Reverse Growth Superstar

: One hundred and fourteen: 0 million level? Cabbage price! (Twenty six / forty)

   "Link, you just go buy a car."

   The day after the game with the Nuggets ended, Randolph chatted with Link in the locker room as usual after training.

   Although Link only pranked Randolph yesterday, Randolph took revenge on Link on the spot. But everyone is not hurt, they are all people who can play jokes. Once the joke is over, no one will be angry because of it. Everyone is just as happy as if nothing happened.

   "Buy a car? Why did you suddenly think of this?" Link answered Randolph while receiving a massage from the trainer. Now Link needs to relax his muscles, because he will stay behind later to practice a set of three-point shots and a set of confrontational layups.

"It's not convenient for you to take a taxi to and from work every day. Every day after training is over, the streets are not safe. It is better to be careful at night in Memphis. Besides, you are the one who beat Cameron. Anthony and the little star who was selected for the All-Star Rookie Game, can't justify it without his own car."

   "Hmm..." Link nodded, Randolph made some sense.

   The United States, especially Memphis, a not-so-prosperous city, undoubtedly embodies the characteristic of being vast and sparsely populated.

   Before crossing over, Link lived in a small third-tier city in China. But at ninety o'clock in the evening, the streets are still lively and taxis are everywhere.

   But in Memphis, after Link's daily extra training, the street feels quite empty. There are fewer pedestrians and fewer vehicles. Sometimes I can’t wait for a taxi for a long time, so I call for a taxi and I have to wait a while.

   Federal Express Arena is located in the downtown area, and the situation is pretty good. The residential area where Link lives is really empty when I wake up in the morning.

bus? nonexistent. The bus system in Memphis is not as good as Los Angeles and New York, and even more so than China. Few people take public transportation in the area where Link lives. The main customers who take public transportation are the poor, students, the elderly and the disabled.

   Memphis buses have very low service levels, with poor conditions, dirty, and worn-out equipment. The car frequency is low, every half an hour to an hour. Many bus lines take time to cross the city, several times slower than driving by yourself. After Lin came to Memphis, he only took the bus twice, and he never dared to try again.

   So, when he gets up in the morning, Link will either run in the morning to get a taxi in a busy place, or call for a taxi. In short, how inconvenient to come. Speaking of which, he really missed the time when Upshaw honked downstairs on time every day when he was in Oklahoma.

   Randolph's proposal really made Link somewhat interested. Unfortunately, the Grizzlies will have to play a game with the Bucks at home tomorrow, so there must be no time to see the car. So Link decided to go to the car shop the day after tomorrow.

   The Grizzlies played easily the next night. The Bucks' opponents are of average quality. "Jian Huang" Jennings was also defended by Conley with only 35.3% shooting. The Grizzlies won without pressure.

   This is Link's second game in place of Gay, and his performance is still outstanding. Although not as amazing as the 26 points of the previous game, the performance of 19 points in 7 out of 10 in the game was enough. Coupled with 8 rebounds and 4 assists, Link was once again praised.

   After the game, Link didn't even feel tired. Some time ago, he continued to fight against strong teams such as the Lakers, Thunder and Nuggets. After getting used to the fierce intensity and rhythm, now suddenly hitting the Bucks, Link suddenly felt extremely relaxed.

   After returning to the locker room, Link started planning to see the car tomorrow. He invited Randolph to go with him, Randolph readily agreed. Then Link called the manager Jeff Austin again and asked him if he had any suggestions.

As a result, Jeff Austin’s answer left Link speechless, "You can buy anything you like. This is not an investment and there is no risk. If you really don’t know which car to choose, just buy all the cars you are struggling with. Come on. Anyway, it's just a little money."

   "Natural grass, only a small amount of money... I bought a few of them all..." Link curled his lips. For most ordinary Chinese families, buying a car is considered a big expense. What's more, it is still 2011. Starting

   In the United States, although buying a car is not a big deal, it does not mean that you just buy it. Some young people may even cry with excitement when they get their first car in their lives.

   But in Jeff Austin’s mouth, buying a car is like buying instant noodles. Just take whatever taste you want... not enough? Take a few more packs...

   Link also heard that the car prices in the United States are much cheaper than in China, but Link has really not studied how much cheaper it is. So when he went home today, Link turned on the computer and searched the car price online.

   I don’t know if I don’t search, but Link really surprised Link.

   This is simply the price of cabbage! Especially in terms of Link's salary level, there is no need to worry.

  In the beginning, Link was searching for ordinary household cars. As a result, the price ranges from a few thousand to more than ten thousand dollars, which is cheap anyway.

After   , Link boldly searched for some relatively luxurious cars.

   Ford Mustang is regarded as a "diaosi sports car" in China. However, the starting price of this car is more than 300,000 yuan. It is actually not a swanky at all and is still beyond the reach of most people. Link took a look at the selling price in the US, 20,000-50,000...

   Then, Link looked at several luxury cars from BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi that were priced at 700,000 to 800,000 yuan in China. The results of it? The prices are all in the range of 60-100,000 US dollars.

   Finally, Link searched the Range Rover. The price of this car in China is millions of yuan, which most ordinary people can't work hard in their lifetime.

   As a result, the US price starts at 89,500...In other words, now Link directly buys a Chinese million-class luxury car, and there is no pressure at all.

   Cheaper American cars are not just a matter of conversion rate. Even if the U.S. dollar is converted into RMB, the U.S. still sells cheaper than China. The price of the same car in the United States is basically only about 60% of that in China.

   Part of this is due to various taxes, but there is also the problem of "people stupid and a lot of money". They set a high price to sell in China, and the result was very good, so naturally they won’t be lowered.

   Seeing that the car that he could not afford for a lifetime is now only the price of cabbage, Link can't help but sigh, no wonder the stars buy tens of millions of cars, and every purchase is a garage...

   The next day, Link and Randolph went straight to the sales place after training. In the beginning, Link wanted to buy a Ford Mustang. After all, it looks handsome and has good performance, suitable for young people.

   But then Link found that he was 2.03 meters tall and it was uncomfortable to ride in this kind of low-ground car. It seemed that the bumps could hit his head, so he had to give up.

   In the end, Link chose the Land Rover Range Rover, a car that starts at RMB 1.22 million in China.

   Range Rover is famous for its large space and powerful off-road capabilities. As a standard British brand, even the Queen of England’s car is a Range Rover. For most people, it is really a symbol of money and power.

   But for Link, it doesn't hurt to buy it at all, just buy a transportation tool.

   "How about? I said that this car is more comfortable to sit on than a sports car? It has a large space, a good view, and a strong power." Randolph sat in the co-driver and looked at the car's interior. First release https://https://

   "It's okay, that's it." Link said that it was okay, but in fact he was already happy. He has never seen many of the luxurious features of this car before.

No wonder Randolph just lent his Mercedes to him to drive in the past, because these cars are nothing to After all, Randolph has been running since the 05-06 season. It has already started with a salary of tens of millions of years.

   After buying the car, Link took Randolph for a ride on the streets of Memphis. I have to say that after having a car, the range of activities will be much larger, and will no longer be restricted by inconvenience.

   Moreover, Link himself is a person who enjoys driving after all. For him, driving is also a hobby.

   The day after he bought the car, Link drove his new car to train. Don't worry about waiting without a taxi. You can leave whenever you want. This feeling of freedom is really cool.

   But during training today, Link always felt that Randolph had a knife in his smile. After the training, Link finally knew what medicine Randolph had in his pocket.

   After training was over in the afternoon, Link went to the parking lot to open the car door and was stunned. Because his car is full of popcorn!

   In the next second, Randolph ran out of the corner with a few teammates. He was still taking pictures with his mobile phone in his hand and recorded Link's surprised expression.

   Link sighed speechlessly. Before crossing over, he had also watched some videos of rookies being treated like this. In all NBA teams, this is simply a "reserved program" after a rookie has joined the team for a period of time.

   I just didn't expect Link to have this day.

   "Hahahaha, I've waited a long time for today! Link, now we are even!"

   The whole underground parking lot was filled with Randolph's laughter. That guy, I really don't know whether to call him naive or crazy. A man’s happiness is sometimes just like this.

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