Reverse Growth Superstar

: 1331: The strongest opponent worthy of the name

Leonard steals James at the last moment and takes the shots of Davis, which has become the most popular scene these days.

The historical-level defensive performance of the "face paralyzed guy" can't help but make people sweat for Link.

Although the Grizzlies have not encountered any trouble in the playoffs so far, they have not missed a defeat, showing their extremely strong dominance.

However, the strength of the Clippers cannot be confused with the Mavericks and the Jazz.

The Mavericks and Jazz are certainly not weak, but they are not a championship team after all. You let the Mavericks and Jazz play against the Lakers, they will never make it to Game 7.

And in the regular season, the Clippers are also the team that caused the most trouble for the Grizzlies, not one of them.

The Grizzlies have played against the Clippers four times this season and only have a record of 2 wins and 2 losses.

You know, the Grizzlies have only lost seven games this season. Among them, the Clippers accounted for twice!

The Grizzlies won the two times, one was 119 to 118, and the other was 113 to 112. They only won the Clippers by 1 point!

This is the strength of the Los Angeles Clippers.

They didn't suddenly become stronger in the playoffs.

Therefore, it is reasonable for people to worry about the fate of Link and Grizzlies now.

The Los Angeles Clippers became the biggest obstacle to Link's path to becoming a god.

Once the Western Conference semifinals were over, the Grizzlies and Clippers confrontation became a hot topic among fans.

No one knows whether Leonard can become famous in the Western World War, stepping on Link's legendary back to fight the Conferred God.

No one knows whether Link can survive the Clippers' difficulty and move on towards the goal of four consecutive championships.

For the fans Leso, Link and Leonard, no matter who wins this year, it will be a battle for the gods.

But I didn't expect that in the last playoff game of Link's career, there was neither Durant nor James.

His opponent will actually be Leonard, who has not had a high sense of existence before.

But this did not affect the fans' enthusiasm for this Western Conference Finals.

"Others' last season is to enjoy the game easily, and then leave the place where they fought with the blessings of the fans. But Link, he has to face more difficult challenges than ever before. It's not easy."

"Leonard's critical moment defense is quite amazing, and Link's critical moment offense can often kill the game. The next round of the series, there may be a wonderful duel between spear and shield."

"Kavai Leonard said he can’t predict the outcome of the series. In fact, no one can predict. The Grizzlies have shown their strength, but the Clippers are not bad. I don’t know at all. Will be a winner."

As in previous years, the popularity of the Western Conference Finals remains high.

Although there is Antetokounmpo, a new generation of champion candidates in the Eastern Conference, there is still no way to make the Eastern Conference finals comparable to the Western Conference finals.

Link finally waited for the first threatening opponent in the playoffs this season, and Leonard got his chance for revenge as he wished.

This strong dialogue affects the hearts of all basketball fans.

People thought that before the start of this year's Western Conference Finals, the two sides would have an earth-shattering battle of saliva to warm up the game, just like they did when playing the Warriors.

But what is unexpected is that the Clippers and Grizzlies players have been surprisingly quiet these past two days, and even the players’ social media has nothing worth mentioning.

There is no trash talk, no "father-son bureau", and no war of words.

The two sides are like two unrelated teams, each going its own way without disturbing each other.

Beverly and Link both shouted rubbish, and they also entered a state of standing still.

The fans who were waiting to eat melon were depressed. In front of such an important game, did the two sides froze at all?

Indeed not, because both sides are nervously preparing for the game at this time, and have no intention to worry about anything else.

Besides, Link is a "passive defense" keyboard man. Link can only make a difference unless he takes the initiative to cause trouble.

When encountering Leonard who is dull and silent, Link can't help it...

In this way, the days of the Western Conference Finals are approaching. In the few days before the war, it was so peaceful that one wanted to doze off.

Although the media have helped to fuel the flames, the parties on both sides are not going to get rid of people. This fever has not been able to stir up.

The atmosphere of the war that was finally created has gradually disappeared because of the calm of the past few days.

Finally, on May 14th, the battle for the Western Conference Finals started at the Federal Express Arena as scheduled.

If the game starts a few days later, fans will probably forget that the NBA playoffs are still going on.

Before the start of the game, Stephen A. Smith was merging hard between the Clippers and the Grizzlies, hoping to help both sides light the fire.

However, the Grizzlies and Clippers players are very calm, facing some tricky questions, but the answers are not tepid.

For example, when Link was concerned about "would you worry about being stopped by Leonard midway on the way to the championship", he just said lightly: "Of course."

When Leonard faced the question "Do you want to do your best to drag Link off the altar", his answer was very brief: "If you don't want to win, why am I here?"

After Stephen A. Smith interviewed the two, he felt an embarrassing cool breeze blowing...

No, in the indoor court, where does the wind come from.

Some are only embarrassing.

Overall, the atmosphere before the start of the game was far less enthusiastic than everyone thought.

As if this is just an ordinary regular season.

Before the game began, only George, Harrell and Link greeted, and the other Clippers players did not contact the Grizzlies at all.

This makes the game less topical.

The fans are a bit unable to raise their energy. They are obviously looking forward to this game, but don’t know why, they just don’t have that passion...

But after the game really started, the situation changed 180°!

How indifferent the two sides were before the start of the game, how intense the two sides were playing after the start of the game!

Leonard really did not lie, he just wanted to use his actions to interpret the tragic degree of this round of the Western Conference Finals!

As soon as the game started, Paul George, who helped to defend himself, dropped Link's layup from behind.

Link is one of the lowest blocked players in the league. Under normal circumstances, it is a wishful thinking to block Link.

But today, George completed the cover of Link as soon as he came up. This is mainly because Leonard blocked the front in a timely manner, which gave George the chance to take Link.

The Clippers' strongest striker, after experiencing the baptism of James and Davis, has become more brutal than in the regular season.

Of course, Jie Michael Green soon used his arm length advantage to slap Paul George's layup across Dillon Brooks into the stands.

Link's idea of ​​"reciprocity and courtesy" has been passed on to every teammate.

In the first two rounds, there were two big risks.

As soon as they came up, the two sides fought against each other and was very brutal.

These two rounds also became the epitome of today's game.

After that, the entire game was like a replica of the Clippers and Lakers series.

That is, the two sides fought very fiercely, and no one could get rid of anyone.

George and Leonard did play better than they did in the regular season, and Harrell and Louwey played the role of their strongest backup combination.

At halftime, the two sides tied for 58. Georgel, who was interviewed by the reporter, also bluntly said: "This is the toughest game we have ever played since we entered the playoffs."

Link was not surprised by this situation. During the regular season, he experienced the superior strength of the Clippers.

But he is not worried. Who knows the result until the end?

In the second half, the anxious situation did not ease in the slightest. The scores of the two sides alternately lead, and the star duel also made the fans hooked.

In the last minute and a half of the game, the Grizzlies were 2 points behind in possession of the ball.

At this point, although the Grizzlies are behind, the fans in the Federal Express Arena are still confident.

They believe in Link's ability at critical moments.

After Conley got the ball beyond the three-point line, he was about to find Link who came out.

But unexpectedly, as soon as Conley took the ball, Leonard straightened his long arm and suddenly accelerated, breaking the pass!

Although Leonard did not directly hold the ball, he was successful if he could interrupt the pass.

Sure enough, in the next second, Paul George rushed to pick up the basketball, then threw the ball to the side in Link's pursuit, assisting Harrell to receive it.

Seeing Harrell dunk to the ground, Link shook his head.

If Harrell had not restricted Siakam last season, it is still unknown whether the Grizzlies could establish a dynasty. He was one of the most important members of the Grizzlies last three consecutive championships.

Unexpectedly, only a year later, he would become the opponent's sharp knife.

Well, maybe you shouldn't have persuaded them to leave...

The point difference was widened to 4 points, and the Grizzlies became more and more dangerous.

After the attack, Link personally broke through with the ball. As soon as he plunged into the penalty area to prepare for a layup, Leonard kicked everything!

Leonard's timing of the cut was almost perfect, and he was on par with Link. Although Leonard still failed to take the ball directly, the ball was eventually hit on Link's thigh.

Clippers ball right!

Two consecutive errors at the critical moment made the Grizzlies very passive.

But Link never expected that this was just the beginning.

In the last 38 seconds, the Grizzlies, who are 6 points behind, still have a glimmer of life. Jokic held the ball in the high position to support, Link bypassed Jokic and prepared to catch the ball, Leonard also followed Link around.

But just as Link and Jokic were about to hand over the ball, Link suddenly ran back and moved to the other side!

Jokic and Link's fake pass are always tried and tested at critical moments.

But this time, Leonard was not deceived! He reacted in time and stole the ball as soon as Jokic passed the ball!

With three consecutive steals, Leonard ended the game with his superb defense at a critical moment!

After grabbing the basketball, before Link had time to foul, Leonard gave the ball to George, who had already started.

The latter forced a layup against Dillon Brooks, easily scored the ball, and had to add a penalty!

At that moment, all the Clippers players raised their arms, they knew they would win this battle!

"Damn, it's really difficult." Link shook his head. With these three steals, Leonard was on fire again.

With Leonard's key steals, the Clippers finally defeated the Grizzlies 118 to 111 and made a good start to the Western Conference Finals.

The fans in the Federal Express Arena also experienced loss for the first time.

The Los Angeles Clippers are really extraordinary.

They are indeed the strongest opponents of the Grizzlies in the West!

Link was a little upset, but not desperate.

As he told himself during the intermission, who knows the result until the end?

The end of this game is not the final, the series, but there are seven games to play.

There are many things that can be done next.

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