Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and ninety-two: Philadelphia double "brothers"

Simmons and Embiid's performance today is simply above and below.

Simmons defended well and chose smart offense.

Where is Embiid? He has been caught by the Grizzlies twice in a row because of self-assertion.

As one of the protagonists of this game, Embiid did not perform as expected.

This makes him look more like a soft egg who can only type on the keyboard on the Internet without real materials.

Of course, just one offense and one defense will not make Philadelphia fans lose confidence in Embiid.

The Grizzlies are only one point ahead, which is not even a substantial advantage.

When the 76ers attacked again, Embiid was much more honest.

This time he just stood at the top of the arc of the three-point arc and prepared to respond, and had no plans to make a low position.

Seeing Embiid nailed to death outside the three-point line, Link let out a sigh of relief.

Embiid's scoring average dropped sharply this season, which has a lot to do with the 76ers' strategy this season.

Embiid is a player who likes to end offense in the low post, but because the 76ers have a perimeter that can't shoot three-pointers at all, and the addition of Al Horford, the 76ers' offensive space is compressed. Very narrow!

Of the five starters, three people need to end the offense close to the basket.

This kind of strange configuration is the only one in the league. Even the New York Knicks, who is hoarding power forwards crazily, have no offensive space as narrow as the 76ers.

Of course, Embiid and Horford are indeed capable of shooting three-pointers, and it stands to reason that they can also end the offense away from the basket.

But for Embiid and Horford, the three-point skill is just the icing on the cake, not their main scoring method.

These two people still have to be in the low position to exert their maximum power.

But now, they have to take the sideline as their main job, and it's strange that they can play comfortably.

You can say that Embiid has not improved much this year, but he will definitely not regress.

The average scoring drop so much, to put it plainly, is the pot of configuration and tactics.

Embiid is outside the three-point line, he can't play his best power.

As a result, the Grizzlies' defense is at least half easier.

Although Link and Embiid had a fierce battle of words a few days ago, from the bottom of my heart, Link recognized Embiid's strength.

That guy's back-body technique is like a living fossil in this age.

If Embiid is really determined to be in the low post, and the 76ers also equip him with corresponding teammates, then this game is really not easy to play.

But now Link does not have to worry, Embiid has become an advanced anti-aircraft turret.

Even if he sits in a low position, with his current brain fever, he can't play too efficiently.

This time, Simmons still chose to break the ball and the goal was Harris.

Harrison averaged 19.4 points per game in Philadelphia this season, the team's second point.

At the same time, it is also the most important holding point outside of Simmons.

Harris flicked a shot after he got the ball and shot Brooks, who was struggling to interfere with his shot.

Brooks originally wanted to use his enthusiasm to make up the gap in height and arm span, but he didn't realize that this was precisely used by Harris.

Harris was not polite and broke through immediately after the fake shot.

But this time, he found that Link was rushing towards him, ready to help!

Seeing this, Harris had to pass the ball to Simmons, who was temporarily emptied during the march.

But Simmons was also standing at the basket. Link just turned around and returned to Simmons.

Offensive space, this is the biggest weakness of the Philadelphia 76ers!

After receiving the basketball, Simmons made a layup, but was violently slapped into the audience by Link who turned around.

The audience exclaimed, Allen Iverson covered his head with his hands and stood up.

Simmons, who is 2.08 meters tall, was actually capped by Link's volleyball at the basket!

This kind of visual shock can only be experienced by personal experience.

"God, the basketball flew to the second row of the stands! Link, as if he knew Harris would pass the ball, turned around and jumped directly to complete the block."

Again, it is too simple for Link to predict the next move of a player who has no shooting ability.

The reason Link dared to reinforce Harris recklessly just now was because Simmons had no range.

If he retreats beyond the three-point line, there is no threat even if he receives the ball.

If he doesn't retreat beyond the three-point line and shoots directly near the basket, Link will soon be able to guard back.

The third grade Simmons still failed to break through the 17-point mark this season, and his career high was only 34 points. There is a reason.

Simmons has hit a three-pointer so far in his career. It's hard to imagine that this is an outside player in the 10s.

Simmons glanced awkwardly at the sideline, but fortunately Jenna was still applauding him...

It's great to dunk in front of my girlfriend, and it's even more sour to be caught in front of my girlfriend.

The momentum of the 76ers took a sharp turn. This time, Simmons passed the ball to Richardson on the sideline.

In the face of Conley's defense, Richardson made a 3-pointer jumper.

Although Conley did not interfere with Richardson's shooting, Richardson still missed a three-pointer.

After Josh Richardson came to the 76ers this season, his three-point shooting percentage dropped wildly, from 37.5% last season to 32.7%.

With a 33% three-point shooting rate that passes the line, Richardson's three-point range pass standard is a little worse.

Richardson made such a high percentage of three-pointers in the Grizzlies because his three-pointers were mostly open shots.

Those difficult **** were contracted by Link, and Richardson was never in his turn.

But this season is different. The Sixers' core is a master who can't shoot, and this summer they also lost marksman J.J. Redick.

As a result, most of the task of shooting three-pointers fell on players such as Richardson.

In this way, Richardson is no longer the kind of big open opportunity.

Many times, he has to shoot without completely getting rid of the defense, just like just now.

After Richardson hit a three-pointer, Ben Simmons also wanted to grab this offensive rebound. In the past, he was often able to win this kind of long rebound.

But this time, the rebound was scored by Link.

Simmons' advantage does not take advantage of Link at all.

Because what Simmons can do, Link can do the same. And what Link can do, Simmons may not be able to keep up.

Simmons' omnipotence began to develop toward the trend of "all power" in front of Link.

After Link got the basketball, he quickly pushed forward to counterattack. Simmons fought back and chased back frantically.

Link's speed is very fast, Simmons really struggled to catch up, he had to run with all his strength.

The biggest disadvantage of running at full force is that it is difficult to brake in time.

Just look at how long the buffer zone is after the end of the 100-meter trapeze race, and you know how much inertia an athlete generates when running at full strength.

Link knew this well, so when he was about to step on the three-point line, Link suddenly pulled his crotch back and withdrew to a place far away from the three-point line!

Simmons couldn't stop the car and rushed out, and was instantly thrown away. He can work hard to maintain his center of gravity without being knocked over by Link, which is already quite powerful.

Simmons didn't even think about it, and rushed back to interfere with the shot.

Link's unlimited range is no joke.

But after Simmons jumped up, Link sank again and broke through with the ball!

Just now, Link just made a fake gesture of worshipping Buddha.

Embiid swallowed. The reason why he is so confident in this game is not only because he thinks he can beat Gasol, but also because he thinks Simmons can limit Link.

But the fact is that Simmons was so fooled by Link that he couldn't find North!

This defensive titan who has made most players in the league frightened, this season has a good chance of being selected as the best defensive team player, at this time can only watch Link passing by his side.

"Damn it, don't think it's stable!" Embiid increased his horsepower, trying to chase Link from behind!

Link broke through to the basket and raised the basketball. At the same time, Embiid swooped up without reservation, covering the entire penalty area.

However, Link seemed to have eyes behind his head. As just now, he did not take off after he lifted the basketball, and after standing and waiting for Embiid to fly by his side, he came to the dry land like a stubborn jump dunk!

A perfect time difference, Link let Embiid pass him by.

A dunk in place may not be as elegant as a gliding dunk, but it is the most powerful dunk method.

The basket was squeaked by Linkla, and Embiid was like a zero-scoring diver who burst into the audience after he rushed out.

First Simmons and then Embiid, Link played the two cores of the 76ers consecutively.

At this time, the cheers in the Wachovia Center Arena had begun to fall.

Link touched his wristband, and he knew his daughter and wife were looking at him now.

Therefore, whether it is "Great Emperor" or "West Emperor", he can only be his younger brother here today!

"Be careful Joel, next time you see it right, fly again."

Embiid in the Link Chong crowd snorted and quickly retreated.

This dunk is just a signal, it means that Link is about to start shooting, he is about to start scoring.

"Fuck, I killed you!" Embiid stood up furiously, he couldn't bear it.

This irrational behemoth is about to rampage on the court.

I just don’t know if he will eventually hurt the Grizzlies or the 76ers himself...

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