Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and eighty three: Birth gift

No one could have imagined that the first game of the Cavaliers and Grizzlies finals would be like this.


   Inside the Federal Express Arena, all Grizzlies fans opened their mouths. Even though Link often performs miracles in this arena, today's game still stunned the Grizzlies fans because it was too magical.


   "The Cleveland Cavaliers scored 49 points in the first quarter... this... this is incredible!"


   Mike Brin felt his voice trembling.


   scored nearly 50 points on the Grizzlies in a single quarter, let alone Grizzlies fans, even the most optimistic Cleveland fans would never think of such a result.


   And the reason why the Cavaliers can directly defeat the Grizzlies league's first defense, rely on one thing-three-pointers.


   Throughout the first quarter, the Cavaliers made 7 of 12 shots from beyond the three-point line, and scored 21 points on three-pointers alone!


   Among them, Kevin Love even made 3 of 4 shots, completely disrupting the Grizzlies' rhythm.


   In this season’s playoffs, Love’s three-pointers hit 45%. And his exaggerated three-pointer feel undoubtedly inherited perfectly into the finals.


   In the first quarter of the first game of the finals, Love started his own performance.


   With 49 points in a single quarter, the Cavaliers set a record for the highest scoring in a single quarter in the NBA Finals and shocked the world.


   And for the next three quarters, the Cavaliers still didn't mean to stop.


   In the second quarter, the Cavaliers' three-pointers are still hot, and the three-point shooting rate is even higher than the first quarter!


   After continuing the first quarter with 7 of 12 shots, the Cavaliers shot 6 of 10 three-pointers in the second quarter! Scored 37 points in a single quarter, and scored 86 points in the first half!


   "I have never seen any team that can play such an offense under the defense of the Grizzlies! Even the Warriors who are good at three-pointers have never played such a game!"


   Mike Brin simply wondered if he was dreaming. Even in the easiest NBA2K game, controlling the Cavaliers to fight the Grizzlies, it is almost impossible to score this score.


   What is the concept of 86 points at half time? Seven years ago, when the Lakers and Celtics faced off in the Finals, their score in the sixth game of the series was 89 to 67, which combined was 4 points more than the halftime score of the Cavaliers and Grizzlies today. !


   In the past 400 finals, the team has scored no more than 86 points in a total of 159 times.


   However, now the Cavaliers scored 86 points in halftime!


   What's more, all of this was done under the defense of the Grizzlies.


   The Grizzlies scored 66 points in the half, and the efficiency is already very high. However, they are still 22 points behind the Cavaliers.


   The magical first half of the Cavaliers almost made the game lose its suspense.


   After the game entered the second half, the Cavaliers' firepower finally became less abnormal. But 12 of 22 three-pointers are still very accurate.


   The Grizzlies only lost the Cavaliers by 3 points in the entire second half, but the gap between the two sides in the first half was so big that the Grizzlies were unable to recover.


  In the end, the Grizzlies were slaughtered by the Cleveland Cavaliers for 25 points in the Federal Express Arena!


   This is the biggest loss the Grizzlies have experienced this season, and it is also the biggest loss the Grizzlies have experienced in the finals in history.


   At the end of the game, James screamed excitedly and hugged all his teammates.


  Today, he and his teammates proved that the Cavaliers are not here for a formality, but not for the Grizzlies as a background board.


  They are really fighting for the championship!


"Fantastic, the performance of the Cavaliers today can only be described as magic! No one can get more than 20 points on the Grizzlies, but the Cavaliers did it! The audience made 24 of 45 three-pointers and made 24 in a single game. Three-pointers, which also broke the record for most three-pointers in the NBA Finals!"


   Mike Brin shook his head, James is indeed Link’s "old friend". The first game of the series gave Link a big gift.


   If the Cavaliers are just a player with a three-pointer, they might not have beaten the Grizzlies so badly.


   But today, almost everyone in the Cavaliers feels too good a three-pointer.


   Irving was 7 of 12 from beyond the three-point line, Love was 6 of 8, Smith was 5 of 9, and Shumpert, Deron and Korver totaled 3 of 5!


   LeBron James, the most inaccurate, also shot 37.5% of his three-pointers today.


  People say that the Golden State Warriors let the world know that shooting can really win the championship.


   However, the performance of the Cavaliers outside the three-point line today is beyond the reach of the Warriors.


   "Fuck, LeBron is really ruthless." Wade couldn't help but cursed secretly as he watched his former partner celebrating the victory wildly.


   He was not so accurate before?


   "What the **** is the three-point shooting, just kidding!" Conley also shook his head vigorously. He joined the industry in 2007 and has been in the league for 10 years now.


   However, this was the first time he encountered such an unthinkable thing in 10 years.


   Georgel and Quinn Snyder looked at each other. They made a lot of adjustments to the Cavaliers' three-pointers in this game. However, the Cavaliers still made 53.3% of their three-pointers. Moreover, under the premise that the opponent has made up to 45 three-pointers!


   1 to 0, the unpopular Cleveland Cavaliers took the lead in the finals!


   They easily won a victory in the Federal Express Arena!


   In an interview after the game, James was very excited: "This is just a statement. Our goal this year is very clear, which is to win the championship! I know the Grizzlies are strong, but we will be stronger than our opponents, just like today!"


   James’ impassioned speech inspired the Cleveland fans. After waiting for so many years, the "little emperor" finally wants to wear the crown on his head again!


   Link? He left the court as soon as the game was over and walked straight to the player channel.


   The reporters all thought that Link must have been hit, and they must be very angry. They thought that he left early because he could not accept this tragic defeat.


   According to past inertia, Link probably is not in the mood to attend the next press conference.


   However, the reporters saw Link at the press conference after the game.


   And, he was so calm as if the Grizzlies' 25-point fiasco just now had nothing to do with him!


   "Link, can you tell me why you left so quickly after the game?" A reporter looked at Link who had nothing to do and asked cautiously.


   "Oh, I'm just rushing back to the locker room to confirm my wife's expected delivery date with my mobile phone and the doctor." Link spread his hands nonchalantly, but the reporters underneath were shocked!


   Link directly ignored the loss of this game! ? This is not like his character!


   "Oh...oh, then, how long is the expected date of delivery?" The reporters who were at a loss had to follow Link's words.


  " Around June Link even smiled when answering this question. This was the first time reporters saw Link smile after he lost.


   "Congratulations then, Link. But for this game..."


"The Cavaliers played very well in this game, but they also played well. I think they also know very well that they can no longer replicate the miracle like today. 24 three-pointers in a single game, what kidding... ...I conceded today, but I won’t admit defeat. My goal is simple, to win the championship as a birth gift before my child is born."


   After Link finished speaking, he stood up anxiously and left the media reception room. He wanted to rush to the hospital to see Rachel.


   The reporters looked at each other, always feeling that what Link said was wrong.


   It is understandable to say that winning the championship before the child is born as a birth gift, but...


   The reporters suddenly remembered that Link just said that Rachel’s due date is around June 13. According to the schedule, on June 12, the Grizzlies and the Cavaliers will start the fifth game of the series.


  In other words...


   Link thinks he can lead his team to win four consecutive games with the Cavaliers and win the finals cleanly!


   Thinking of this, the reporters suddenly turned pale.


   They don't know if Link is floating, or if they are too unsure.



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