Reverse Growth Superstar

: 1294: Surprise at the end of your career

The Wachovia Center Arena is one of the most difficult home courts to be captured this season, and the 76ers have a very high winning percentage here.

Before today's Christmas battle begins, people think that even if the Grizzlies can win, they will experience a hard fight in this devil's home court.

But at this time, the Wachovia Center arena is lifeless, and there is no joy and festive atmosphere of Christmas Eve.

No matter how you look at it, this is not like how fans should react when a fierce battle is underway.

Because the fierce battle is over long ago.

At this point, there are only two minutes left to finish the game, but the Philadelphia 76ers have fallen behind the Grizzlies by 23 points.

In the eyes of many fans, when Joel Embiid was sent off, the game was actually impossible to get more intense.

After all, the biggest highlight of this game is the crossover battle between Embiid and Link!

No...because after Embiid's exit, the 76ers simply didn't have enough strength to compete with the Grizzlies.

Link is sitting on the bench at this time, he has swept away 34 points, 11 rebounds and 7 assists.

For comparison, Embiid only scored 6 points today, Simmons 15 points and 5 assists.

The hope of Philadelphia's rise, the two stars of hope that the fans have placed high hopes on, are not worth mentioning in front of Link.

In fact, this is the real reason why Philadelphia fans are now dead.

They were lost not because of the huge point difference, not because Embiid was irritated by Link like a fool and sent off.

It's because the Philadelphia fans have almost suffered a "dimension reduction blow."

The "process" of the 76ers simply cannot bear fruit in front of Link.

Last season, Philadelphia fans could also say that they lost to the Raptors only because of their bad luck.

Had it not been for Leonard to score the bottom three-pointer that was enough to be recorded in history, the story of the league would be very different.

But now, the Philadelphia fans suddenly realized that even if they did reach the finals, it would be of little use.

Because they are really inadequate in front of the Grizzlies.

Embiid and Simmons, these two guys who were held in the hands of Philadelphia fans as treasures, did not show any value today.

When you take out your best player and prepare to fight the opponent to the death, but find that your best player has no strength to fight back in front of the opponent, you know how desperate Philadelphia fans are at this time.

The 76ers exposed many problems today, for example, their offensive space is too small. While the defense is at the top level of the league, the 76ers' offense is very hip.

In addition, Simmons, the almighty champion, was completely incapable in front of Link.

Embiid couldn't even handle Gasol, let alone confront Jokic.

As for Richardson and Harris, they are indeed excellent players and they do have the genes of a champion.

But don't forget, they are never the core. This is true with the Grizzlies, and so is the 76ers.

For the 76ers to win, it depends on how high Simmons and Embiid's ceiling are.

And the cruelest part of this game is that Link told the world with practical actions: "Their upper limit is that."

If this is a seven-game four-win series, then the 76ers have no confidence to continue.

For now, the 76ers simply have no way to take victory from the Grizzlies.

Playing this season so far, the 76ers have been considered a strong title contender.

But today, the 76ers will definitely be labeled as a "pseudo strong team."

The Grizzlies once again succeeded in cracking down on fakes.

In front of the real top teams in the league, the "five-star Philadelphia" is simply too weak.

The Christmas Eve of Philadelphia fans was torn apart by the claws of the Grizzlies.

Two minutes later, the buzzer sounded at the end of the game.

122 to 98, the Grizzlies easily won the Christmas game by 24 points away.

The last Christmas battle of Link's career is complete.

This game somewhat disappointed the fans, no one thought that the Grizzlies would win so easily.

Of course, from a fighting perspective, then this game is definitely worth the price...

After the game, Marc Gasol, who had not appeared in front of the media for a long time, became a sweet potato.

Although Embiid was sent off for a quarter and a half today, Gasol's defensive effect on Embiid is obvious to all.

Of course, there are many reporters around Link. When asked about Embiid-related questions, Link repeatedly emphasized: "I said earlier, our backup center can handle him. Joel Embiid is a keyboard man, he is only on social media Great."

Link still didn’t say anything, he had to let Embiid remember the fate of annoying the Memphis Grizzlies.

Sitting in the locker room, Embiid looked at Link's proud face on the TV. He really wanted to blow the TV with a punch.

But what is the use? His failure is irreparable.

Besides, it hurts your hands like that...

Less than ten minutes after the game, a new emoji package became popular on social media.

People took Embiid’s set makeup photo of the basketball in his hands this season and gave P a keyboard with the text: "Trust the keyboard."

On the Internet, there are also voices mocking Embiid.

The video of Link easily avoiding Embiid boxing has soared on the Internet, and the footage of him being locked on the ground by Simmons and unable to get up is also spread on the Internet.

I don’t know, I thought Embiid was beaten by two people today...

After the game, Embiid did not attend the press conference and did not update his Twitter.

This big mouth, which has always been troublesome, finally closed his mouth in front of Link.

Facts have proved that Embiid has no right to speak in front of Link either before or now.

He thought that with the current strength of himself and the 76ers, he could compete with Link Hard Steel.

However, everything seems to be the same as before.

The most important thing is that Embiid didn't even win the fight this time, so he was really embarrassed and lost home...

Once again, the 76ers were brutally crushed by the Grizzlies.

Link often smiled at press conferences, and he was in a good mood today.

Most people think that Link is happy because he won the last Christmas game of his career.

But in fact, the real reason Link was happy was that he was finally free.

This is the last time in his life, spending Christmas with a group of sweaty muscle men.

After this game, the Grizzlies won their 15th straight game of the season.

With a record of 29 wins and 3 losses, only the Bucks with 27 wins and 4 losses in the entire league can match.

By the way, just half an hour after the Grizzlies defeated the 76ers, the Bucks lost in the Christmas game and the record became 27 wins and 5 losses.

This means that teams as strong as the Milwaukee Bucks have gradually been opened up by the Grizzlies.

No player can have the dominance of Link in the final season.

The next day, Embiid attacked Link but fell down instead of failing. The video was made by enthusiastic Chinese fans.

Fighting experts from all walks of life are admiring Link's professionalism in avoiding attacks.

UFC President Dana Bai even tweeted: "Link can enter the UFC after retiring, and I am willing to give him $100 million in appearance fees."

In a good basketball game, people are paying attention to the tens of seconds of conflict... Link is a little speechless.

Where is Embiid? Not only did he bear all the ridicule and humiliation, he was also fined and suspended by the league...

Link is a bit ridiculous, Embiid, if he hits someone and gets banned, at least he can show his blood.

The key is that Embiid didn't hit Link with a punch, he fell and was twisted naked from behind by Simmons, and eventually he was beaten by the league.

And because Embiid had made too many enemies before, this time after embarrassment, Drummond, Whiteside and Towns and other stars who had had a relationship with Embiid also stood up and ridiculed.

The last player to be ridiculed by the entire net like this was the one from the sewers.

Embiid is simply a tragic figure of the year. If the next NBA awards ceremony has this award, Link will definitely take the initiative to apply for the award of "The Great".

When training the next day, everyone was also discussing Embiid.

Jokic said that he lost a hundred million ~ and missed such a wonderful Christmas Eve.

Link originally wanted to join the topic of his teammates, but when he stepped into the training hall, he was stunned.

Link found that the white strips in front of him seemed to be filled up again.

However, the current Link has already upgraded and superimposed the abilities of Hill in the 94-95 season. In other words, Link has already reached the "full level".

If the small white bar is filled up again? What else can change? You can't upgrade to Hill during the NCAA period.

In that case, there is no point. Because Hill in the NCAA period is not as good as the NBA in all aspects, there is no ability to stack.

So, what's the use of filling the small white bars after "full level"?

Link curled his lips, wondering what surprises were waiting for him next.

Or, nothing will happen?

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