Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and thirty: Link went crazy

Looking at the score on the electronic screen, the Lakers fans no longer had the arrogance they had at the beginning of the game.

10 points difference, to be honest, not that big in this era. With a few three-pointers or a few quick counterattacks, it may be a turnaround.

But the Grizzlies' state of play in the first quarter left them lingering.

Link 15 points in a single quarter, eclipsing James and Anthony Davis.

Howard, Jokic and others also showed outstanding performance. Facts have proved that without their excellent defense, the Lakers would not have scored 22 points in the first quarter.

Before the end of this quarter, the Grizzlies in the hearts of the Lakers fans should be a very weak pseudo-strong team.

Their players should be seriously under-talented, and their overly old lineup should have no vitality at all.

Link should be like James in the 1.0 period. Although his personal ability is super strong, he cannot turn the Grizzlies back into the top team during the three consecutive championships because of the lineup.

After all, they can beat opponents like the Chicago Bulls five to five, and they can actually lose to the Miami Heat without Jimmy Butler.

But now, Lakers fans' impression of the Grizzlies has completely changed.

Grizzlies are strong, they are still very scary.

In terms of their control of the game, they didn't even lose three consecutive championships at all!

The most important thing is that Link's ability is stronger than everyone expected.

The Grizzlies can't contain Anthony Davis in the fourth position today?

It doesn't matter, Link's solution is to get more points than Davis!

In James' head, Link's scoring was almost never blocked, as if he was facing only an unknown person.

No one knows how such a Grizzlies lost to the Heat and how it was almost overturned by the Bulls.

They only know that the Lakers are in danger tonight.

If the Lakers lose to the Clippers and then to the Grizzlies, the Lakers fans will really be unwilling to die.

And the Lakers players will definitely be quite lost.

The Lakers fans were still in shock, and the electronic buzzer sounded at the beginning of the second quarter.

After the start of the second quarter, Link did not play for the time being, he would take a rest first.

Also missing is Jokic, who has always been very strict in protecting big players.

So Anthony Davis and Marcus and Morris met.

Marcus Morris is a strong player, he is an important signing for the Grizzlies this summer.

But in front of Davis, Morris was really not enough.

Confrontation, speed, height, wingspan, projection... It is no exaggeration to say that Morris is weaker than Davis in all aspects.

So in the few minutes Link was away, Davis started scoring frantically.

He forcibly took off the offensive rebound from behind Morris, and then layup directly across Morris, making a 2+1.

He shoots directly from the middle distance, and Morris has no way to interfere. Although the two are facing off, Davis playing Morris is no different from playing misplaced.

During the few minutes of Link's rest, the points difference was constantly being approached, and the Lakers fans seemed to see hope.

When Link was away, the Grizzlies were really helpless with Davis.

But soon, this beautiful picture was ended.

In the ninth minute of the second quarter, Davis leaned on Morris's breakthrough layup and was destroyed by Howard who came from defense.

In the second quarter, Howard's enthusiasm did not drop at all. Although he could not directly block Davis, he made Davis's layup deviated from the basket.

Subsequently, Howard and Davis took off at the same time to grab rebounds. But there is no doubt that Davis's current secondary bounce ability is unmatched by Howard.

Seeing that the defensive rebound was about to miss, Howard simply pulled Davis in the air and applied for a foul.

Now that the number of free throws hasn't arrived, Howard would rather foul and don't want Davis to directly attack from such a deep position after getting the rebound.

Embarrassed, ugly, and stumbled, these words are simply suitable for Howard now.

But at least everything he did worked.

No matter how ugly the scene is, Howard did his best to contain the Lakers' offense.

The referee blew Howard's rebounding foul, and the Lakers wanted to serve again.

But this also means that the Grizzlies can rearrange their defense.

Moreover, the defense is still arranged in the starting lineup.

Taking advantage of this foul dead ball opportunity, Georgel retakes Link, Jokic and other main players.

The moment Link played, the atmosphere of the game seemed to change.

Before, Davis played relaxed and happy. But now, there is only fear in his heart.

"Howard's hard defense allowed the Grizzlies to finally return to the main lineup with a 4-point advantage. Next, let's see if AD can maintain the state just now."

As soon as Mike Brin finished speaking, Davis missed.

This time, he bravely made a three-pointer under Jokic's interference.

But Jokic is not Morris, Morris's height can't interfere with Davis, Jokic can.

Link and the others just came back, and the Lakers' scoring momentum stopped.

Link is like Davis's nightmare. As long as he is present, the halo belonging to Davis will disappear instantly.

"The Lakers are only 4 points behind. Davis's scoring performance during this period is very good. I don't know if Link can continue his performance in the first quarter."

Kevin Harlan's words have become a placebo for many Lakers fans.

They all thought to themselves: "Link's performance in the first quarter is already so good, and it can't be better than that in the next three quarters!"

However, things backfired.

For Link's first offense after returning, he stared firmly at the basket after receiving the basketball.

James knew at the time that Link this guy could not pass the ball.

Sure enough, Link once again used a sharp breakthrough to get into the basket and made McGee a foul.

Yes, James was easily overtaken by Link. Nothing has changed. The Lakers' defense is still very fragile in front of Link.

The dream of the Lakers fans was shattered again.

"Another fatal breakthrough. It seems that Link wanted to immediately respond to Davis's performance just now, and didn't want to wait for a second. Link fully opened the scoring mode today. How many points will he get? The second game has just started, but his scoring is approaching 20."

After Link caused a kill, he couldn't wait to make a stop on the free throw line.

The Lakers fans struggled to interfere, but in fact they all knew that this was just futile.

Sure enough, Link made two free throws to reopen the difference.

At the same time, Link's personal score also came to the 17th point.

The scene was given to LeBron James, and he was helpless.

He has tried his best, but he can't even make Link put off his scoring pace.

This helpless expression is very rare on James' face.

Link's breakthrough was just a warning, warning everyone that he was still as dangerous as he was in the first quarter.

Then Link started a series of crazy scoring performances.

After a round, Link passed James with a rhythmic cross step, and jumped to the edge of the penalty area.

Seeing James retreat with all his strength, Link suddenly stopped and pulled his crotch.

James now doesn't have the kind of super power that can resist inertia at the time. He staggered back and was swayed near the bottom line.

Link, who retreated, flung the ball to the basket with one hand, with 19 points!

A minute later, the nightmare came again.

The Grizzlies helped Link clear the right low post, and Conley quickly sent the ball to Link's hands.

Link hits LeBron James in the low post. In this era when everyone is throwing the ball from the three-point line, the art of low singles has rarely been shown to the fans.

Link leaned on James, suddenly turned over and leaned back, his actions were quite independent.

James didn't react too slowly and sealed Link's face. But the next second, the sound of the Nets tumbling still came as promised.

"Go in again, 21 points! Link scored 21 points before halftime. What does he want? What does Link want to do with LeBron!?"

Mike Brin went crazy, Link's score today is completely different from the previous games!

It seems that Los Angeles fans really annoyed Link.

After just one round, Link once again faced James with the ball.

James' current expression can be described as horror. For so many years of his career, no one can score more than 20 points in less than half a game against James!

James himself encountered this situation for the first time.

The "king", who has always been peaceful and stable, also began to panic.

This time, Link made two fake shots outside the right three-point line, but James was unmoved.

Seeing this situation, Link immediately lowered his weight to accelerate the breakthrough, but he had just taken a step, and he took a step backward.

After retreating to the three-point line, James reluctantly interfered with a three-point shot.

Then, the basketball hit the 24th point!

True or false, false or true, James simply can't control Link's offensive habits.

After fighting against Link for so many years, James still can't predict Link's next move.

Because that guy is so versatile!

"Too cold-blooded, Link is such a dangerous man! With 24 points, he almost took care of the Grizzlies offense alone. God, halftime is not over yet!"

Link scored a goal, then raised his right hand calmly and compared three fingers. It was really his signature celebration after hitting a three-pointer.

But everyone in the arena except him is not calm anymore.

Even Kobe on the sidelines stood up and looked at the statistics on the big screen seriously.

That kid, today is here to make things happen!

Watching Link score unscrupulously on the court, Kobe suddenly remembered something from the past.

That's right, it seems to be in 2006, also in December, and also at Staples, and that guy was also wearing size 0 at the time!

Kobe swallowed, Link won't really want to do that...

James finally used a forced layup after a breakthrough to save some But Link's scoring did not stop because of this. Soon, he played a screen with Gasol and continued. Try to break through.

Davis immediately changed defense and pasted against Link, and when Link took off and layup, he leaped up and waved his arms to try to block.

However, Link's high toss to the rim is really a thief. Davis felt that his finger was a few centimeters away from the basketball, but it was these centimeters that determined the outcome.

You know, Link is one of the players with the lowest block rate every year.

Link made a layup and scored his 26th point in the game!

At this time, there were still four minutes left before the half-time game ended.

The entire Staples was in extreme panic.

No one knows what they will experience tonight.

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