Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and seventy-nine: Fight against lore and steal victory

Durant was really angry. He hated Link's way of being aloof anyway.


  How much he hopes Link can lower his arrogant head in front of him, really frustrated once.


   But this kind of thrill of defeating opponents, Durant never enjoyed it once.


   Last season, even after the Warriors eliminated the Grizzlies, Durant did not see Link's dejection.


   Now, Lin Keming has been driven into desperation, but instead of being nervous and depressed, he dares to provoke himself!


   Durant is very angry, he is about to make Link also frustrated, let him taste the taste of failure!


   In the last second, it was impossible for Link to make a shot under his interference.


   Link is standing at the basket. There are several Warriors players in white home jerseys around him.


  As expected, the Warriors adopted a strict defense strategy against Link.


   It is very difficult for Link to throw off the defense by running without the ball.


   At the scene, the cheers of the Warriors fans still did not stop.


   But Mike Brin stepped up and poured cold water on the Warriors fans.


   "It's too early to cheer, but the Grizzlies still have a full second!"


   "A full second? You said that one second is enough." Mike Brin's partner spread his hands.


"Indeed, 1 second is a bit too tight for others. But for Link, it is more than enough. Anyway, I am so nervous now, you never know what Link will do. ."


   Jokic stood beside the referee, and once the referee handed the ball into his hands, the countdown started.


   He must pass the ball before the violation, and the person who receives the ball must complete the shot within one second, and he must also throw the ball in.


   To be honest, such a requirement is too demanding. If it weren't for Link, Jokic would have given up.


   Durant decided to forget what Link said just now, he knew Link was trying to interfere with him. Therefore, he didn't really regard Link's shot point as the right bottom corner.


   He thought that Link said that deliberately, maybe just trying to confuse himself.


   In any case, he will stick to Link later, making him difficult.


   Amidst the cheers of the Warriors fans, the referee handed the ball to Jokic.


   The moment Jokic got the basketball, Link, who was standing at the basket, suddenly started!


   Of course, his goal is not the bottom corner, but the 45° position on the right.


  As soon as Link started, Gasol came up to cover Link.


   But because Durant had already prepared, he circumvented Gasol very flexibly and sprinted towards Link!


   What the bottom right corner is really deceiving! In any case, Durant would not let Link's tricks succeed. He was about to make Link hang his head in front of him!


   Link ran beyond the right three-point line, put his hands on his chest, and was ready to catch the ball!


   Durant rushed up with all his strength, he was secretly happy in his heart, at this distance, he might even directly block Link's shot!


   Jokic also seems to be ready to pass, everything is developing in accordance with Durant's trajectory.


   But just when Jokic was about to pass the ball out, he retracted his arm.


   At the same time, Link suddenly turned around and ran backwards with Durant as the axis, rushing diagonally towards the right bottom corner!


   "What!?" Durant didn't expect Jokic and Link to complete a fake action very tacitly!


   Link is pretending to catch the ball, Jokic is also a fake pass.


   Because he just wanted to stop Link too much, Durant rushed too hard. So now, he can't overcome the inertia of his body to catch up with Link again.


   Seeing Link running away from his eyes but nothing he could do, Durant's heart was cold.


   Because of what Link just said, he rushed so hard that he couldn't keep up in time now.


   In the end, he was still affected by Link's trash talk!


   When Durant turned to chase Link, Link had already opened a distance from Durantra.


   Seeing this, Klay Thompson also rushed towards Link.


   Now, it is equivalent to Durant and Thompson chasing Link.


   Link really received the basketball at the right bottom corner, and Thompson was also ready to take off and interfere with the shot.


   In his expectation, Link, who had his back to the basket to catch the ball, had to turn around and face the basket to make a shot.


   As everyone knows, the moment Link received the basketball, he turned around and made a jump shot.


   He plans to jump in the air first, then aim at the basket!


   And this record turned around to shoot, but also slightly drifted and leaned back, very difficult!


   But this sudden shot also made Thompson and Durant's blockade a step slower.


   Watching Durant and Thompson both rushed to interfere with Link's shot, Warriors fans raised their arms.


   But in fact, Link was not disturbed much at all. Whether it was Thompson or Durant, their interference came too late!


   The basketball crossed a perfect rainbow arc, easily passed the fingers of Durant and Thompson, and then went straight to the net!


   The moment the basketball hits the net, the red light on the backboard also lights up.


   Link’s shot seemed to have pressed a key, and the cheers in the Oracle Arena suddenly stopped!


"Anti-lore, anti-lore! Link dropped the ball under the interference of Durant and Thompson. He destroyed the dream of the Warriors, and he stole the victory from the Warriors' pocket. Come out. This shot is too classic. From getting rid of the ball without the ball, to his and Jokic's fake moves, everything is so perfect! What am I talking about? This is not the time for the Warriors fans to cheer. Even if it is only 1 second Link can also change the result of the game!"


   Mike Brin's voice is completely hoarse, he doesn't know if he can still catch up with the commentary of the finals in this situation.


   But he can't take care of that much anymore. At this moment, he just wants to cheer for Link's wonderful goal!


   Link did not celebrate after scoring a goal. Instead, he pointed to the wooden floor under his feet and looked at Durant with a grin: "I said, I will kill you here!"


   Durant suffered 1 million tons of damage, he was defeated completely!


   After this, Durant was squeezed out by the Grizzlies players who came to celebrate.


   Link was surrounded by his teammates and regarded as a hero by his teammates.


   And Durant himself? Only the expressions of disappointment from the Warriors fans greeted him.


   In the end, he still failed to see Link's head down in front of The series total score was turned 3-1 by Link in the last second of the game!


   This score has almost sentenced the warrior to death!


   Unless a miracle happens, unless Link slipped and broke his leg while taking a shower at home at night.


   Otherwise, the Warriors have only theoretical hope of winning.


   There was no cheering or booing. There was a dead silence in the Oracle Arena, and many fans who stood in front of the TV thought that their TV was broken.


   However, this is the biggest compliment for the Grizzlies. This scene is what Link wants to see most!


   Two consecutive games, they conquered this field! Next, they will conquer the entire west!


   "Dwyane, I'm almost out of breath." Link laughed very happily among his teammates.


   Wade was the first to rush up and hug Link very tightly.


   "You are so awesome Link, so awesome!" Wade was a little incoherent. He was very fortunate that he picked the Memphis Grizzlies last summer.


  If you continue to be an enemy of Link, there will never be results, right?


   There is no limit to the power of this guy.


   Warriors fans watched the Grizzlies **** the victory, but they were helpless.


   The flag of last season's championship was flying lonely over the Oracle Arena, with a bit less honor and a bit more sadness.

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