Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and fourteen: The last calm night

Chris Wallace's mind was blank, and he wondered if he had heard it wrong.

But seeing the messed up media room, Wallace told himself-all this is true.

Retired and Link, before Link uttered that sentence, no one would connect these two words together.

To be honest, there are few players that shock reporters so much when the star announces his retirement.

Because before they announce, everyone can actually guess that they have plans to retire.

For example, Kobe in the previous few years, although he also caused a great sensation when he announced his retirement, but fans and reporters will never be surprised.

After all, Kobe has reached the age to retire. In this regard, everyone has long been mentally prepared.

The same goes for Wade, Garnett, Nowitzki and others.

Although they were both very sensational when they announced their retirement, they were equally disappointing, but the fans would never be surprised.

But Link is different. He just established his second dynasty last season. He is less than 32 years old. He is still the strongest star in the league. He even has the ability to lead his team towards four consecutive championships. Shock.

At this moment, people are unprepared for Link's retirement!

Although there is no shortage of players who retired at a young age in NBA history, most of these players are not stars. Improper players may be looking for better outlets and positions.

And fans like Yao Ming and Roy who chose to retire early due to injuries will not surprise fans too much.

However, Link does not fall into any of the above situations!

He just chose to quit without warning at his peak.

The last player who chose to retire at the peak of the rapids was Michael Jordan, who announced his retirement for the first time!

That guy Link, really moved closer to Jordan everywhere!

"Are you serious!? Why did you suddenly announce your retirement?"

"Can we know the reason? What is the reason for retirement?"

"It's so sudden, do your teammates know about it? Does the Grizzlies management know about it?"

The reporters exploded in an instant. Even the most experienced reporters can't maintain their composure now.

Chris Wallace swallowed. He couldn't imagine the impact of Link's retirement on the entire basketball world.

He glanced at Sam Smith next to him and found that the guy was also in a dazed state.

Yes, Link is gone, who did Sam Smith spray each other with? Who does he rely on for food?

"Link, are you serious!?" Next to Link, Derrick Rose also leaned in panic and asked.

"I'm serious, Derek. Next season will be my last season. So, I will never allow myself to fail." Link nodded firmly. Link will not let down the people he recruited. .

Although he will retire in a year, he will at least let them get a championship ring!

Link touched the tears in the corner of his eyes, and then leaned close to the microphone: "Well, at least I didn't leave without saying goodbye. I told you my plan to retire a year in advance. Back then, Michael Jordan was the day before the start of the pre-season training camp. , I suddenly announced my retirement. Compared with him, I'm kind."

At this moment, Link felt the phone in his pocket vibrate frantically.

Needless to think about it, there must be hundreds of text messages bombed, and there must be many people who want to ask him what is going on.

Kobe, Dinwiddie, Wade, Butler, Harris, Whiteside... Link doesn't know how to reply to them one by one later.

It seems that in less than a minute, the news that he is about to retire has spread all over the world.

In the online world, the timeliness of news is really terrible.

"Why retire? It's not as complicated as you think, I just want to change my way of life. If I can really achieve four consecutive championships, then I have no challenges in the NBA, and I have nothing to prove. . So, next I will explore some new areas, and more importantly, spend more time with my family, that’s it."

"There is nothing to prove," this sentence came out of Link's mouth, not bragging.

When Jordan retired for the first time, he won 3 championships, 3 MVPs and 3 FMVPs in 9 seasons.

Where is Link? Until now, he has just played 9 seasons, won 6 championships, 5 MVPs, 6 FMVPs, 7 doubles and 4 best defensive players!

His personal honour is that of Jordan at the same time!

Not only Jordan, no player can get so many honors in the ninth season of his career!

Therefore, Link is most qualified to say "I have nothing to prove".

Link's reason for retiring really surprised most people.

He may be the first superstar in NBA history who wants to retire early to spend time with his family because he is too invincible.

"You said that you will retire after winning the championship next season. What if you can't win the championship next season? Will you continue to stay until you win the championship?" A reporter who recovered his composure asked a sharp question.

"I can't fail to win the championship, I have to do it." When Link said this, he was as confident as he said on the ESPN program a few months ago that he would fight for four consecutive championships.

Yes, the competition next season is really fierce. In the East and West Divisions, there are several teams with the strength to compete for the championship.

But the Big Three of the Heat and the Five-Star Warriors, the Grizzlies have survived, so what is this difficulty?

Link never writes bad checks, he only brags what he can do.

All the reporters stayed where they were, but Link stood up, said thank you to everyone, and left the Federal Express Arena.

This may be Link's most polite to reporters.

Link closed the door of the media reception room, his ears became quieter instantly.

He looked at the familiar player tunnel and couldn't help but smile.

In the last year, we must win a big victory!

After the press conference, Link officially announced the news of his retirement from the season, which became the most high-profile news of the day.

Yes, Link's influence is not limited to sports. His announcement of his retirement has become a sensational event in the whole world!

Some experts analyzed that after Link retires, the city of Memphis will reduce its direct revenue by billions of dollars each year, and indirect losses of tens of billions of dollars!

The ratings of the NBA are expected to drop by 20% to 30%. Nike's sneaker sales are expected to drop by about 30%, jersey sales are expected to drop by 25%, and stock prices will also drop significantly!

These are 100% things that will happen this time next year!

Such economic losses are simply a natural disaster in Camby.

This is the announcement of a historical superstar's retirement and its impact on the sport and even the world.

Overnight, all the fans around the world jointly wrote letters pleading for Link to stay.

Local fans in Memphis gathered outside the Federal Express Arena, holding up the "Don't Go, Link" sign and waiting all night.

The Mayor of Memphis publicly asked Link to play for the Grizzlies for a few more years.

Adam Joke rushed to Memphis overnight, allegedly just to meet Link.

The whole world is in chaos, even when Wade, Nowitzki and even Kobe announced his retirement a few years ago, they did not cause such a sensation.

When they retired, their influence had actually declined a lot.

And Link announced his retirement at the time of greatest influence, which caught everyone by surprise.

Link did not reply to anyone's text message and did not agree to any request for a meeting.

He just stayed quietly at home with his wife and children.

In the chaos of the outside world, Link himself actually spent a peaceful night.

Because he knows that this is his last calm night before the start of the new season.

Starting tomorrow, the pre-season training camp will officially open, and Link will officially face the huge challenge of four consecutive championships.

Link's retirement year, unlike Dirk, Kobe and Wade, they only need to enjoy it, and then complete the retirement tour under the admiration of everyone.

His goal in the last year is still the champion!

No one will be soft on Link in the final year.

For the last and hardest season of his career, Link is ready for it.

So this last peaceful night, Link must cherish it...


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