Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and thirty-five: Don't be busy with sadness (five/five)

There are not many fans left in the Toyota Center. The gap in the blockbuster movies in the stands reminds the fans who have just switched channels-if you are watching this game at the last critical moment, then you have to disappointed.

Many fans who were stuck in time to switch channels to watch the final match of the fourth quarter stared wide and couldn't believe the score under the TV screen.

At this point, there are five minutes left in the fourth quarter, and the Rockets are 32 points behind!

Then, the camera gave Link a close-up. At the bottom of the TV screen, Link's data for today was immediately displayed.

With 53 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists, Link scored 50+ points in a single game for the second time this season. The last time he scored 50+ points, he also faced the Rockets. On December 13 last year, Link hit an unprecedented 50+15+15 data on the Rockets.

Today, Link's violent output has not stopped.

Although his stats today are not as surprised as 50+15+15, but today Link scored 50 points in only three quarters!

"What's the situation?" All the fans who got stuck in time to watch the fourth quarter were taken aback.

What did Link do in the first three quarters?

50 points in three quarters? Listen, is this a human thing?

"Unbelievable, before the start of the game, no one must have thought that the final match would be the result. The two sides played against each other in the first three matches, and they both played inextricably. The biggest difference was only 4 points. But today, Link is only He killed his old opponent in three quarters."

Mike Brin recalled Link's performance in the previous three quarters and found it incredible.

After scoring 20 points in the first quarter, after playing the Rockets 20-0, the Rockets were completely confused.

Later in the second and third quarters, the Rockets did not organize any decent resistance at all. Their three-pointers feel as cold as ice cubes just taken out of the refrigerator, and the defensive end is also lazy. Their determination to win has already been wiped out in the first quarter.

But Link did not relax his offensive. Although he did not play a magical performance of 20 points in a row, when the three quarters ended, Link had already accumulated 53 points!

Compared with Klay Thompson's 60 points in three quarters and Kobe's 61 points in three quarters that year, Link's 53 points in three quarters is indeed not the highest record.

But everyone has to admit that this is also an incredible scoring performance.

At that time, Harden and Gordon both scored a bonus, which was not as much as Link's alone.

Under Link's crazy offensive, at the end of the third quarter, the Rockets were lagging behind by as much as 38 points, and the points difference was almost 40 points!

Unless the Rockets can suddenly draw a three-pointer that has been inaccurate today in the fourth quarter, they have no chance of winning.

So, after the start of the fourth quarter, Georgel replaced all the main players and officially announced that the game had entered garbage time!

After the Rockets resisted for four minutes to no avail, D'Antoni also withdrew all the main force.

In this way, the game entered a state where no one cares about it.

Although Mike Brin witnessed the whole process of this game with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it until now.

In the face of such a powerful offensive rocket, Link actually established a 20-point lead as soon as he came up.

And those 20 points have already laid the foundation for the Grizzlies' victory.

It is no wonder that there are not many fans left in the Toyota Center. Their desire for victory in this game was ruthlessly crushed by Link.

With 50 points in three quarters, he forcibly put the game that might be suspenseful into garbage time...

Link can only do this kind of thing

For three consecutive games, the Grizzlies solved the battle before the fourth quarter. This is no coincidence!

How can the Grizzlies save energy for the playoffs under such a difficult schedule? Link gave his answer.

And his "method of solving problems" is definitely something that many people dare not even think of.

How to save energy? Just throw the game into garbage time. It's as if you ask Kobe how to score, and he will tell you to shoot in a double-double.

Not everyone can learn this method.

The garbage time is always very long. After a few minutes of suffering, Harden finally heard the electronic buzzer.

Harden hated this sound three times before playing against the Grizzlies. Because if there is more time, the Rockets may still win the game.

But today, this sound sounds like a natural sound to Harden.

138 to 105, the Rockets are finally free.

With a 33-point difference, the Rockets were completely nailed on the pillar of shame.

The fans on the scene booed dissatisfied, but today, the boo is definitely not directed at the Grizzlies, but at the Rockets.

"The game is over and it's over. Today, Houston fans don't have to worry about traffic jams anymore. Because more than half of them have left the arena ahead of time!" Mike Brin shook his head. This nationwide live broadcast of the game , Was "ruined" by the Grizzlies.

Link, who scored 53 points in three quarters, stood up from the bench and hugged his teammates.

The Grizzlies resolved their first crisis since March. In the back-to-back schedule of the Texas away game, they successfully achieved two wins.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have opened a winning gap with the Warriors on the leaderboard!

"I think the Warriors fans may be more lost than the Rockets fans at this time. The Thunder just lost to the Bulls a few days ago, and the Grizzlies scored a record of two wins in the Texas road trip. Now, both sides The difference in winning games was opened by one more game. In the subsequent games, if the Warriors make the slightest mistake, the gap will be further widened."

Mike Brin's words hit the pain points of many Warriors fans, yes, watching the Rockets lose, they feel more uncomfortable than anyone!

Originally, everyone was worried about the fate of the Grizzlies in March. But now, after the Warriors lost to the Bulls, everyone was worried about the defending champion.

Won No. 1 in the Western Conference, but it is not so good now.

At the press conference after the game, D'Antoni was completely beaten up.

"Seeing Link with full firepower as soon as he came up, I knew what he wanted to do. He didn't want to turn the game into a tug-of-war, it would be very detrimental to the Grizzlies. So, I was thinking of ways to stop it from the first second. He. As you all saw it, we couldn't stop it at all."

D'Antoni's answer is equivalent to directly raising the white flag at the press conference.

But today, no one would laugh at D'Antoni's incompetence or weakness. When Link scored 53 points in three quarters, he couldn't stand it with someone else.

"He played very well today. We thought it would be an anxious game, but we were given a severe lesson."

Next to D'Antoni, James Harden was beaten convincingly.

The two teams have met four times this season and the Rockets have lost four times. The first three times, Harden was somewhat unwilling.

But today really lost completely.

The Rockets were directly defeated, but Link was not complacent on the Grizzlies.

It seems that he is still fighting spirit.

"I know that I broke the illusions of many people. I ruined the game that should have been anxious and ruined the expectations of the Warriors. However, I am very happy to do this, and I will continue to do it. Sorry Kay Wen, our performance in this round of back-to-back matches must have disappointed you very much. Don’t be so sad, buddy, because more sad things are yet to come!"

Link smiled on stage, but no one underneath could laugh.

Today’s battle has proved that Link will not break his promise even in the most difficult schedule.

He said he would solve the crisis, and he did.

Now he says that the Warriors will face even more sad things...Well, the defending champion will ask for more blessings.

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