Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and twenty-eight: continuous exchange

Anthony Davis's beautiful one-stop turn to the basket made the fans in the Staples Center very addicted.

Although they have waited for Davis for a long time, they have been waiting since the middle of last season until now.

However, it turns out that all the waiting is worth it.

Davis did not live up to everyone's expectations. With him, the Lakers really have the confidence to challenge the Grizzlies.

"Anthony Davis is definitely one of the most talented players among the active players, and he is less than 27 years old, and his peak period is still long! Davis has never brought such a big deal to Link. Threatened, and Link can’t personally guard Davis today."

Mike Brin still remembers that in the past when the Grizzlies and Pelicans played against each other, if Harrell and the others couldn't prevent Davis, then Link would go out himself.

But it doesn't work now. If Link defends Davis, James will be liberated again.

Although James has entered a period of decline in his personal status, there are still very few players in this league that can really compete with him.

In the past, the Grizzlies can send Iguodala to play against James. But now Iguodala, defending James is also very difficult.

It seems that the Grizzlies are in a dead end. The Lakers fans probably can't wait and want to see a **** massacre.

The Grizzlies attacked. This time, Conley handed the ball to Link soon after halftime.

Link got the basketball on the right side of the court, then waved to his teammates.

Suddenly, the Lakers fans on the scene became nervous.

Link is going to singles!

After Davis scored a wonderful goal, Link wanted to respond immediately.

James and Link one-on-one, this is the scene often staged in the finals that year.

But no matter how many times I have watched it, such a duel will not make fans feel bored.

It's just that James was surprised that Link actually started scoring mode so early.

It seems that the Lakers did give Link a lot of pressure, so Link had to go out in person.

Link doesn't want to let the Lakers find confidence as soon as they come up. If the Lakers play smoothly, the game will be really tricky.

Therefore, after Anthony Davis shot a beautiful block and a one-stop layup, Link must also respond in order to stabilize the situation.

At this time, it is time for the star to stand up and solve the problem!

Superstar players earn so much more money than others every year, and that's what they do.

James is tense, he knows he is at a disadvantage now. His body is no longer as fast or as strong as it was back then.

Link made several three-threat moves, and James's center of gravity also swayed with Link's fake moves.

When people were speculating about what kind of action Link would use to pass James, he just sprinted to James' right hand very simply and roughly.

In the past, Link will definitely be stopped roughly by James. Using simple and rude methods to deal with James is often ineffective.

After all, James himself is simple and rude to the extreme.

But this time, seeing Link speeding up, James felt it was very difficult to turn around to chase.

His mind knew he had to stop Link immediately and react immediately, but his body couldn't keep up!

It's like a classic car, even if you step the accelerator into the gas tank, it can't beat a Porsche.

James watched Link quickly pass by him, but his feet couldn't lift up as if they were filled with lead.

The Lakers opened their mouth on the 23rd, and Link was as fast as when he first played in the Finals.

No, it seems to be faster!

In Link's body, you can't see the influence of his age at all.

How did this guy do it! ?

The audience exclaimed, no one could believe that LeBron James was passed by Link in one step.

He was selected to the best defensive team 6 times, 5 of which were the best defensive team.

LeBron James' defense has never been his fault.

However, such a defensive champion in everyone's mind was easily thrown away by Link with just one step.

James’s condition declined faster than people thought, and Link’s condition remained better than people thought.

Although he is in his 30s, Link is still the first player in the league to start the fastest!

In the face of absolute speed advantage, any defensive skills are useless.

Leaving James easily, Link hit a mid-range jumper.

Anthony Davis fought hard, but Link's shot was very fast, and he did not give Davis a chance to interfere with his shot.

On the surface, this is just an ordinary jump shot.

But after this round, many Lakers fans are very heartbroken.

The gap between LeBron James and Link is getting bigger and bigger...

Speaking of falling into the altar, James is called falling into the altar.

After the goal, Link spread his hands at James and Davis, saying that he scored very easily.

He was telling Davis: "Put away your unrealistic fantasy. You could not beat me before, and now it is impossible to let you win."

As soon as the game started, the stars of both sides were on the bar.

Subsequently, Davis attacked again with the ball. Today, Davis' offense is very strong.

He didn't want to be stepped on by Link anymore.

This time, Gasol did not let Davis layup easily, but gave him a great interference.

But in the end, the action was too big, and the referee blew a defensive foul.

Davis got to the free throw line, made two free throws and continued to score!

On the sidelines, Georgel clenched his teeth. Originally, the Grizzlies were short of major generals in the fourth position because of Green's injury. If Gasol was troubled by a foul, he would be even more passive.

On the other half, Lakers coach Frank Vogel has a confident smile on his face.

Indeed, in the last round, Link has shown the world how far James is now.

But that is LeBron James after all.

No matter how bad James is, it is impossible for Link to keep doing whatever he wants.

As the greatest superstar of this era, James has his own character, and he will definitely find a way to contain Link.

But Davis is different. In front of the two brothers Gasol and Morris, he can do whatever he wants!

Davis is absolutely talented to crush the Grizzlies players in the fourth position!

If you want to score, the Lakers are really not afraid of the Grizzlies today. If Link and Davis were just like you and I played one goal today, it would be Davis who scored more in the end.

Soon, after Jokic moved McGee's frame protector away from the outside, the high-position support gave the ball to Link who cut from the bottom line.

After receiving the ball, Link took advantage of the situation and made an anti-basket. Because of the basket in the middle, James, who was chasing Link, was completely helpless with the ball.

And just now, Link easily kicked James away with a back run.

For the first time, James was so powerless.

But not long after Link scored, Anthony Davis responded again.

This time, he suddenly pushed Gasol, who was originally in the post, and then ran outside the three-point line by himself.

James gave the ball to Davis very tacitly, and Lao Zhan's "bullet pass" was powerful and fast.

Therefore, when Davis received a basketball three-pointer, Gasol was only halfway there.

After two consecutive low post strong hits, Davis also showed his fiery three-pointer feel today.

For the first three-pointer shot today, Davis made it steadily!

Davis's three-point shooting percentage has remained above 33% for three consecutive seasons, which is relatively stable.

With 7 points in a row, Anthony Davis is completely invincible today.

Gasol was too slow in front of Davis, and the Spaniard could not keep up with Davis's rhythm.

Now, the point difference has become three points. Even if Link scores another two-pointer, the Grizzlies are still behind.

Davis wants to see, this time, how does Link continue to score! James is also ready to fight hard. In any case, Link must be clamped this round.

This time, Conley assigned the ball to Jokic.

Jokic was ambushing outside the three-point line this round, ready to put a cold shot and shoot a three-pointer.

But before the game, McGee was told not to give Jokic a half step. No matter how much he likes to get close to the basket, he must be close to Jokic today.

McGee did, and he knew how good Jokic was. As long as that big white fat man grabs a little gap, he can always make three-pointers in all kinds of weird postures, absolutely not careless.

Therefore, Jokic did not get a mobile phone meeting. He had just received the basketball when McGee was stuck.

Jokic could only hold up the basketball and pass the ball.

Link seemed to understand Jokic's eyes, and Link, who had moved to Jokic's side, suddenly shook his shoulder in the opposite direction.

The energetic James thought that Link was going to run back again, and he was thrown off by Link's back run just that round.

So James immediately shifted his focus and prepared to keep up quickly.

However, when James was just about to move to the other side, Link suddenly ran towards Jokic.

He just made a fake shoulder-shake action, even if Link is running without the ball, the fake action is very rich.

After being flashed by Link, James was completely thrown away. It was already difficult for Lao Zhan to change his focus immediately, but first he couldn't do it twice in a row.

Lin approached Jokic, received the basketball, and plunged into the penalty area.

The performance of James so far today is just two words-embarrassed.

Now he was simply played with by Link and applauded.

Davis immediately rushed towards the penalty area when he saw this situation. Since James couldn't prevent it, he would help James to prevent it!

In any case, Link must not be allowed to continue the score.

Link did not fear Davis, but bravely jumped from the front to prepare for a layup.

Davis leaped immediately, his height and wingspan were extremely threatening even for Link.

At the same time, James also chased after him. Even if James is old, he is still one of the most popular players in this league.

The two strongest forwards of the Lakers are all in the air ready to block Link!

No one can survive the simultaneous closure of these two guys.

Of course, if it is a "god", it is another matter.

Link stretched his hand to the right side of the basket in the air, but just as James and Davis' hands were about to cover the basketball, Link’s slowly rising arm suddenly stopped, and he took the ball back again, then Switched to the right hand, layup from the right!

At that moment, Link seemed to be hovering in the air! In this real sense, he throws himself up first before thinking about the next move!

Link's ability to stay in the air always allows him to create incredible shots in the air. The most important thing is that, at the age of 32, he still has the ability to stay in the air like a young man in his 20s.

In the end, Link switched the ball to his right hand with a gentle tap, then put the basketball into the frame.

Due to the chasing too hard, James knocked Link directly down and was called a defensive foul.

Link won a 2+1 chance with an astonishing change of hands in the!

If an additional penalty hits, then the Grizzlies will tie the score again!

Seeing Link, who immediately got up like a okay person after the fall, remembered what had just happened in the air, Anthony Davis couldn't help swallowing.

It seems that no matter how he scores, Link can always make it up quickly. This sense of oppression has made Davis extremely afraid of losing hands!

Because as long as he stops for a while, he will even be overtaken by Link.

On the sidelines, the confident smile of Lakers coach Frank Vogel vanished.

He thought at first that Link could not score as much as he wanted on James.

But now, he must question this in his heart.

Can Davis really compete with Link in scoring? Can James really contain Link effectively?

Vogel curled his lips, he was panicked now.

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