Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and fifty-nine: They are the king

One quasi lore, the other ruined the cover of the Clippers' victory.

When the Grizzlies needed Link most, he obliged to use two consecutive rounds of brilliant performance to help the Grizzlies hold the victory firmly in the palm of his hand.

He explained the greatest value of a superstar!

It didn't take long for Link to raise his arms before he was "surrounded" by his emotional teammates.

Dillon Brooks was the first to rush to hug Link, because Link almost saved his life.

In the defense just now, Brooks actually worked very hard.

But helpless, the strength gap between him and George is still too big.

Moreover, the two are too different in size.

You know, Brooks's wingspan is a few centimeters worse than his height. It is indeed very difficult for him to guard against George, who is tall and has long arms.

In fact, Brooks did not guard George today. Otherwise, George would not be able to score 39 points.

Brooks was desperate when he saw George standing behind him easily.

If George puts into the lore, he will definitely become the number one criminal in today's game.

Link's wonderful quasi lore will also be ruined.

Just when Brooks prayed that George would not throw in, his hero rushed to him on the "colorful auspicious clouds" and made a solid blow to George from behind.

After that, Brooks immediately ran towards Link.

At the same time Brooks also understands that praying to God is worse than praying to Link in the Federal Express Arena!

After Brooks, other Grizzlies players also actively surrounded.

As a result, Link, who was sweating profusely, became a big man.

The Grizzlies players are caring, and the fans on site are cheering for this wonderful game.

Jokic’s responsibility, Derrick Rose’s rebirth, and of course, Link’s last-minute lore and blocks...

This game simply reflects the strength of the Grizzlies. Whether it is regular time or critical moments, the Grizzlies have absolute dominance!

Leonard looked at Link, who was being embraced by his teammates, and shook his head secretly.

Sure enough, wanting to beat Link may be the hardest thing in the world. From the Spurs to the Raptors to the Clippers, Leonard has yet to beat Link in a real sense.

But Leonard is not discouraged. At least today, the Clippers are only one goal away from victory.

Leonard walked up to George and helped his partner who was kneeling on one knee up.

"Sorry Kawai." George glanced at Leonard beside him and shook his head.

The two of them overturned in the second match in the same field, which was really a blow to morale.

"Nothing to be sorry, George. You are the player with the highest score in the game today, what else can you be sorry for?" Leonard patted George on the back.

George didn't expect Leonard to be so comforting.

It seems that people have a deep misunderstanding of this taciturn "Terminator".

But having said that, I can't kill Link with 39 points...

George sighed, that guy Link is really not a "thing".

When Link broke free from his excited teammates, Link found that George and Leonard had already left.

There were only a bunch of expectant reporters and the fans who were still reluctant to leave and cheering for Link.

The ESPN reporters quickly got together, and they had a lot of questions to throw at Link.

"Link, congratulations on winning this game. The victory was hard-won. After today's game, you drew with LeBron on the NBA historical lore leaderboard and ranked third in the league. Is there anything you want to say?"

Link looked at the camera and shrugged: "Thank Michael Jordan, for his good words, I did it."

Link made a joke and laughed at himself about being poisoned by Jordan.

From now on, Jordan's curse no longer applies to Link. His fate has always been in his own hands.

"Link, let's talk about this game. How did you complete the shot when George and Leonard were double-teamed? How did you think?"

"I didn't think too much, I just had to shoot. Someone should take up the task at the last moment. I am very happy that my teammates and coaches chose to trust me."

"So after this game, do you think you are one step closer to the championship? After all, the Los Angeles Clippers are the team with the highest call for the championship except for the Grizzlies this year."

"It's hard to say whether we will be closer to the championship, but I'm sure we are closer to the first position in the strength rankings." Linker than a finger, this time, no one will put other **** The team is ahead of the Grizzlies!

He is very glad that he defeated the ultimate Clippers, because in this way, the outside world will no longer find any excuses to belittle the Grizzlies!

After finishing the interview, Link turned to the player channel. Before leaving, he waved to all the fans.

"This is for you!"

He said to everyone.


When Link saw George again, he had changed his clothes and was about to leave overnight.

Tomorrow, the Clippers will face the New Orleans Pelicans back to back at home.

Therefore, they must pack up their mood as soon as possible, adjust their condition, and start again.

"Damn it, you were completely nailed to death today, Link." George smiled bitterly when he saw Link. The experience tonight really embarrassed George.

If that goal is scored, George will leave here with 40+ points in a single game and a beautiful lore.

But unfortunately, all the honor now belongs to Link.

Sometimes, a goal is enough to determine whether you are in heaven or hell.

"Who makes you so excited? You take less points, and we don't have to go that far." Link patted George on the shoulder, but now it was too exciting to think about it.

A ball gap is enough to change the current situation of Link and George.

It is scary to think of it.

But at the time, Link did not think so much. Perhaps, this is the secret of his ability to repeatedly turn defeat into victory.

If you think wildly on the court, it will definitely affect your confidence.

"But it turns out that we are indeed capable of defeating you, don't we? Don't take it lightly Link, waiting for you in the Western Conference Finals." Then, George turned his head and was no longer depressed.

George doesn't want to worry about the loss of this game anymore, as Leonard said, they are only one point away!

"I'm so confident. Are you sure that you and the palsy guy can make the Western Conference Finals?"

"Of course, this is your last season, Link. I will not miss the appointment even if I try my best."

"Hahahaha, Kawai said similar things when he was with the Spurs before, and the Spurs never played in the Western Conference Finals." Link shrugged, seemingly nonchalant.

But in fact, Link is ready to face the Clippers in the Western Conference Finals.

This game was indeed very dangerous to win, and in the more intense Western Conference finals, a narrow victory alone could not make the Grizzlies pass.

This year's championship is really hard to win.

After seeing George off, Link looked around.

The player channel in the Federal Express Arena is now full of murals. The picture above is a collective portrait of the Grizzlies’ current six championship lineups.

This is a project specially arranged by Grizzlies owner Pera after he knew that Link was about to retire. He wanted to use this method to retain Link's glory.

At present only one part of the wall of the player passage is still empty. That place is left to draw the championship lineup for the seventh crown.

Link clenched his fists, he would fill in the blank no matter what.

On the second day after the game, ESPN announced the ranking of the latest strength ranking one day in advance.

Although the Los Angeles Clippers finally presented their ultimate lineup, they also played an exaggerated score of 150 to 101 in the game against the Eagles.

But they still fell one place and fell to second place.

The Grizzlies, who were ranked fourth at the beginning of the season, were promoted to three consecutive levels and topped the list!

Link did what he said and he really made everyone know the Grizzlies again.

ESPN's evaluation of the Grizzlies in the latest strength rankings is also very simple and rude.

"They are the king, this is their position."

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