Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and twenty-two: Lore to kill this unique existence (4/Fri)

People have high expectations for the opening game of the Grizzlies VS Nets, and both the Grizzlies and the Nets gave back to the fans with their excellent performance.

123 to 121, with five seconds left, the Grizzlies trailed by two points.

The game entered the most tense moment.

This is definitely the opener performance that fans most want to see. Both the Grizzlies and the Nets have performed top teams.

On the Nets side, Kelly Irving is undoubtedly the biggest star today. He scored 37 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists in the game, and made 5 of 12 shots from beyond the three-point line, completely blasting Conley.

Durant scored 27 points, still playing the state before the injury, and also snatched the title of "Link's biggest opponent" from Leonard.

Dinwiddie scored 20 points and shot 62%. Think about it, if he is still in the Grizzlies, can the Nets last so long?

The performance of the Grizzlies has surprised the fans even more.

Link's 34 points and Jokic's 18 points are just regular performances, they should have been so good.

But Dillon Brooks' 21 points, Jie Michael Green's 15 points, Rose's 17 points and Howard's 8 rebounds and 2 blocked shots and that key save all exceeded expectations.

The Grizzlies froze to bring their outstanding performance in the preseason to the regular season.

"This Grizzlies undoubtedly has a champion gene. Each of them performed very well today. I can now be sure that the Memphis Grizzlies are by no means just the fourth level in the power rankings."

"Of course, the outcome of this game has not yet been determined. In the last five seconds, we all know that Link must be holding the ball. He has completed countless wonderful lore in this field. I don't know if Link can do this. Success again."

Hubby Brown took a deep breath, his heart can't stand such a toss now.

Lore, this is the most exciting scene of all competitive sports.

At this kind of moment, everyone's heart beats faster and palms sweat.

The NCAA March Madness a knockout game has been so exciting, knowing how tense a one-goal match can be.

Even the people watching the ball are so nervous, and the pressure on the shooting people is completely unimaginable.

However, this is also the reason why people who make a lore will be admired by fans.

To be able to calmly invest in a winning goal at the most critical moment is no use playing skills alone. You have to have a strong heart.

People who don't have the quality of a killer can't turn the tide in a desperate moment, even if they shoot the ball accurately.

Kenning Atkinson was very, very nervous, he was sweating profusely, and it took a lot of effort to keep his hands from shaking.

He has never experienced such a moment, not to say that Atkinson has not experienced a lore.

But in such a high-profile game, it was the first time Atkinson had encountered such a tense moment.

"Listen, listen, listen, we must stare at Link and stare at him at the last moment!" Atkinson repeated "listen" among the players three times, which means that he is very nervous at this time. .

Durant frowned. For some reason, he suddenly missed Steve Kerr, who was able to keep calm at all times.

"Besides Link, you must also pay attention to Dillon Brooks. That guy made 3 of 6 shots from the three-point line today. It's very threatening. Of course, Jokic and Jemichael Green can't make it either. Their three-pointers They are all very threatening! But the focus of defense is Link!"

Hearing this, Durant wanted to take away the tactical board.

After talking for a long time, what Atkinson said was nonsense, without any targeted arrangement at all!

Atkinson has only been the NBA coach for four years, of which two years are still leading the team.

To be honest, he is indeed a coach who has not proven himself.

In the hearts of players, Atkinson is not prestigious. And today his performance at the moment of lore has greatly reduced the players' trust in him.

Atkinson hadn't explained anything yet, and the timeout was over.

"Fuck!" Durant cursed secretly in his heart, and the Nets were almost unprepared for this lore!

And what about the Grizzlies? Durant believed that they must be well prepared.

The scene where Link completed the lore began to flash in Durant's mind.

Among them, Durant was most impressed with the last time Link succeeded in fighting him and Thompson a few years ago.

Of course, he couldn't forget the sentence Link said before he executed the lore: "I want to lore you here."

That lore can be said to have opened the door to the Grizzlies' three consecutive championships and completely closed Durant's road to championship.

Thinking of this, Durant was a little nervous. That shot really left a great psychological shadow on Durant.

Since then, as long as Link executes the lore, Durant feels cold on his back.

That guy's lore success rate is really too high.

It can even be said that in Durant's impression, Link has never been softened at the moment of lore!

Hubby Brown has very detailed data.

"So far in his career, Link has completed 18 lore and unmatched shots. This number may not be the number one in NBA history, but it is not because Link is not good enough, but because his career is not long. "

"If you look at his lore or flat efficiency, you won't underestimate Link's strength at key moments. He has encountered 25 times in his career so far that he needs to rely on the last blow to win or drag in. However, he completed 18 of them and only missed 7 times. The success rate of the lore was as high as 72%! This success rate is unique!"

"For comparison, Kobe Bryant's lore rate is only 30%."

Hubby Brown’s data proves Durant’s impression is true.

Link does not often miss at critical moments.

In terms of the lore success rate, Link is the only existence in history.

Link stepped onto the court, his expression very calm.

He has experienced such a scene 25 times, and it is nothing terrible at all.

The moment Link played, the MVP's shout also sounded.

Durant stuck to Link's side, without saying a word, in a very serious atmosphere.

Link akimbo, looking at Durant who is a head higher than himself, but still calmly.

"Unexpectedly, this is the case when we meet for the first time in the new season." Seeing Jokic standing near the sideline preparing to serve, Link spoke.

Durant still ignored it. He knew that all Link said was an attempt to interfere with him.

"Don't be so serious, be happy. Now that you are in the East, there are not many chances for us to play against each other. It's even possible that you won't even have the last chance to play against each other in the playoffs. After all, I will finish this season. I withdrew. As a lifelong enemy, this ending is really a shame."

"Do you really think I like to play against you? I only have hostility towards you, Link, I don't have a heart for you, I wish you would retire soon." Durant finally couldn't help but speak, but his heart is still Keep calm.

"I know, I never expected you to miss me, Kevin. So, I decided to seize this rare opportunity to leave you with more memorable memories. In this way, if you close your eyes every night, you will dream See the picture of me killing you. In this way, you can't do it even if you don't miss me!"

After Link finished speaking, the referee also blew his whistle. Link standing under the basket immediately ran to the top of the arc outside the three-point line.

At the same time, Dillon Brooks ran out of the open position, and he threw off LeVille with a superb reverse run. Jokic immediately passed the ball and hit the ball into Brooks' hands.

Atkinson off the court felt that his heart was about to jump out of his mouth. Could it be that the Grizzlies really want to find another way today and use someone other than Link to execute the lore? !

Seeing this situation, LeVille speeded up the pace of pursuit. He didn't want to make such a big deal. He didn't want the team's victory to be ruined in his hands.

LeVille has lost face in Brooks today. He not only allowed Brooks to score a career-high 21 points, but Brooks's shooting percentage was only 23.1%.

Therefore, he chased Brooks unreservedly, he was already humiliated, and he could no longer let Brooks complete the lore.

However, Brooks didn't make a shot after receiving the ball, but came with Link to pass the ball, and cross-run!

Because LeVille chased too hard, there was no time to evade and brake, so he collided with Durant who was chasing Link. The Nets were equivalent to a screen for the Grizzlies.

"Damn, go away!" Durant pushed Leville away furiously, and then tried his best to rush towards Link.

After getting the basketball, Link went straight to the right corner and drifted backwards to make a jumper.

Durant rushed back in time, his defense has been to the extreme.

But helplessly, Link's backward angle is too big, Durant can't cover the ball at all. He also couldn't imagine how Link would finish shooting at such an exaggerated reclining angle.

In this way, Link moved backwards to the limit. When he landed, because his center of gravity was too far back, Link fell directly onto the bench outside the corner.

At the same time the basketball crossed Durant's palm, and then knocked to the side of the basket when the red light was on.

The red light on the backboard was on, Atkinson raised his arms, he escaped!

But about a second later, Atkinson's expression changed from joy to fear.

Because he saw the basketball that fell again after knocking to the side of the basket, falling into the net precisely.

In the Federal Express Arena, there is no escape!

Link succeeded in a lore. In the first game of the new season, he used a lore to bring the Grizzlies their first victory of the season!

After that, Atkinson only felt that the arena was shaking.

He fell unsteadily on the bench seat, his shirt soaked with sweat.

Did you **** the championship from Link?

For the first time Atkinson really realized how difficult a task this is.

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