Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and ninety-one: a game that only Link can control

The scene captured Link's finger from the stand, but people did not know who he was referring to.


  Because many players like to use their fingers to stand on the field, everyone didn't pay much attention to Link's actions just now.


   But Adam Joke was very nervous at this time, he knew very well that Link was just referring to himself.


   Link's action is equivalent to directly declaring war on the joke.


   The joke is not actually trying to forcefully change the results of the series, he just wants to extend the finals as much as possible.


   But it was obvious that Link did not intend to satisfy his wish.


   Although Link re-appeared, the Cavaliers players are still full of confidence at this time.


   Even a fool can feel that the referee is biased towards the Cavaliers today.


   This is equivalent to directly reducing the difficulty of this game.


   So when they saw Link playing again, they were no longer nervous.


   The big deal, let him get two more fouls!


The appearance of    Link stopped the boos on the scene abruptly and turned into cheers.


   As long as Link is still there, there is hope for the game.


   Irving did not panic, and still steadily took the ball in.


   The 9-point difference is officially formed. The Cavaliers only need to successfully play one defense and one offense to increase the difference to double digits in the crucial fourth quarter!


"Link is back, and it seems that the Grizzlies have regained their confidence. Since the second half of the third quarter, Link has not played four fouls. I hope Link will not get into foul trouble again in the fourth quarter. in."


   As soon as Mike Brin spoke, the whistle sounded. The game was interrupted by the referee again, which made many neutral fans intolerable.


   This time, Link borrowed Gasol's screen to score a jumper.


   But the moment the ball was scored, the referee blew Gasol an illegal screen and the score was invalid!


   I didn't blow in the early days, and waited for Link's ball to blow in. This offensive foul blow can be said to be quite shameless.


   "An offensive foul was blown, my goodness, the scale of today's game is really strange!" Mike Brin couldn't help but complain.


   Of course he has seen the trickiness of this game a long time ago, but as a commentator he can't directly point out.


   Mike Brin has always been a very professional commentator. He has never said much about things that should not be commented on.


   But now even Mike Brin can't stand it anymore. A beautiful goal was blown out by the referee. How can this game be played?


   "I, Cao, where do I have illegal screens!?" The meek Gasol couldn't help but yelled. Although Georgel had just been sent off, the Grizzlies players were still not deterred.


   At this time, it was Link who stood up and stopped him.


   "It doesn't matter, don't be affected by this kind of thing anymore! Quickly retreat, retreat!"


   Link yelled while clapping his hands, trying to stabilize the morale of the team.


   He knows that this group of referees were instructed by a joke to make such a game. So in today's game, no matter how pressure the referee is, it is useless.


   In that case, just leave the referee alone. If you can't score screens, use other methods to score!


  Under Link's command, the Grizzlies players calmed down and quickly retreated.


   As soon as the Grizzlies gained a foothold, James came out with the ball.


   Obviously, his ball was directed at Link. It doesn't matter whether the ball is scored or not, as long as Link fouls it.


  If Link's six offenders can leave the field, the victory of this match will be settled!


   What if Link doesn’t want to be fouled? Then get out of the way! In this way, James can score easily.


   In the eyes of most people, Link will face a dilemma.


   But in Link's eyes, he has a third way.


   After James rushed up with the ball, Link first followed the back, let James hit the basket.


   At this time, the referee has a whistle in his mouth. As long as Link takes off and blocks, he will immediately sound the whistle!


   However, at the moment James layup, Link did not take off, but very viciously, cut off the basketball in James' hands!


   The referee wanted to call a foul, but Link's cut was so clean that he didn't even show his feet.


   Even if Link fouled now, watching the replay later won’t make sense.


   In the past three quarters of the game, the Grizzlies were blown or not blown. In other words, as long as the referee wants to, he can always find a reason for whistling.


   But Link's clean cut made the referee completely unable to pick out the thorn.


   After the ball was cut, James reflexively wanted to hold the basketball again.


   As everyone knows, in the panic, he hit the ball out of the baseline.


   The whistle still sounded, but it was not a foul on Link, but James out of bounds.


   "Nice defense, Link was very smart and caused James to make a mistake when he came up, and he made a defense! His cut is perfect, even as if he deliberately let James jump to the basket and prepare to cut the ball!"


   successfully won the ball for the team, and Link won the cheers of the fans.


   The joke is a bit nervous at this time, and Link seems to be playing with him!


   Then, Link personally took possession of the ball for halftime.


   He looked at the Cavaliers' defense and called the screen again.


   James is standing by, ready to bypass Gasol's blockade at any time.


   But just before Gasol's cover was in place, Link suddenly activated without warning!


   Everyone thought that Link would play a pick-and-roll with Gasol, but in fact it was just to distract James.


   Link's league is the fastest first step, even James can hardly keep up.


   Link just kicked off half of James' position.


   James had to chase back with all his strength, he knew he could be a little rougher. Anyway, the referee is on the side of the Cavaliers today.


   However, just as James was pursuing it with all his strength, Link, who had clearly surpassed James, suddenly pulled the ball down the crotch and then retreated beyond the three-point line!


   James slammed the brakes and turned to face outside the three-point line again. Unexpectedly, he slipped and lost his center of gravity.


   Although James supported the ground with his hands in time, he didn't let himself fall.


   But it has become a fact that he was swayed by Link!


   Before James got up, Link, who had retreated beyond the three-point line, took the shot calmly.


   Link wants to see, what reason for the referee to whistle this time!




   "The goal was scored, and Link made a very domineering response! A three-pointer stepped back and knocked James down and scored the ball. This is the greatest performance that the league's greatest superstar can make!"


   Mike Brin was boiling, and Link’s counter-attack was too depressing!


   "What a terrible player, his strength is completely unique in this era." In the stands, the old "Lord of the Rings" Bill Russell grinned.


   "Yes, yes." The joke beside Russell also smiled, but it was very embarrassing.


   Link is that beating James?


   No, it was a slap that slapped his alliance president in the face!


   "MVP! MVP! MVP!" After Link scored a goal, a uniform call rang from the stands of the Federal Express Arena.


   He is like a savior, coming to the Federal Express Arena.


   James stood up embarrassedly and rubbed his thigh.


   I just slipped, and my thigh seemed to be pulled.


   Recalling that Link once injured Pachulia's ankle through vain, James felt scared.


   He doesn't want to be the second player to be injured by Link.


   "Keep focusing, we will soon catch up!" Link did not rush to celebrate after scoring, but continued to shout to keep his teammates focused.


   After this, Kelly Irving tried to break Conley. Like James, his first goal is not to score, but to make fouls.


   This time, Conley's confrontation with Irving was not very fierce. Jokic's and Gasol's defense seemed to be less rough.


   Owen jumped easily, ready to put the ball into the basket.


   But from the reflection of the rebound, Owen saw Link flying over from behind him!


   "Damn!" Irving certainly knows how powerful Link is. If he insists on layup, the basketball will be nailed directly to the backboard in all likelihood.


   Moreover, Link was also not suspected of fouling this ball, and the referee couldn't blow it if he wanted to.


   So Owen turned into a pass in the air, threw the ball beyond the three-point line, and gave it to James!


   James was completely emptied by Link from beyond the three-point line, and he did not hesitate to shoot.


   Unfortunately, James is not Link. He wanted to return Link from beyond the three-point line, but it wasn't that easy.




   The basketball slammed to the front of the hoop again with a crisp sound.


   James furiously hit the iron!


   He missed an open shot.


   Link used his own bounce to get the rebounds before Love and Thompson arrived.


   Before landing in the air, Link passed the ball to Conley. When he grabbed the rebound, he launched a counterattack!


   All the knights chased back immediately. Link's way of launching a counterattack was so fast that it made people too late to react.


   James rushed up first, it was not difficult for him to chase Conley.


   He clung to Conley and stepped into the penalty area, but Conley threw the ball directly behind his head without taking off.


   "Not a layup!?" James stared at the basketball, turning his head subconsciously.


   When he turned his head, he only saw a huge shadow hitting him.


   Link followed closely and received the basketball thrown by Conley.


  Although there is still a LeBron James between him and the basket, at this time, James has no time to do any remedial measures.




   Link was in the air through James, who was too late to take off, and smashed the ball into the frame with both hands!


   "Little Emperor" suffered the humiliation of Link's crotch!


   "The buckle is separated, and the object of the buckle is LeBron James! As expected of Link, this is a visual feast!"


   Link let go, and the dunk just now was easy for him.


   Take off in a full sprint, even if there is James standing under the basket, Link can not miss it!


   James just failed to seize the three-point chance, and now he is cut off by Link.


   In the past four games, Link and James basically broke each other.


   But today, Link wants to unilaterally explode James once!


   This dunk made the 9-point difference instantly become 4 points. Even if the referee is still looking for fault, there is no way to slow down the speed at which the score is forced to close.


   Seeing Link scored such a wonderful The joke feels like you have just been cut off!


   Link looked at the stands again, and looked at the joke again.


   The joke felt cold on the back. For the first time, he felt that as the president of the league, he was so powerless.


   Jokes used the backward whistle to influence many games before, and most of them succeeded.


   But want to influence Link's game? This is simply impossible.


   Link's game, after all, only Link himself can control!


   The joke has a heavy expression, which is in sharp contrast with the cheering fans around.


   And Link quickly retreated and greeted everyone to stay focused.


   Champion, I don’t want to wait one more day!



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