Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and forty-five: an era that has ended before it even begins

Durant stared at the championship pennant on the Oracle Arena, fascinated.

When winning the championship last summer, everyone thought that this was just the beginning of the dynasty, the beginning of an era.

but now......

Durant shook his head vigorously, and he didn't allow himself to concede without fighting.

But today's game is too desperate.

At this moment, there was another sigh in the Oracle Arena.

Durant looked up, and sure enough, it was Link who scored again.

"Go in, the 60th point of the game! Up to now in the fourth quarter, Link scored 22 points. He completely suppressed Klay Thompson's firepower! Link's explosive scoring power did not lose to Klay at all! "

Durant looked at the number "60" on Link's scoring data, and he was a little numb.

He is Link, and it's not difficult for him to score 60 points.

But after seeing the difference between the two teams, Durant was a little bit heartbroken.

At this point, there is only 1 minute and 08 seconds until the end of the game. But the Golden State Warriors are 26 points behind.

After working hard for a whole quarter, the Warriors finally failed to catch up with the Grizzlies.

Since Link re-entered the game, Thompson's magical aura gradually weakened and then disappeared.

To be precise, from the ultra-long-distance three-pointer that Link's suddenly pulled up, Thompson's dominance gradually weakened.

Since then, Link completely took over the game and continued to score.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Thompson gave everyone a glimmer of hope.

But in the end, I found out that it was really just a trace of hope.

The glimmer of light was not enough to make the Warriors push the darkness away.

26 points... this huge gap made Durant very depressed.

Indeed, today he was unable to play due to injury, and the Warriors are not fighting with the strongest lineup.

But in Durant's view, even without himself, the Grizzlies can win so much is too exaggerated.

This means that the Grizzlies do have an overwhelming advantage! This advantage, even after his own comeback, may not be able to be filled.

This season's regular season, the Grizzlies' 3-1 record against the Warriors is proof!

Durant is very scared now, not that he is afraid of losing the game, but that he is afraid of losing the championship...

Before joining the Warriors, he was suppressed by Link for many years. In the West, facing the Spurs and Grizzlies, his two major rivals, he has been unable to get ahead.

After making up his mind to make a change last season, he finally defeated the Grizzlies himself and escaped from Link's catch.

He didn't want to be so fast, he was trampled underneath by Link again.

He had had enough of the days of being ruled by Link.

But now, the grizzly bear's brutal expansion seems to be impossible to stop.

After Link scored his 60th point of the game, Steve Kerr suspended the game.

His face was lifeless, originally Link was ready to rest with 38 points. Thanks to Thompson's "Fu", Link's score today changed from 38 points to 60 points...

In fact, Thompson's performance in the fourth quarter was really good. But unfortunately, Link performed better than him!

This is the first time Kerr has seen a player who can suppress Clay in scoring explosiveness.

Unexpectedly, the last time the Warriors and the Grizzlies played against the Grizzlies in the regular season this season would end with this ending.

For Warriors players and fans, this is undoubtedly the worst ending.

"Coach Cole called a timeout. This means that after the timeout comes back, both sides will replace all the main players. In the end, the outcome of the game has not changed, and the garbage time has not been broken. Link kept the victory. This March, they became the biggest winner."

Mike Brin felt sorry for the Warriors, but in the end, they still failed to perform miracles.

This game, it is estimated that the Warriors will be depressed for a long time. After all, the Warriors’ March is really difficult.

The plan to win the first place in the West failed.

The game against the hard steel Grizzlies was defeated.

The most shocking thing is that the Warriors must be quite lacking in confidence in their defending journey.

Not to mention that there is still James who is eyeing the East. This year, the Warriors are very, very dangerous if they want to rush out of the West.

Last season, the Warriors also eliminated the Grizzlies with a total score of 4 to 2.

But this year, the road to the Warriors will never be so easy.

The last minute or so of garbage time passed quickly, and when the buzzer sounded, the camera was given to Durant.

He was full of spirits before the game, but now he looks lonely.

Yes, in his expectation, today should be the day the Warriors return to the first place in the West.

However, the huge gap between ideals and reality is very shocking.

This March, which was supposed to bury the Grizzlies, in turn engulfed the Warriors.

"At the end of the game, 138 to 111, the Memphis Grizzlies scored a 27-point victory at Oracle Arena! And this is the second time this season. The Grizzlies have won the Warriors by more than 25 points! The regular season match record In terms of the Grizzlies' victory over the defending champion!"

Link's performance of 60 points, 8 rebounds and 5 assists is unmatched. The gap of 27 points also proves that the Grizzlies are strong enough to dominate.

Durant only felt a pain in his heart, and sure enough, Link's methods were very brutal.

"The league's number one is not easy to mess with," is not a vain name.

The defending champions entered with pride, but now they leave one by one in despair.

In this game, the status of the defending champion plummeted.

Less than 10 minutes after the game, once the number one "Lin Black" Bill Simmons posted a comment on his social media.

"People originally thought that the Warriors could create an era of their own, but now you all know? They just fortunately stole a championship in the era of the Grizzlies. Now, the Grizzlies are going to take what belonged to them Got it back."

The crushing situation the Grizzlies showed in this game really shocked everyone.

You know, even the Warriors without Durant are still the strongest team in the West.

People have thought about the Grizzlies winning games, but winning so many, this is undoubtedly many people's expectations.

But having said that, the Grizzlies have done too many things that people didn't expect in this March.

They defeated the Rockets, Clippers and Spurs successively and achieved a 14-game winning streak in this extremely difficult schedule.

They were not upset by any weak team, and they were desperately stable.

The game with the Warriors just continued this magic.

In the press conference after the game, he said the most harsh words before, but it turned out that Link, who scored 22 points in the fourth quarter, became the most embarrassing person in the audience.

He had hoped to clean up Link once at Oracle Arena, but he did not know that he was beaten with a bruised face.

If Thompson and McCaw face up with Link for the entire game today, Green still has an excuse to find.

But in the critical fourth quarter and Link was blown up, he has no room for defense.

"Draymond, after this game, the Warriors and Grizzlies' win-loss ratio has become 1 to 3. If this is the playoff score, do you think you can reverse it?"

"Green, we saw you almost powerless to resist in front of Link. As the best defensive player of last season, what do you want to say?"


One by one embarrassing questions were thrown out by the Green is completely dumb this time, no matter how big his mouth is.

On the other hand, Link, who had been very serious before the game, was very relaxed now.

"I am very happy to win the Warriors. I have been waiting for a long time at this moment. I don't think Durant and Green will cough in front of reporters anymore after today. They should understand what is respect."

"This 27-point victory is a gift I gave to KD. I hope he will like it. Of course, even if he doesn't like it, it's useless. He must accept this gift."

Link was finally no longer so serious, and the Grizzlies completed their revenge in the final match against the Warriors in the regular season, which somewhat relaxed Link.

Of course, it is not yet time to relax completely.

After the Warriors' biggest obstacle in March is resolved, the Grizzlies' brutal expansion will begin to accelerate.

Now, no one can stop Link from fulfilling his ambitions.

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