Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and eighteen: Year 10

After the preseason, people’s expectations for the new season have reached their peak.

The Grizzlies’ four-game winning streak, coupled with Link’s final performance of these two gimmicks, simply made fans want it.

Although experts from all walks of life have analyzed, after Link's retirement, it will bring a very serious blow to the entire NBA and Memphis.

But before the blow comes, both the NBA and Memphis have to experience a wave of revenue.

Before the start of the NBA regular season, the number of visitors to Memphis increased by 40% compared to the same period in previous years!

It is hard to find a ticket for the Grizzlies vs. Nets in the opening game, and some fans even said: "This game should be played in a large stadium, not a stadium that can only accommodate more than 20,000 people!"

So many visitors, even if they can't all flood into the arena, will stimulate Memphis's economic income.

And there is no doubt that the NBA's ratings this season will definitely hit a new high.

Can you tell a joke if he doesn't lick Link?

They all pointed to Link to make money.

You know, the Grizzlies are not the biggest team in the free agency market this summer.

The two teams in Los Angeles are undoubtedly the focus of this summer.

However, the Los Angeles derby of the Lakers and Clippers in the opening game was far from the influence of the Grizzlies game.

Of course, the Los Angeles derby is also very hot, people want to see whether the dad on a street in Los Angeles is James, Davis or Leonard.

Or Louis Williams.

But the heat of this game is more of the pride of Los Angeles fans.

It is truly a game of global attention, and it must be this game between the Nets and Grizzlies!

As Link's mortal enemy, Durant moved to another place and pulled on Owen to continue fighting with Link.

Coupled with Dinwiddie's first return to the Federal Express Arena after the transfer.

These gimmicks destined the Nets to be a perfect opener opponent.

Link remembers that in the original history, Durant seemed to have suffered a devastating injury like a torn Achilles tendon last season.

But in this history, Durant's injury last season was not so serious, so the summer has fully recovered.

I don't know what Durant can do in the Nets.

Not only the fans are looking forward to this game, Link himself is also looking forward to this game.

As long as there is a Durant game, he looks forward to it.

The day of the game is approaching, and the Grizzlies' training is getting deeper and deeper.

Four days before the start of the regular season, the Grizzlies determined their starting lineup for next season.

To be precise, the candidate for the starting second position was determined, because the four of Conley, Link, Gasol and Jokic will not change for the time being.

Due to Carter's advanced age, it is really not suitable for the starting field. Therefore, next season, Dillon Brooks will be the starting second.

In the afternoon, the Grizzlies players also took photos for the new season.

This brand new and still full-fledged grizzly bear has become more and more anticipated.

Finally, the time has come to October 21.

The day before the start of the 19-20 NBA regular season, the Grizzlies ushered in the media opening period for the first time in training.

Although reporters are very interested in everyone in this new grizzly, the most popular one is still Link.

"Link, will you change your mind and play for a few more seasons?

"Are you willing to just leave like this? Don't you want to win more championships?"

"What new field do you want to try after retiring? Enter the business circle? Or get involved in other sports?"

Link looked at the twittering reporters in front of him. Facing these issues related to retirement, he was really uninterested.

They all said that this is not a retirement tour, the most important thing this season is the four consecutive championships, why these people still catch the topic of retirement?

But at this moment, a reporter's question raised Link's interest slightly.

"Link, on ESPN's latest player strength rankings, Harden, who averaged 36 points per game last season, ranked only sixth. Do you think this ranking is fair?"

Link's eyes lit up. Although he doesn't know what Harden's ranking is about him, at least this reporter is really looking at the new season.

"It's meaningless to choose the best player. You should choose the best team. For example, the Grizzlies in 13 years, the Grizzlies in 14 years, the Grizzlies in 15 years, the Grizzlies in 17 years, and the Grizzlies in two years after that. "Bear" Link shrugged and boasted again.

"Really? How do you think the Grizzlies are only ranked fourth in the power rankings this season?"

"How do you think? Everyone makes mistakes. It's nothing strange. I don't blame them. When the next power ranking comes out, I will let them realize and change their mistakes."

Link's meaning is very clear-next time, the Grizzlies will reach the top of the power ranking!

Even if he was about to retire, Link was as crazy as ever.

Even militants like Kobe have become much more moderate in the year of retirement.

However, Link is still very strong.

With Link's words, the opening game of the next day became even more popular.

Because it just so happens that the Brooklyn Nets' ranking on the strength rankings is also very unsatisfactory, ranking only seventh.

This made Durant feel humiliated and offended, so in an interview, he said something similar to Link.

This is wonderful. Two teams that want to climb to the top of the strength rankings, who can win?

After Durant changed teams, could he threaten Link and interrupt his four-game winning streak plan?

The most high-profile opener in NBA history will soon reveal the answers to these questions.


On October 22, the NBA only arranged two openers, held in Los Angeles and Memphis.

Although the number of openers is not as good as before, the quality is definitely hard enough.

As soon as it came up, the league brought this most high-profile matchup to the fans.

When Link arrived in the dressing room, Howard and Dillon Brooks had already tidied the dressing room.

Link has gotten used to this.

Brooks was fooled by Randolph, and he still has the habit of tidying up the locker room, and Howard has always been so humble this season.

After Link, more and more people arrived, and the originally quiet locker room became noisy.

Everyone is communicating with each other, some are talking about competitions, and some are talking about life.

But Link remained silent. After he changed his clothes, he sat silently in his seat, looking around.

It wasn't until this moment that he really experienced what is called the passage of time.

Randolph, who was joking, was no longer by his side, and he could no longer hear the big fat man's complaints.

Tony Allen no longer coaches young players seriously, no one tells them how to restrict Durant and Irving on the basketball court.

Harrell no longer appeared in fancy outfits, Dinwiddie no longer asked Georgel about tactical arrangements.

Richardson and Harris stopped encouraging each other.

The Grizzlies' three consecutive championships have just passed, less than half a year.

But the traces of the three consecutive championships are already so thin.

"Link, we are all ready."

At this moment, Conley walked to Link and shouted, and Link came to his senses.

"Yeah." Link nodded and stood up.

He knew that everyone was waiting for himself to speak.

Although the lineup during the three consecutive championships has been disbanded, looking at these guys in front of him, Link feels that they are equally trustworthy.

"I said, it is meaningless to select the best individual. The best team should be selected. In my opinion, we have all the potential to be the best team. Go on, from today on, prove this! "

After Link finished speaking, he led the team out of the locker room and started his tenth season.

Although it's already the tenth season, when Link led a group of people into the stadium, feeling the change from small to large cheers, and watching the overwhelming group of people cheering for him, he still got goose bumps.

This is probably why he is reluctant to give up here.

"Let us welcome the founders of the two dynasties, the league’s top villains, the Memphis Grizzlies~~~~"

The DJ screamed and the fans cheered.

Link ran to the logo in the middle of the court and touched the Grizzlies logo.

Time is up, it's time to play!

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