Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and six: Crazy grabbing

At noon on July 2, the long-awaited Memphis fans finally waited for the Grizzlies' first signing this summer.

Derek Rose posted a photo with Link in the showroom on his social media. At the same time, the Grizzlies officially announced that they signed Derek Rose for $13 million in two years!

Next season, he will wear the No. 1 shirt again and play in the Federal Express Arena!

Rose originally wanted to continue wearing size 25, but he mustered up the courage to switch back to size 1.

He told himself, if he didn't even have the courage to catch up with him, how could he challenge the world for the championship?

The addition of Rose made the Grizzlies fans extremely excited.

Although Rose is no longer the youngest MVP of the year, he is not the best player in the league.

But Rose's popularity is very high, no matter which team he joins, the fans there will be warmly welcomed.

Therefore, the arrival of Rose somewhat comforted the Memphis fans.

Of course, there are some people who are not optimistic about this signing.

Among them, the most positive is Sam Smith.

Less than ten minutes after the Grizzlies announced that they had signed Rose, Sam Smith's social media account was updated again.

"Derek Rose? If the Grizzlies think that signing such a player can continue to win the championship, then wish them good luck."

There are many people who have the same idea as Sam Smith. The Grizzlies won Rose, which is indeed a good signing.

After all, the Grizzlies don’t have much choice now. There are fewer and fewer quality players in the free agency market.

Moreover, the Grizzlies have so little cap space.

You can do as much as you want. It is indeed very good to be able to sign Rose under such circumstances.

But can this signing really bring the Grizzlies closer to the championship? No one would think so.

Compared to the Whiteside deal, Redick joining the Pelicans and other heavy news, Rose joining the Grizzlies did not cause much waves.

Again, no one believes Rose anymore.

Whoever believes in him may also be himself and Link.

That night, when all the fans were waiting for the latest transfer news.

A comment suddenly appeared under Sam Smith's social media feed.

"Shut up your stinky mouth and show Lao Tzu a good look."

Link finally responded to Sam Smith!

At the same time, Link posted a P picture of himself and Rose wearing Grizzlies jerseys on his social media.

The words on the picture are very simple: "It is impossible to lose two MVPs. The champion may have parallel imports, but the MVP does not."


Link finally responded to Sam Smith, which made the Grizzlies fans cheer.

Link is still the Link. Although he has become a husband and father, he is still not gentle with enemies.

And Link's phrase "the champion may have parallel imports, but the MVP does not", has received a lot of praise.

Link knows very well that Rose is by no means the kind of player willing to be mediocre.

And his current state, to be honest, is better than most people think.

It is no exaggeration to say that Rose is not much different from Wade who helped the Grizzlies win the championship a few years ago.

Even in projection, Rose is more stable than Wade in his twilight years.

Wade could help the Grizzlies win the championship at that time, so why couldn't Rose?

After Dinwiddie and others leave, Rose will assume the role of the sixth man on the Grizzlies next season.

Link believes that Rose can make the Grizzlies' second team a threat.

Of course, just signing Rose is definitely not enough. The Grizzlies now add Rose, and there are only 8 players in full play, not even a complete team.

At least three or four people have to be signed for the Grizzlies to be complete.

But soon, Chris Wallace and Robert Perla also made progress.

Link is not the only one who is working hard to recruit players.

Early in the morning on July 3, the Grizzlies officially announced that they had signed the swingman Jie Michael Green with a one-year contract of $4.8 million.

Green is 2.06 meters tall and has a wingspan of 2.19 meters. Solid defense, reliable three-pointers, excellent athletic ability, tough style, is a true role player in the true sense.

He is the typical small ball era power forward, able to play from the third to the fifth.

He can be understood as a Harrell with weaker defensive ability and athletic ability, but stronger shooting ability.

In the Clippers last season, he shot 41% of his three-pointers!

This kind of hard and black forward who can shoot three pointers and is still young is supposed to be very popular, and it should not be the Grizzlies' turn.

The same is true of the facts. Je Michael Green is considered one of the best non-superstar players in the free agency market this summer.

As many as 8 teams have provided him with quotes, and the amount is not low.

But in the end, he chose the Grizzlies with not much money.

The reason is very simple. When Chris Wallace said the phrase "You can help Link to reach the top", Jeff Green fell completely.

Green, like Link, was a loser. Once, he also played in the Development League, and even had the idea of ​​simply giving up the NBA and going abroad for gold.

It was Link's success that inspired him and kept him from giving up his NBA dream. In the end, he survived and became the hottest player in the NBA.

Link has always been the idol of Jie Michael Green, and he cannot refuse the temptation to play with Link.

It's as if countless people wanted to play with Jordan.

Therefore, Jie Michael Green chose Memphis. For the championship, in order to fight side by side with idols, he would rather give up some money.

His arrival also greatly supplemented the Grizzlies's emptied position 4.

The Grizzlies fans were applauded for a while, thinking that the Grizzlies' current cap space could not win Green. Unexpectedly, Link's influence played a role again.

However, this is not the last signing of the Grizzlies today.

On the afternoon of the 3rd, while the fans were still discussing how Je Michael Green would play with the Grizzlies next season, Wallace made another contract.

The No. 13 show in 2011, he averaged 14+6 per game at his peak. The striker Markieff Morris, who played for the Oklahoma City Thunder last season, moved to Memphis.

He signed a $3.6 million one-year contract with the Grizzlies.

Markieff Morris's offensive methods are very rich, but the three-pointer is still a bit close.

In many people's eyes, what the Grizzlies need now is a spatial four. Taking a fourth position that likes to attack with the ball but is unstable on three points will not help Link at all.

Compared to Markieff Morris, his twin brother Marcus Morris is obviously more suitable for Grizzlies. Unfortunately, Marcus has agreed to sign with the Spurs.

What I never expected was that the Grizzlies really won Marcus Morris an hour and a half after signing Markieff!

Not only do Marcus Morris and Markieff Morris look exactly the same, they also have similar playing styles. But overall there are still some differences. The two brothers play inside and the other outside.

Marcus's three-pointer is much more reliable than Markieff. In the Celtics last season, his three-pointer percentage was as high as 37.5%, and he averaged 13 points per game.

In fact, the reason why the Grizzlies signed Markieff Morris was to attract his brother. The real goal of the Grizzlies is Marcus!

Originally, Marcus had already agreed to sign with the Spurs. But when I heard that the Grizzlies had signed his brother and hoped to join him, Marcus released the Spurs pigeons and instead signed with the Grizzlies Lightning.

The relationship between Marcus and Markieff brothers is very good. They played as a team until the university. After entering the NBA, he also met briefly in the Phoenix Suns.

Both brothers enjoyed the feeling of fighting side by side and expressed their desire to play for the same team more than once.

Now, finally there is another chance to play in a team, and there is hope of winning, the brothers will naturally not refuse.

In the case that Marcus has verbally agreed to sign with the Spurs, the Grizzlies came to beckoning brotherhood, stupefied to get Marcus in hand.

It's just a pity that the Spurs fans the quality players got in hand just ran away.

At this point, the Grizzlies have completed three signings in one day, and the lineup has basically improved.

Although the luxury of the lineup is greatly reduced compared to the three consecutive championships, it is absolutely impossible to get to the stage of reconstruction.

The most important thing is that these three Grizzlies are all "snatched" from each other abruptly. They are all players that people originally thought the Grizzlies could not sign.

Green originally had to renew his contract with the Clippers, but was attracted by Link's personal charm.

The Morris brothers had reached an agreement with the Pistons and Spurs, but they were packaged and accepted by the Grizzlies.

Counting Ross, who had been preparing to sign with the Pistons before, but was persuaded by Link, the Grizzlies had taken four people from the other team by surprise!

The quality of these four contracts is beyond Sam Smith's imagination.

The Memphis Grizzlies were not as easy to fall down as he thought.


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