Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and forty six: the recognized successor

After playing more than half of the game in the fourth quarter, it has entered garbage time.

At this point, both sides have sent full benches to play, and the game has long lost the intense atmosphere of the first half.

The score difference of more than 20 points hangs on the top of the Mavericks' heads, making them difficult.

For the Mavericks players, time suddenly became very long.

At this time, the basketball was out of bounds, the game was interrupted, and the on-site camera shot also took the opportunity to give Luka Doncic a close-up.

Doncic, who usually laughs often even on the bench, is very depressed today.

He propped his chin with one hand and frowned.

A week ago in Dallas, facing the Los Angeles Lakers and James, he scored 31 points, 13 rebounds and 15 assists. The team was only close to stealing the victory from the Lakers in the end.

Today, with 28 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists, it seems pretty good at first glance.

But from the second half until now, Dongcic only scored 5 points in total! Of his 28 points, 23 were earned in the first half.

From the beginning of the third quarter to the present, he has been in a state of being completely locked by Link.

In addition, Doncic made up to 8 mistakes today.

As a ball player, Doncic has averaged 3.6 turnovers per game this season.

Today, his turnover has almost doubled.

This is all given by Linke.

His seemingly gorgeous data really can't make him happy.

Because in front of Link, his performance was so bleak.

If his performance is really as good as the statistics, the Mavericks will not be directly put into garbage time.

Doncic shook his head. He really didn't expect Link to be able to defend that way.

Chasing behind and catching risks...This kind of operation is generally only achieved by players with super talents like Porzingis.

However, Link's height of 2 meters 03 really does not seem to be someone who can grab someone's height at will.

You know, Dongcic is only two centimeters shorter than Link.

But Link did it, and it was the catch that made Doncic completely lose his confidence.

After being suppressed by Link in the third quarter, Doncic still wanted to win and fight.

But that catching the risk made Dongcic completely dead.

Although this is not the game where Doncic has scored the least today, Doncic thinks it is the most desperate game he has ever played.

Since his teenage years, Doncic has been a super genius. In any case, he will not stop him.

He is always able to resolve various crises.

But today, Link let Doncic deeply understand the full meaning of the word "helpless".

Thinking back to the second half of the match against Link, Doncic felt terrified.

Link seemed to be able to see through his mind, and he could correctly predict his intentions every time.

Doncic shook his head, and people said he was Link's successor.

But looking at it now, he was far from Link.

Link did not deceive. Yesterday, when Doncic was ignored by the fans, Link said that he was not yet discouraged.

Sure enough, Doncic is now a hundred times more discouraged than yesterday afternoon.

"This is really a game of high driving and low driving. We were expecting a wonderful second half. But it is a pity that our hopes eventually fell through."

Jeff Van Gundy shook his head, Link was really ruthless in the second half of the game.

Three or two strokes completely widened the difference.

Thinking of this, Van Gundy couldn't help but look at Link's data today.

31 points, 8 rebounds and 7 assists, another quasi-triple-double.

You know, this was obtained when Link didn't make much appearance in the fourth quarter.

Although Link's light in the first half was somewhat concealed by Doncic, in the second half, Link let Doncic "black out" directly.

This is how Link handles things.

Speaking of it, this may be the reason why Link and Jordan are great.

Link and Jordan are one of the few superstar players in NBA history who will go all out in the regular season.

Take a look at James' "health" skills in the regular season, and then look at how young people like Wiggins treat the regular season.

You know how rare Link and Jordan performed in the regular season.

It deserves that both of them are so popular.

Link would be very embarrassed if he knew Jeff Van Gundy thought about himself so.

Today I really wanted to paddle...but I didn't expect Dongcic to be so powerful.

No way, then you have to kill him first and then slowly paddle.

But Link must admit that the kid Doncic is indeed different from the other rookies.

Facing the Grizzlies can score 23 points at halftime, which is an incredible achievement.

Even though Conley's defensive ability declined this season, the overall defense of the Grizzlies is still very good.

But even in this defense, Doncic still comes and goes freely.

I have to say that this is already a manifestation of his great talent.

Unfortunately, Dongcic's opponent today is himself.


Link was still sighing, the buzzing sound at the end of the game tore the air at the scene.

128 to 102, the Dallas Mavericks fell behind by only 5 points in the first half and collapsed at halftime and lost 26 points in the end!

26 points are also the worst defeat the Mavericks have experienced this season.

People originally looked forward to Doncic's performance, but Link told everyone with practical actions that it would be better to have less expectations in the future.

Because most of these expectations will eventually become disappointments.

At the end of the game, Dong Qisheng stood up irresistibly.

He noticed that Link was walking towards him, and Dongcic took a deep breath.

He thought to himself, it must be indispensable to get a spray from Link.

A guy who can learn a few words of Slovenian for the purpose of spamming, what good things can he say after winning the game?

However, when Link approached Doncic, he opened his arms to embrace Doncic.

Doncic is a little confused. After the game, has Link been so friendly to his opponents?

"You played well, you broke 30 points by two points. In Federal Express Arena, not everyone can score 30 points. You did a great job."

Dongcic's eyes widened.

This is what Link would say?

Is this the encouragement from the predecessors in the legend? Dongcic felt his tears rolling in his eyes.

However, immediately after Link's words, Dongcic's mood instantly turned cloudy.

"Although you were miserably abused by me in the second half and could hardly score, but this is normal. After all, you are not alone in this encounter. You are already very strong kid, keep working hard."

"Puff!" Dong Qiqi was speechless. To force the king is to force the king, comforting people not to forget to pretend.

"Hahaha, I'm joking. Your performance is really good. In the future, this league will be yours, don't let me down. After retirement, I will also pay attention to you, kid."

After Link finished speaking, he patted Doncic on the shoulder, then turned to leave.

Doncic smiled and shook his head. Link was indeed a different player.

Although it was a pity to lose to him, Doncic was a little excited when he thought that he was recognized by Link.

Have you handed this alliance to me? Then you will wait and see!

At the press conference after the game, Link also praised Doncic's performance.

But at the same time Link also said: "He is still young and there is still a lot to go. So, give him some room to grow."

On the other hand, Dongcic instantly incarnates as Link's little brother at the press conference.

"The game against Link taught me a lot and benefited a lot."

"Link did spray trash at me in Slovenian, but I must keep it secret."

"Link is definitely the strongest star in this league. His strength can only be deeply recognized after playing against him."

"I think Link can win four consecutive Many people say that four consecutive championships are impossible, because no one has ever done it in modern NBA history. Then why, Link can't be the first What about someone who does it?"

The reporters below were all stunned. Doncic may be the first player in history to say good things about him after being abused by Link.

On the court, the two obviously played so fiercely, without mercy.

But when they got off the court, they were very sure of each other.

Obviously, a connection has been established between Doncic and Link.

Yesterday, NBA officials shot Link and Doncic with an ad with the theme of "Inheritance".

But the real inheritance is likely to officially begin today.

The reporters can't help but dream about a successor whom the demanding Link himself is optimistic about?

The future of the NBA seems to be getting more and more exciting.

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