Reverse Growth Superstar

: 1233: Best shooting guard and best small forward

Link blasted 61 points at Staples, which undoubtedly became the most watched thing since the start of the new season.

Staples, James, Link, 61 points...

When you knead these elements together, you just don't want to be difficult.

After the game, most of the fans were feeling the power of Link.

"I can now understand why Link wants to retire. Does he have any fun in this league?"

"Ranked 61 points on LeBron's head... If Link doesn't retire, other people can't play."

"Old Zhan is indeed old, so the question is, why won't Link get old?"

"Anthony Davis scored 40 points and 20 rebounds and even lost the game. It's incredible!"

For a while, the voice of the Grizzlies being a "pseudo strong team" disappeared completely.

As long as you can win on the highly anticipated stage of Staples, you will be recognized by the world.

In addition to fans, many stars also expressed their views on Link's 61 points.

"Don't compare me to him, his scoring ability is better than me that night."

Gilbert Arenas showed a rare humility in the live broadcast, all scored 60 points under Staples, but Arenas took the initiative to lower his position.

"Link is a scoring machine. If he appeared in the late 1990s or early 21st century, I think it would be difficult for the Lakers to establish a dynasty." O'Neal spread his hands in a show and gave Link the biggest compliment.

"Get 61 points on James?" Jordan looked at the camera and smiled softly. "It's really hard."

This matter has become a hot topic in the basketball world. From ordinary fans to stars, everyone is discussing Link's 61 points.

You know, this season has just begun. God knows what kind of performance Link will show in the remaining half a year.

Link's performance made him nothing like a person about to retire.

Even in the last year, he still allows the entire league to live in his shadow.

The whole world is discussing Link, but what fans never expected is that the day after Link only scored 61 points, there was a player immediately and he did almost as crazy as Link.

On October 30th, the Washington Wizards played against the Houston Rockets at home.

Due to the obvious difference in strength between the two sides, this is a game that has not attracted much attention.

However, this game eventually became the focus of tonight.

The game was unexpectedly fierce, and the Wizards' offense was surprisingly smooth.

In the whole game, the Wizards made 57 of 91 shots, with a hit rate of 62.6%!

Japanese rookie Hachimura 塁 performed well, scoring 23 points with a 60% shooting rate.

Bertans, a spatial fourth from the Spurs, was also full of feelings. He made 6 of 9 shots from beyond the three-point line and scored 21 points.

Do you think this is over? No, the Wizards' highest score today is not Hachimura or Bertans, but Bradley Beal!

Bill took 20 shots tonight and hit 14 of them efficiently, half of which were three-pointers!

This made Bill a shocking 46 points from the audience.

But with the Wizards playing so well, the final winner of the game is the Houston Rockets!

The reason for the Rockets' win is also very simple, because James Harden scored 59 points in the game, and he showed a better performance than the Wizards.

59 points, which is only two points less than Linke’s 61 points yesterday!

In the end, relying on Harden's free throw lore, the Rockets won the game 159 to 158.

That's right, 159 to 158, the two sides played a hearty offensive basketball, playing an All-Star game level score!

People haven't recovered from Link's miracle of 61 points in a single game, and Harden immediately scored 59 points in a single game.

I have to say that this season is really a season of fairy fights.

There are many strong teams and many strong men.

Harden's offensive performance is shocking, and Link and Harden have 61 points on the front foot and 59 points on the back foot. They are inevitably compared.

After Harden scored 59 points, ESPN also took advantage of the heat and began to vigorously promote the November 4 game.

Because that day, the Grizzlies will play against the Rockets at home!

What kind of spark will come from the encounter between Link with 61 points in a single game and Harden with 59 points in a single game? Will there be a game with more exaggerated scores between two super scorers?

This season, it really keeps going.


Before Link's 61 points fell, Harden's 59 points rose.

Harden or Link who have the better scoring ability has become the most discussed topic.

At this moment, a certain ESPN expert released a statistic that counted the best players in various positions over the past 40 years from 1980 to 2019.

The two most interesting positions in this statistic are small forward and shooting guard.

Because in both positions, a certain player has completed the monopoly.

In the statistics of the best shooting guard over the years, from 1985 to 1998, Jordan was selected as the best shooting guard every year except for the year he retired, and he truly ruled an era.

After entering the 21st century, Iverson, Kobe and Wade became the best two of this era.

Although Kobe has won the "Shooting Guard of the Year" the most times among the three, he was elected for four consecutive years at most once, which is not considered to have ruled an era.

From 2014 to 2019, the best shooting guard of the year was monopolized by Harden.

He and Jordan are players who can really dominate the list.

As for the small forward position, Bird and Pippen monopolized the 80s and 90s respectively.

In the first three years of the 21st century, the author believes that the best small forward is McGrady.

It was James for the next four years, but the 2008 small forward of the year was robbed by Pierce. Subsequently, James was elected for three consecutive years.

Because there was Tracy McGrady before, and Pierce interrupted in the middle, James is not considered a monopoly for an era.

Until 2012 until now, the best small forward of the year has been Link, and it has never changed.

In other words, it is better than Durant, who has not been selected even once!

Link has also become the third player who can dominate the third position after Bird and Pippen.

This list has been released, Harden and Link are even more popular!

One is the greatest shooting guard of this era, and the other is the greatest small forward of this era.

What if these two people do a good job? That single-game score can't reach 170?

I have to say that ESPN is really good at hype. It just happens that the purpose of making this list at this juncture is to keep the popularity of Link and Harden going up!

Of course, if you look closely at this list, there are many unreasonable points.

For example, in the 1990s, Ming Hill and Dominic Wilkins were also strong, but Pippen was the best small forward for 10 consecutive years.

For example, Wade was selected as the best shooting guard of the year in 2009, which is actually quite controversial.

But the fans don't care about those at all, they only care about Link and Harden.

In any case, ESPN did succeed.

Now, fans all over the world have set their sights on November 4.

Everyone wanted to see Link and Harden's battle.

Before that, both sides still have games to play.

Harden's performance continued to be fierce, playing the Spurs and the Heat, 36 points in a game, 39 points in a game, which makes Harden's current scoring average reached a frenzied 39.5 points!

Averaged nearly 40 points per game, Harden is definitely a historical scoring performance.

But Link became "gentle" a lot after hitting 61 the game against the Suns on February 2, Link just understated 24 points and 7 assists.

Although the Grizzlies eventually won the ball, and finally it was a big score.

But the fans obviously did not enjoy it, 24 points can not meet the outside world's expectations of Link.

At the press conference after the game, the reporters did not ask too many questions related to the game.

Almost everyone turned their attention to November 4.

"Link, in the next game against Harden, who currently averages nearly 40 points per game, what kind of scoring performance do you think you will come up with? Will you score 60+ points again? Or higher?"

Faced with this problem, Link just shrugged: "I never thought about scoring with Harden. His scoring ability is too strong, and scoring with him is a dead end."

Link's answer surprised the reporters at the scene.

Link actually gave up? This is not his style.

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