Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and eighty-five: The offense won't stop so fast

Although the last game was slaughtered by more than 20 points, the Grizzlies fans in the Federal Express Arena are still very enthusiastic today.


   Link has given them a guarantee that they will win the championship before the due date on June 13th.


   Grizzlies fans believe in this.


   After all, all Link's previous promises to the city have been fulfilled.


   When the Grizzlies won the championship for the first time, Link told all Memphis that this would not be the Grizzlies’ last championship.


   At that time, the whole world was ridiculing, thinking that Link had just picked up a bargain and shut up and talked big.


   Then, the Grizzlies, a small city team, really established an incredible three-game winning streak.


   Last season, when the Grizzlies' dynasty was ended by the Warriors, Link told all Memphis that the Grizzlies would soon be back on track.


   At that time, people said that there was no dynasty team in NBA history that could recover so quickly, so Link could not accomplish his goal.


   As a result, this year, the Grizzlies eliminated the Warriors 4-2.


   Perhaps in the eyes of the Cleveland media and fans, if you win the championship before June 13th, Link just said casually.


   But Memphis fans have never doubted the feasibility of this sentence.


   As long as Link said it, he can definitely do it!


   Before the game started, James gathered everyone together to cheer for his teammates.


   Seeing the knights are united, Link can't imagine the near future. Kelly and Owen will take the initiative to apply for a transfer.


   Of course, it is unknown whether Irving will do this in this history.


   But based on Link's past experience, this kind of thing generally doesn't show much deviation.


   The Cavaliers players stood in front of Link with confidence one by one, Irving, Smith, James, Love and Tristan Thompson.


   These five people are full of murderous in their eyes, it is clear that they really want to win all two away games.


   Maybe they also want to be like the Dallas Mavericks in 2011, and they will be out of the siege without being optimistic.


   But they seem to forget that when the Heat were killed by the Mavericks in 2011, LeBron James had the worst Finals performance of his career.


   In six games, James averaged 17.8 points, 7.1 rebounds, and 6.8 assists per game, on a 47.7% field goal percentage.


   James scored less than 20 in three games, and even a shame of only 8 points in a single game.


   In all six games, James never scored 25 points. When James needed to stand up at critical moments, he was also fearful, averaging only 1.8 points per game in the final quarter. In other words, when the game is the most anxious, James often does nothing.


  The final performance like this can be said to be quite horrible.


   Although James is not entirely blamed for the Heat's loss in the 11th Finals, the performance of James is indeed the main reason for the Heat's loss.


   But Link won't follow James's old path. The Cavaliers want to win the championship upset? Link will never agree!


   Before the game started, Wade and James hugged and reminded his old friends: "Don't be too careless, our counterattack will often hurt the opponent."


   James did not respond, he thought Wade was just bluffing.


   But as soon as the game opened, Link put James in a cold sweat.


   After Gasol used his height advantage to compete for basketball, Conley was responsible for slowing the ball forward.


   The knights are waiting, thinking that the Grizzlies will be the first to fight a wave of after all complex tactics for success.


   As a result, Link took a shot after receiving the basketball one step away from the three-point line!


   The whole offense was simple and rough, but it was unexpected.


   James didn't expect Link to shoot directly, so the interference was a step slower.


   At the moment when Link took a shot, James even luckily thought that even if the interference was a little slower, Link might not be able to make a shot from this distance.


   However, the next second, the sound of the Nets rolling over immediately caught James' ears.


  In front of Link, there is no room for luck!


   "When Link hit a three-pointer, Link gave the Cavaliers the most powerful response! The Grizzlies lost the three-point line last game, and today Link made a three-pointer for the first goal!"


After    Link scored, the right hand of the shot was never put down, and three fingers were compared.


   James swallowed, he had a bad feeling.


   Link, this guy is still so strong in revenge!


   Then, Smith also made a three-pointer under Wade's interference.


   In the last game, even under defensive interference, the Cavaliers still scored three-pointers.


   But today, Smith's first shot was off target under Wade's defense.


   The cheers in the Federal Express Arena immediately rose by an octave. Obviously, .'s iron strike meant that the Cavaliers' sense of three-pointer had disappeared.


   At the very least, they can't score goals under normal interference.


   "I didn't make it, the Cleveland Cavaliers didn't have a smooth hand after the opening. Although it is still impossible to tell who can make more three-pointers, it is clear that the Grizzlies are already revenge!"


   Mike Brin just finished speaking, the Grizzlies made another long shot and hit.


   This time, Conley broke through and gave the ball to Link outside the right three-point line.


   Link attracted the attention of everyone in the Cavaliers when he received the basketball, but he was not in a hurry, but rather calmly passed the ball to Jokic in the right corner.


   This patient conduction made Jokic completely empty.


   He calmly shot and hit the three-pointer again!


   6 to 0, the Grizzlies are using the same method as the Cavaliers in the previous game, in turn against them.


   Now, Tyron Lu is a little nervous. If the Grizzlies make a three-pointer and let the Grizzlies easily widen the gap, the Cavaliers will be difficult to play.


   Although the Cavaliers slaughtered the Grizzlies by more than 20 points in the last game, Tyronn Luke did not float.


   He knew very well that in terms of hard power, the Cavaliers were indeed slightly weaker than the Grizzlies.


   If the Grizzlies opened the score, it would be difficult for the Cavaliers to catch up.


   So, Tyronn Lu yelled from the sidelines, signalling everyone to be closer to their opponents when defending, and not to let the Grizzlies take easy shots!


   But even so, the Cavaliers still failed to block the grizzly's fiery three-pointer.


   Although the Grizzlies’ three-pointers made today are not as exaggerated as the Cavaliers in the previous game, it is enough for them to get and hold the lead firmly.


   The Cavaliers’ defense finally improved a bit until the end of the first quarter. Smith deliberately let Wade go to defend others and achieved certain results.


   Wade, who is not good at long-range shots, struck outside the three-point line for two consecutive rounds. The Cavaliers also used these two opportunities to fight back with Irving and James each.


   After the Cavaliers scored 4 points in a row, the difference was reduced to 7 points. They managed to stabilize the point difference in single digits four minutes before the end of the first quarter.


"The Cleveland Cavaliers are stronger than everyone thought. They temporarily withstood the fierce firepower of the Grizzlies. Coach Georgel called a timeout, and then the Grizzlies will start to switch players. I think the Cavaliers will finally be able to I took a breath for a while."


   Jeff Van Gundy took a deep breath after finishing talking.


   The Grizzlies' offensive today is really suffocating.


   "Can you really take a breath? I don't think it's that simple." Mike Brin holds a completely different view from Van Gundy. He thinks the Cavaliers' nightmare is far from over.


   At this time, on the Grizzlies bench, Georgel called Dinwiddie, who was three-pointed during the warm-up today.


   At the same time, Nash also stood up nervously, as if he was about to appear.


"Spencer, increase the frequency of your shots outside the three-point line after you come on the court, and shoot long if you have a chance! Link, you lead the team to play for two minutes and then rest. Use more breakthrough points to tear the Cavaliers' defense. "


  George emphasized the offense as soon as he came up. Just as Mike Brin said, the Grizzlies don’t plan to stop there!


   In any case, they want to enter the second quarter with a double-digit Link and Dinwiddie both nodded, ready to fight.


   At this time, Nash also got close to Dingwiddie. He has never played in the finals as a player, so he regards his most proud student as himself.


   Now, Dinwiddie Denash will play in the finals!


   "Boy, don't panic after you're on the court. No matter what the situation is, you can't take your shots too hastily. Just run actively and Link will find you. And..."


   Nash exhorted a lot beside Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie nodded vigorously, his expression focused.


   Soon, the electronic buzzer sounded and the pause time ended.


   Dinwiddie was just about to play, but was caught by Nash.


   "Is there anything else? Steve."


   "Nothing, I just want to tell you... take the opportunity, kid."


   Dinwiddie nodded and stepped onto the court, Nash smiled bitterly. That guy, I don’t even know how hard it is to play in the finals...


   But Nash believed that Dinwiddie would not let himself down.


   The game restarted and Dinwiddie had the ball for half the time.


   Nash sat back on the bench and raised his legs.


   Next, let’s watch the performance of Link and Dinwiddie.



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