Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand three hundred and twenty-four: the average data can't tell anything

The much-anticipated 19-20 season playoffs finally kicked off the first match day fight.

Although many outside media have stated that Link cannot choose to retire at his peak.

But fans still regard this year's playoffs as Link's last playoff trip.

Now, it's really time to watch one game less.

There are only four rounds in the playoffs, and even if all seven games are played, Link has only 28 games left to play.

What's more, everyone knows very well that the Grizzlies can't get to the seventh game every round.

The tiebreaker has not always been the style of the Grizzlies and Link.

For so many years of his career, Link has never even played a tiebreaker in the finals.

In this regard, Link is very similar to Michael Jordan.

So, if Link really plans to retire after playing this season, he will only have less than 28 games left to meet the fans.

Therefore, this year's playoffs are quite special for fans.

Many people do not have the opportunity to witness the beginning of a legend with their own eyes, so they will not miss the opportunity to witness the end of the legend.

As he warmed up, Link looked very relaxed. To be honest, for so many years, Link has never had trouble in the first round.

The black eight is originally a small probability event, and it is even more impossible to want a black eight on the Grizzlies.

When Stephen A. Smith interviewed Link from the sidelines, he asked Link's career plan again: "Whether you win the championship or not, do you really want to retire after this season?"

"Of course," Link answered the question without hesitation. "To be honest, I have no plans or plans for next season at all."

"What if you can't win the championship?" Stephen A. Smith asked, how he wished to hear Link's change of heart.

However, Link was still determined, just as he was on the court.

"I don't know, I never thought about it. I have won six championships, two dynasties, why not this time? I didn't lose the option of champions in my heart. This year, I will definitely win the O'Brien Cup. ."

Link smiled and shrugged, ending the interview.

Stephen A. Smith shook his head, it seemed to Link that winning the championship really became a matter of course.

Later, he found another protagonist of today, Luca Doncic.

Dongcic didn't laugh since he entered the stadium today, and his state was very tight.

Known as the "Successor to Link", he was able to score 28.7 points, 9.3 rebounds and 8.7 assists in his second grade!

This data is indistinguishable from the data played by Link in the peak period in the regular season!

The two seasons with the most gorgeous regular season data in Link's career were the 14-15 season and the 16-17 season.

In the 14-15 year, Link averaged 30.7 points, 8.2 rebounds and 8.7 assists per game.

In the 16-17 season, Link's average data was 29 points, 9.2 rebounds and 8.8 assists.

In this way, the gap between Doncic's data and Link is not very big.

But Dongqi Wizards is the second year!

This guy is very promising.

If Doncic is not a meteor, then he is definitely a super genius who can rank in the top ten in NBA history.

However, this super genius is very unconfident at this time. Because he knows that data does not tell everything.

He is really a big deal with the Mavericks. From scoring to assists to rebounds, he is alone.

Except for him and Porzingis, the Mavericks have no reliable rebounders. Starting center Powell averaged 5.7 rebounds per game. If Doncic didn't grab it, no one would grab it.

Moreover, the Mavericks only have a serious ball-handling organization point for Doncic. Pseudo point guards such as Seth Curry and J.J. Barea are biased towards scoring.

Therefore, Doncic, who has a large package, can easily get a data close to the average triple-double.

But Link is different. The Grizzlies' staff structure is very healthy. There is more than one scorer, and more than one can organize the ball. In games, you often see Conley, Link and Jokic taking turns to organize attacks.

Not to mention the rebounding, Jokic himself grabbed a lot of rebounds, and Jie Michael Green is also a big rebounder. But even in this situation, Link can still get close to 10 rebounds per game!

Doncic knows very well that if they switch positions, Link will be able to easily average a triple-double in the Mavericks, or the kind without brush!

As for himself, in addition to scoring, other statistics will definitely fall sharply.

It's meaningless to compare the data alone. Link's strength, Doncic has learned enough in the regular season.

Therefore, when faced with the question "Link said yesterday that he would solve the Mavericks in four games, what do you think?" Doncic could not say anything harsh.

"We can only do our best. The Memphis Grizzlies are strong, and we are playing the playoffs for the first time. The only thing we can do is to do our best."

Doncic's obvious lack of confidence, this super genius may be so timid for the first time.

Soon, the players on both sides were in their positions.

As soon as he played, Dongcic felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

The Grizzlies players all looked fierce. Doncic felt that he was not stepping into the basketball court, but stepping into the arena of ancient Rome.

The Mavericks played against the Grizzlies during the regular season, but never once did the **** smell of killing be so strong.

The referee threw the basketball into the air, and Jokic made a strenuous leap and snatched the basketball from Powell!

Doncic was shocked, what's the situation with Jokic today?

He who is usually lazy and sloppy, today is as if he was stunned.

Jokic assigned the ball to Conley, and Conley moved forward slowly with a dirty braid.

The second-round pick Jaylen Brunson of the 18th round immediately went up, and he played in the playoffs for the first time in the same class as Doncic.

But he is not as nervous as Doncic. As the core of the team during the NCAA period, Brunson led the team to a **** way in the March Madness Championship and won the NCAA championship.

In his opinion, there is no difference between the playoffs and March Madness.

But soon Brunson knew he was wrong.

Conley had just taken his position from beyond the three-point line, and Jie Michael Green made a screen for Conley.

After a pick and roll, Porzingis had to delay to Conley. And Brunson, who is 1.91 meters away, has to go against Green!

Once up, the Grizzlies made a dislocation.

Just as Brunson prayed in his heart that Conley would not find Green, Conley hit the ball immediately to Green, who cut into the basket.

Brunson's heart was cold, this dislocation was deliberately made by the Grizzlies!

Green got the basketball, ignored Brunson's defense and dunked!

As a defender, Brunson can do nothing about such an attack.

He could only watch Green smash his hand, and when he came up, the Grizzlies showed their power.

If the playoffs are a boxing match, then March Madness is at best an amateur boxing full of protective gear.

Doncic is also stupid. The Grizzlies rarely use this dislocation to score during the regular season. But in the playoffs, the Grizzlies will not waste any point they can use!

Before Link took a shot, Doncic felt that the Mavericks were about to collapse.

But it was only the first round, and the Mavericks quickly attacked.

Doncic slowly took possession of the ball for halftime, but just as he stepped across the midfield line, Link posted it roughly!

Clash, pull, and constantly interfere...

Link's defense in the regular season was suffocating enough, but in the playoffs, Doncic found that Link could actually increase the defensive intensity!

And because of the playoffs, the scale of referees is also larger than in the regular season. Some actions that will be called fouls in the regular season are reasonable in the playoffs.

Doncic was unsteady with Link's entanglement. He was just about to pass the ball to Porzingis, who came to catch it, but Link took the ball out.

"I'm going!" Doncic had just been distracted for a second before being caught by Link!

Is this the playoffs! ?

Link took off the basketball and went The Mavericks didn't play any offense, so Link fought back.

After continuing with Jie Michael Green, Link gave a dunk show for the fans on the spot.

"Bang! A heavy one-handed buckle! The Mavericks have not adapted at all, they can't find the rhythm at all. The playoffs and the regular season are two completely different concepts. I hope this group of extremely talented young people , Can adapt quickly."

After the dunk, Link rushed back to pick up the ball with a smile.

"Enjoy, make the playoffs debut. Don't worry, we have at least four games to slowly entertain."

In summer, Link is extremely manic and excited.

It was like an uncle with a hideous expression, rushing towards a little girl who was panicked.

Doncic was terrified now.

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