Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand one hundred and ninety-three: the greatest road in history

In the last 23 seconds of the game, Link held the ball.

After he passed the midfield line, he stopped.

At this time, the cheers in the Federal Express Arena reached its peak. Because in another 23 seconds, they will win the O'Brien Cup for the fourth time in team history!

The Cavaliers are still 12 points behind the Grizzlies. Sure enough, chasing 16 points in the last minute is an impractical thing.

Throughout the last minute of the game, the fans were in a state of extreme excitement.

Re-embrace the championship after a year, this moment, almost all Memphis people are thinking about it.

Now, this wonderful moment is finally coming!

Link looked at the timer on the backboard. He had never felt that 23 seconds were so long.

Others are still on the basketball court, but their thoughts have already rushed out of the arena.

James had set up a defensive posture. After seeing Link stopped, he simply akimbo and waited for the end of the game.

This is definitely the most humiliating finals James has ever played.

Although he was even swept by Link before, he can only be ranked second in the finals of the most humiliating career in his career.

In this game, the free throw ratio of both sides in the fourth quarter was 10 to 3, and the offensive foul ratio was 5 to 0.

That's right, the Grizzlies got five offensive fouls in the fourth quarter!

In addition, Jokic also committed six offenses on the Grizzlies side. Because of four fouls, Link's playing time is far less than before.

To be honest, the Cavaliers took advantage of this game even James himself was a little embarrassed.

The referee's partiality has reached an unreasonable level. It can be seen that in order to forcefully extend the finals, the league has done everything possible.

However, even so, the Cavaliers failed to win the game! Not only didn't win, but the Grizzlies pulled the difference to double digits again!

This great humiliation made James not know how to face the next media and public opinion.

From the proud man when he first entered the league to the loser who can’t win the game by referees now

A sense of powerlessness spread to James' body instantly, and he felt that his career was going down all the way.

How about reaching the finals for seven consecutive years? This just means that he has become the uncrowned king of this era.

The nickname of the Uncrowned King is not something to be proud of.

At this time, Link slowly put the basketball on the ground, and then raised his arms.

The next second, the electronic buzzer sounds. A huge wave of sound rushed into the arena, and James was almost knocked to the ground.

Later James realized that there was no sound at all.

He just weakened his legs.

Almost, James was about to kneel on one knee in front of Link, who raised his arms.

"It's over, 4 to 1! The Grizzlies rebelled after being one game behind, and finally the gentleman swept the Cavaliers! The Grizzlies regained what belonged to them, and they won it for the fourth time in five years. A championship trophy! Great Link, he proved with practical actions that his rule over the league is not over yet!"

Mike Brin's excitement was all released, and he had waited for this moment for too long.

Mike Brin has been waiting for this moment since the Grizzlies were treated unfairly in the first quarter.

He was still thinking that if the Grizzlies can still win the game under such circumstances, it would be much more relieved.

As a result, now, Mike Brin really exhales.

Looking at the final result of this game, Mike Brin was simply too happy.

The alliance blocked in every possible way, and there was no way to stop Link from fulfilling his promise.

It turns out that the greatest player can dominate the game under any circumstances!

Today is June 12th, and Link said he will win the championship before the 13th due date. He did it!

James walked towards Link silently and hugged him gently.

The two are still the same as before, there is no particularly deep hostility, but there is no too deep friendship.

Without saying a word, they left each other and distinguished themselves.

James' seventh consecutive championship tour ended in a disastrous defeat.

Subsequently, James and his old partner Wade embraced.

"I said, this guy can't let you win." Wade patted James on the shoulder, feeling a bit complicated.

"Congratulations, Dwyane. This time, your partner is a greater player." James smiled bitterly and went straight to the player tunnel.

Wade looked at James's back, his nose sour.

A greater player?

Yes, he may be the greatest player of this era.

Wade is still a bit intolerant of James, but Link has no thoughts to express his tragic fate.

He took the championship cap and championship t-shirt from the staff, and then took the microphone from Steven a Smith who was about to interview him, ready to jump on the technical stage.

Surprisingly, Link has not been able to complete the actions repeated dozens of times in this career.

He was so tired that he didn't exert any strength at the first jump, so he could not jump on the technical stage.

But soon, the Grizzlies players lifted Link directly onto the technical stage, pushing him to the "throne".

Mike Brin was behind the technical stage. He got up from the chair and clapped vigorously.

I don't know if it is because of the angle, Mike Brin feels that Link is very tall today.

"This is dedicated to Memphis!" Link didn't say much nonsense, holding the microphone and shouting at the fans.

And what greeted him was the cheers of the whole Memphis.

Yes, in addition to the Federal Express Arena, there are also a bunch of fans cheering on the streets of Memphis.

"Of course, to my teammates and my coaches." Link said, looking at Jokic who was crying like a child, and at Nash who was secretly wiping tears.

"Finally, this champion is also dedicated to my wife, the child who is about to be born!"

"Roar!" Upon hearing this, the fans yelled following Link.

Finally, Link looked at the number 0 on his chest and the name on the side of his shoe.

"This is also for you, buddy."

This is the most exciting time since Linke won his first championship.

This championship is of great significance to him. If the previous three consecutive championships are just the beginning of his legend.

Then this three consecutive championships will be the beginning of his establishment of a historical position!

When Link interacted with the fans on the technical stage, the on-site staff had already set up the podium with ease.

For the staff of the Federal Express Arena, no one has more experience on the podium than them.

"Lord of the Rings" Bill Russell clapped vigorously, as if he couldn't wait to hand over the fvp trophy to Link.

Adam laughed very stiffly. It was a shame that he failed to extend the finals after such a play.

If you can't play with Link, you can't hold the joke on your face.

Just as Lin Ke was about to step onto the podium, he found that everyone suddenly stood in place.

"What's the matter? Go all?" Link looked at everyone strangely, why didn't they all come on stage?

At this moment, Conley stood up and smiled at Link.

"Have you forgotten? Your Majesty the King goes first, Link."

After Conley finished speaking, everyone looked at Link with expectant Link nodded slightly.

Yes, after a year, the tradition of the Federal Express Arena has almost forgotten.

Link was the first to step on the podium and walked straight to the joke.

"Thank you for the gift you prepared for me, Mr. President, I like it very much."

The joke smiled awkwardly. He didn't know whether the "gift" Link was referring to was the championship trophy or today's game.

The joke now dispels all the thoughts of blocking Link, at least until the end of the second decade of the 21st century, he will not make such bad ideas again.

Since this is destined to be Link’s time, let him go

Link once again took over the heavy O'Brien Cup from the president of the league.

The greatest road in history begins.


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