Reverse Growth Superstar

: 1333: The most critical moment

The Clippers defeated the Grizzlies and took the lead in the series.

This became the breaking news the next day.

The Clippers' victory made the situation in the Western Conference Finals confusing.

The beautiful script that people originally imagined did not go on schedule, and Link finally ran into trouble.

In this tenth year, Link hasn't walked easily.

On the second day after the competition, everyone’s discussions were varied.

Some people say that Michael Jordan finally found his savior.

Some people think that the Grizzlies are just taking a nap, and they will soon be able to attributes.

But some people think that Leonard is the terminator of this "Link Age"!

"With three steals at critical moments, Leonard's performance just restrained Link, who likes to break out at critical moments. This time, the Grizzlies will no longer be able to easily win 55 games."

"Leonard's defense at critical moments has already given Link a taste. I can guarantee that Link will not be able to create the miracle of turning the tide at the last moment in this round of the series!"

"The series has not been finalized yet, but the Grizzlies have indeed encountered the biggest crisis. I don't know if Link's reputation accumulated in the regular season this year will become a foil for the Clippers and Leonard."

Leonard became famous for a while, and his defensive ability has been touted to the sky.

"Even Link can't score efficiently on Leonard's head at critical moments." This statement appears more and more frequently.

Link looked at the reports in the news media and shook his head secretly.

He couldn't understand why every time he lost, there would always be such a group of people happy to be like this...

Is my loss good for you?

Sure enough, ordinary people in Heizi's world could not enter.

It was a pity that the game was lost yesterday. The Clippers and the Grizzlies were able to smash to the last second, which proved that their strength really should not be underestimated.

But in Link's view, the three mistakes at the last moment are completely avoidable.

As long as you are careful, it is not certain who the winner will be.

To put it bluntly, the Clippers can beat the Grizzlies not because they really found the ultimate move, nor because they found the Grizzlies' real Achilles heel.

They did not grasp the lifeblood of the Grizzlies, so the chances of the Grizzlies and the Clippers are still 50 out of 50.

Can't score under Leonard's key defense?

A joke, even if **** comes, Link is confident that he can score.

Of course, Link didn't take any pains. Leonard did not talk in the media just because he won the game.

A very strange phenomenon is that the Grizzlies and the Clippers have once again returned to the "forbidden mode" after playing a fierce game.

After a fierce hand-to-hand battle, the two sides were silent again. This strange phenomenon is really rare.

Although neither player has made public announcements, this time, the atmosphere of the battle will not dissipate again.

Because the whole world knows that the next game is a game that the Grizzlies cannot afford to lose!

If the Grizzlies lost all two home games, then Los Angeles would be a lot worse for Link.

That's right, 0 to 2 is not the end. In most people's minds, it seems that 0 to 3 is behind the death penalty.

But in fact, in the history of the playoffs, the probability of a comeback with 0 to 2 behind is only 6%! In the past ten years, there have been only 6 examples of counterattacks after falling behind 0 to 2 in the playoffs!

Compared with 6% and 0%, there seems to be nothing to be proud of...

To put it bluntly, wanting to make a comeback when lagging behind 0 to 2, is still only a very small probability event.

Even if the Grizzlies are behind 0 to 2, it is far from good.

Therefore, the only option for Link and his teammates is to fight hard.

Link's last season of the regular season has played perfectly, no one hopes to make the Western Conference lore but the ditch capsizes.

Therefore, the intensity of the next game is not difficult to imagine.

Now, maybe both sides are very silent.

But on the court, it will definitely be a **** fight!

Two days later, the second game of the Western Conference Finals continued in the Federal Express Arena.

Today, the Grizzlies fans are still excited, they all look forward to the Grizzlies can complete their revenge at home.

The Clippers are more confident than before. They have won once here and they can win the second, third and countless times!

On the Grizzlies side, everyone was a little tight.

They all know what this game means, so no one can really relax.

Veterans such as Jokic and Conley are not good, let alone the players who played the Western Conference Finals for the first time.

And the most direct impact of tightness is-poor three-point shooting rate!

In the first half of the game, the Clippers' performance was the same as before, but the Grizzlies themselves ran into trouble.

In the first half of today, the Grizzlies made only 23.6% of their three-pointers!

Link created many open three-pointers for his teammates, but he just couldn't make it!

From Jokic to Conley, from center to guard, everyone hesitated and stiffened when shooting.

They are afraid of losing, but in the competitive sports arena, what they are afraid of will often come!

At the intermission, the Grizzlies were 8 points behind! Moreover, the scene was extremely ugly.

If the Clippers defeated the Grizzlies last time, it could be explained by coincidence.

Suppressing the Grizzlies in two consecutive games is obviously not as simple as a coincidence.

At this time, many people began to worry about the fate of the Grizzlies.

Generally speaking, even if the Grizzlies lose to their opponent once, they will immediately find their ground in the second game.

But today, the Grizzlies have been driven into desperation by the Clippers for the second consecutive game.

Leonard, the "terminator", seems to really end Link's original perfect season.

During the intermission, Georgel reminded everyone to relax and adjust their mentality.

Sure enough, playing too smoothly in the first few rounds of the playoffs is not a good thing.

Like the Clippers who have played a desperate tiebreaker with the Lakers, they can easily adjust their mentality. After all, they are people who have gone through hell.

But the Grizzlies are different. The original dynasty lineup was okay. This year, this brand new lineup suddenly encountered setbacks when the road went smoothly, and the adjustment ability was really close.

Fortunately, the Grizzlies' three-point shooting percentage finally returned to normal in the second half, and Georgel's speech still played a role.

But at this time, the Clippers have started, they have firmly controlled the initiative of this game.

The Grizzlies have a very difficult time chasing points. Every time they try to get close to the score, they will be pulled away by the Clippers again.

In the seventh minute of the fourth quarter, after Link singled Leonard to score, he finally narrowed the point difference to 5 points.

As a result, Paul George rushed to the frontcourt to get a dry three-pointer, allowing the Grizzlies to return to pre-liberation overnight.

In the ninth minute of the fourth quarter, Conley was violently intercepted by Beverley, who fed Harrell an empty pie, extending the difference to 11 points!

Many Grizzlies fans don't even dare to watch it. They don't dare to imagine what the solution of this round of the series will be if they really fall behind 0-2.

As time went on, their despair grew deeper and deeper.

Until one minute before the end of the game, after Link made a difficult pull rod layup, the Grizzlies were still 12 points behind!

At the time, everyone was desperate. It is almost impossible to catch up to 12 points in one minute!

What's more, Leonard is still on the killer at this critical moment.

The next defense is crucial for the Grizzlies.

If the prevention is done, maybe we can expect a miracle. If you can't prevent it, see you in Los Angeles 0 to 2.

The Clippers clearly knew the Grizzlies' situation, so they played extremely patiently in this attack.

In other words, they are deliberately procrastinating!

The ball can not be scored, but the time must be used up to disgust you.

Georgel has been hesitant to let the players start fouls, but considering the decent free throw percentage from the Clippers' three possession points, Georgel gave up.

Leonard made 88.9% of his free throws, George 88.2%, Lu Wei 86.3%...

Sending them to the free-throw line is simply sending points tactfully.

Seeing that the Grizzlies weren't on the grab, George didn't hurriedly control the ball from outside the three-point line.

When the offensive time displayed on the timer was only 3 seconds left, George suddenly started, and then suddenly stopped behind the tight seal of Je Michael Green!

The hearts of all Grizzlies fans mentioned their throats, which is almost equivalent to a lore!

If not, the Grizzlies still have a theoretical opportunity.

Going in, but even the theoretical opportunity is gone.

Link stared at the basketball, but after seeing the arc of the basketball, Link instantly felt cold.

That fellow George, is simply...


"Basketball hit Paul George actually made this difficult emergency stop and back! God, the Grizzlies were almost sentenced to death! 14 points, 37 seconds left in the game Down, the Grizzlies are 14 points behind! This means that the Grizzlies are going to Los Angeles with a 0-2 situation! They are indeed the Clippers, they are the strongest striker. Whether offensive or defensive, they always have someone who can stand out!"

Around the excited Mike Brin, there were only a group of open-mouthed fans.

The blow just now was nothing short of murder!

Paul George is indeed one of the MVP candidates last season.

The last game was Leonard, this game was George, the Clippers' strongest striker is well-deserved!

At this point, the Grizzlies called a timeout, and on the other side, the Clippers players were already celebrating the victory in advance.

A huge sense of fear once again enveloped the Federal Express Arena, and the greatest crisis of Link's career was officially staged.

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