Reverse Growth Superstar

: 1238: This commercial is not easy to shoot

Harden and Westbrook were sitting on the stage, their eyes gloomy and depressed.

For them, this is indeed an unusual night.

The team scored less than 90 points, which is unimaginable for the Rockets.

In today's league, what is the concept of scoring less than 90?

Counting from November 1, the NBA has played a total of 28 games.

Among them, there are only 7 games in which a team scores no more than three figures.

In these 7 games, the Rockets scored the lowest 84 points in a single game.

The second-lowest Jazz also scored 94 points.

Considering that the Rockets are a team that only scored 159 points in a single game, they are one of the strongest offensive teams this season. The offensive performance of the Rockets today is really shocking.

"James, can you talk about your offense today? Every round of your offense, it seems that you will encounter the Grizzlies' precise interception. Do you think their defense worked, or did you feel bad today?"

The reporters don't care how Harden is now, they are about to start uncovering the scars.

"I was lost in their defense today, that's it." Harden's answer was simple. He knew that being this way by the Grizzlies today would definitely be bombarded.

In this regard, he has been mentally prepared. Faced with such a problem, there is nothing to hide.

And losing to Link and Grizzlies...not ashamed.

"Then Russell, what do you think of your shooting percentage of less than 30% today?" After exposing Harden's scar, it's Westbrook's turn.

Westbrook is not as calm as Harden, until now, his heart is still full of unwillingness.

Facing this humiliating question, Westbrook clenched his fists.

But soon, he vented his energy and dropped his head.

"My performance today was really bad, I hope I can play better next time."

Westbrook, who has always "willed to accept it", lowered his arrogant head. There is no alternative. The 3 wins and 4 losses record and the 30-plus points difference gave him no confidence to refute.

And in front of Link, even if you refuse to accept it, you have to accept it.

In the end, the lonely expressions of Harden and Westbrook at the press conference became the front page photos of major sports news websites the next day.

ESPN's caption for this photo is also very appropriate-Link completely dismembered the Rockets.

After the game, many media have made great efforts to carefully analyze the various details of the Grizzlies' defense against the Rockets in this game, and show all the subtleties of the Grizzlies' defense to the fans.

However, the fans will never know that all this is just the result of Jokic sacrificing a time to participate in an Internet celebrity party...

After the game with the Rockets, the voice of questioning the Grizzlies disappeared.

If we say that before, the Grizzlies have not had any hearty victory to prove their dominance.

Then the 34-point victory against the Rockets is enough to shut everyone up.

Even Sam Smith has been silent for a long time, because he really couldn't find Link's black spot recently.

Even if you brought back Jordan from the same period, he estimated that he would not be able to score 61 points on a top five star in the league and immediately limit another top five player on the defensive end.

In the past, the top five stars in the league were usually the same.

But now, Link is the only one in existence.

Less than half a month after the start of the season, Link had already eliminated the Nets, Lakers and Rockets, and played Durant, James and Harden.

When Lin Ke first announced his retirement, many people expressed their dismay.

But now, it is estimated that many people are eager to end this season soon.

Link continued to fight, no one else had to play.

This is indeed the case. After the Grizzlies defeated the Rockets, they took two less powerful opponents.

On November 6th, in Minneapolis, which is icy and snowy, the Grizzlies easily defeated the Timberwolves with a ratio of 127 to 111.

The Timberwolves' double champion lineup is already the fifth season of existence together.

It has been almost 6 years since Wiggins entered the league in 14 years. Towns joined the team in the summer of 15 years, and five years have passed since the blink of an eye.

However, the Timberwolves have their best record over the years, and they just squeezed into eighth in the West.

By the way, it was because there was old Grizzlies player Jimmy Butler in the Timberwolves at the time...

In the past, people could still say that Wiggins and Towns just haven't started to cash in on their talents. But now so many years have passed, this obviously can no longer be used as an excuse for the Timberwolves' poor record.

Maybe Towns and Wiggins have fulfilled their talents, but that's all.

In this game, Link played only 26 minutes and scored 28 points, which was indescribably efficient.

Because of the Timberwolves' defense, in Link's view, it is completely the same as no. After Thibodeau left the Timberwolves, the team's defense failed.

Watching the game lost suspense early, Georgel also let Link rest early. To young people, be softer.

And today, the player with the most points in the game was the Grizzlies second-round pick Dillon Brooks.

As Link played 26 minutes before resting, Brooks got more performance opportunities than ever.

He didn't waste this opportunity either. Brooks made 6 of 19 shots and 5 of 7 shots from beyond the three-point line. He scored 31 points!

After the game, the on-site commentators shook their heads and teased: "It's a shame that the two champions were eclipsed in front of a second-round show! Maybe the Timberwolves should ask the Grizzlies for tips on selecting people."

A day later, the Grizzlies beat the Magic 118 to 86 in Orlando, winning six straight.

Moreover, in the past three games, the Grizzlies have beaten their opponents, and their absolute dominance during the three consecutive championships has once again appeared.

After playing this game, the Grizzlies got a day off. On November 9th, they will play at home against the Dallas Mavericks.

But for Link, this day's rest time does not exist.

Because the league has already arranged it, let Link go to shoot an NBA promotional ad.

Only this time, the partner who shot the commercial with Link was a bit special.

Because Link will retire after playing this season, the league wants to shoot an ad with heritage.

So, they hired the Dallas Mavericks star Luca Doncic, known as the "Successor to Link", to shoot this ad with Link.

It seems that after Link, the Alliance will put the spotlight on Doncic.

Although Dongcic is a foreign player, he is indeed a guy with both high skills and popularity.

Don’t look at this as Dongcic’s second NBA season, but his popularity is no longer comparable to that of other but is close to the level of league superstars!

It is predicted that Doncic, who is only sophomore this season, is likely to be directly voted into the All-Star start by fans.

Moreover, the number of votes is likely to be among the top three!

The last player to attract such a big attention in the second year of his career was Grant Hill.

After all, at that time, Hill was the successor to the "god" of that era.

Now, Doncic has become the successor to Link who inherited Hill's power...

This reincarnation is really amazing.

Originally, to arrange an advertisement for the league, it was already a thing for Link.

But when Link thought that Dongcic took more than 100 selfies with his mobile phone during the awards ceremony this summer, Link became a little uneasy.

Compared with that kind of tease, God knows what will happen.

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