this game, the Pacers shot 46.3% of their three-pointers, which is undoubtedly far beyond their average.

The Pacers averaged only 37.6% of their 3-pointers this season, and they are not a team that relies on three-pointers to win.

Pacers coach Nate McMillan still emphasizes defense and positional offense.

Therefore, even McMillan himself was surprised to be able to defeat the Grizzlies in this way.

Reggie Miller, the Pacers star who explained the game, couldn’t help but smiled and said: “If the Pacers could shoot this way every night, they would have been number one in the Eastern Conference. I have to say that today Luck is on the side of the walkers."

The Grizzlies won two games after losing to the Warriors, and they immediately ushered in another defeat, which was unexpected to many fans.

Therefore, it is very difficult to maintain a winning streak in the long regular season. The basketball game is full of all kinds of accidents and variables, and not all teams with stronger strength will win the game in the end.

Luck is also one of the unexpected factors.

After the game, George hugged his old friend Link.

Link heartily blessed George. After all, it was something that matters, and Link really couldn't get angry.

If you change the team to win the Grizzlies today, it will be a ghost if Link will hug them peacefully.

However, after this unexpected defeat, the Grizzlies' record has become 52 wins and 6 losses.

The regular season has a little more than one and a half months, a total of 24 games.

If Link wants to set a new record in the regular season, it means that they will only be allowed to lose one more game out of 24 games in this month and a half!

In an instant, breaking the 74-win record became a **** of difficulty.

What's more worrying is that after the Warriors defeated the Clippers yesterday, their record has become 50 wins and 8 losses!

Today the Grizzlies lost again and the gap between them has been further narrowed.

At this point, there are only two wins left between the Warriors and the Grizzlies, and it seems likely to overtake the Grizzlies in the rankings at any time.

Sure enough, as soon as the Grizzlies and Pacers game ended, the Warriors fans cheered.

"I've said that the Warriors will start after the All-Stars, and the Grizzlies' time for the first place in the Western Conference is over!"

"Like most previous examples, the Grizzlies seem to be a bit tired after the All-Star Game. It seems that the first place in the regular season this season is still the Warriors."

"Hahaha, this way, the Grizzlies won't say anything stupid about regaining the championship. It turns out that no matter how difficult the situation is, the Warriors can handle the Grizzlies!"

For a while, the Warriors fans were excited as if they had won the championship.

Being able to get closer to the Grizzlies is something they have been looking forward to countless days and nights.

The fans are so busy, Green, who has never been too troubled, has also begun to tap the keyboard.

"The champion is always the We will soon recapture everything that belongs to us."

At the end of this sentence, Green also added a crown expression.

This tweet undoubtedly further escalated the smell of gunpowder on both sides.

Anyway, Green is not afraid of fans spraying, so even if a "cough incident" has just happened, Green is still tirelessly provoking Link.

Obviously, the Warriors want to regain the first place in the Western Conference after the All-Star Game to show their dominance.

In order to achieve this goal, in the remaining one and a half months, they will only press on step by step.

The pressure is now all on Grizzlies and Link's side.

When a super team is chasing behind you, you will never find peace.

The ranking battle between two mortal enemies is officially launched!

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