Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand three hundred and forty-four: The change of times?

The Eastern Conference finals have just ended, and the heat wave of the finals is approaching.

Antetokounmpo probably didn't expect Link to respond to him so quickly. Before the Eastern Conference champions got warm, he started to get worried.

Although in recent years, there have been countless examples of people threatening to sweep their opponents 4-0 before the series started.

Although most of them are really bragging.

But this kind of words came out of Link's mouth, and it was completely different.

As we all know, Link has never liked bragging. In other words, he only brags what he can really do.

He said that he wants to retire after playing four more games, which shows that he is sure to do it!

Although Link said very implicitly, he did not pat his chest to indicate that he must sweep his opponent 4-0.

But inside and outside the words, they all revealed strong confidence.

Antetokounmpo must be very upset this time. No one wants to be despised. What's more, the Bucks are still one of the best teams this season, not to mention the fact that they just won the Eastern Conference championship.

In the playoffs this season in the East, the Bucks have not encountered any substantial trouble. They almost came here with crushing strength.

Does the king of the east want face? After finally winning the Eastern Conference championship, but not getting the respect he deserves, it is strange if Antetokounmpo can bear it.

The Greeks seem to have forgotten that they provoked Link first...

So the next day, when the major media were looking for materials to promote the finals, Antetokounmpo actively contributed the materials.

"I won the Eastern Conference championship for the first time. I am very happy. Next, I will meet my idol Link in the finals, which is almost like a dream. Yes, Link has always been my idol. I will retire soon. On the occasion, I will be very happy to take the burden on his shoulders. Don't worry, go to Link. Next, I will continue your rule over the Alliance."

A simple translation of Antetokounmpo's words is: "Although you are my idol, I have to kill you. You are too angry, and then I will rule this alliance."

When the media saw it, they were all amused.

Yes, this saves them from racking their brains to promote it. The spat between Link and Antetokounmpo is the best advertising.

In the previous Western Conference Finals, the players on both sides kept talking about each other, but it caused a headache for the media.

It's all right now, both Link and Antetokounmpo seem to be unable to stop talking.

Antetokounmpo has indeed spoken more and more aggressively in the past two years. In the previous All-Star Game, he had just had a round of mouth battle with Harden. Therefore, no one was surprised to see him provoke another superstar.

This has been the norm for Antetokounmpo over the years.

What's more, Antetokounmpo has had verbal friction with Link during the regular season of this season.

The finals with a strong smell of gunpowder are the fans' favorite.

The final without fights and trash talk is not a qualified final!

Although Antetokounmpo yelled fiercely, not everyone was bluffed by him.

Bill Simmons said on his social media: "What George said is right, no one can stop Link. If you have watched the Western Conference Finals, you will agree with this. Yannis is an excellent player. But he can't win. Link, how do you say? He is one level higher than all players. Now, Grizzlies fans are the most worried. Not worried about the Grizzlies losing, but about Link's final performance There may really be only four games left."

Simmons backed Link, and the Bucks, the upstart in the Finals, may have a strong dominance in the future.

But this year... they don't even think about it!

Simmons later also carefully analyzed the strength comparison between the two sides, proving that he was not a mere talkative.

First of all, he believes that the finals will be superstars.

And Antetokounmpo has too many shortcomings, in terms of performance at critical moments, Antetokounmpo can't even see Link's taillights.

Secondly, last season's Raptors actually helped the entire league to make a perfect "bucks strategy." The Grizzlies can easily subdue the Bucks just by drawing on the gourd.

Although the Bucks have improved a lot this season, overall it is still the same way as last season. Antetokounmpo broke through to clear the way, and others waited for the opportunity to provide fire assistance outside the three-point line.

But as long as the Grizzlies can effectively contain Antetokounmpo, the Bucks' combat effectiveness will drop by more than half!

The finals are cruel, any shortcoming will be caught and infinitely magnified.

The Grizzlies are almost a balanced and flawless team.

And the Bucks, their shortcomings that can be exploited by opponents are too many.

And the players of Budenhorse and Bucks have not played in the finals. Can Budenhorse correctly arrange tactics at the critical moment? Can the Bucks players adapt to the intensity of the Finals? These all have to be a big question mark.

In the regular season, the Bucks and Grizzlies played against each other twice, but the record was only 0 wins and 2 losses, which explains the problem.

Simmons's analysis is not unreasonable, but it still annoys many Milwaukee fans.

Of course, it also annoyed the manic Greek.

"Shut up Bill, you didn't boast Link like that back then. Maybe after I win this season, you will start boasting me?"

Antetokounmpo unceremoniously left a message under Simmons's social media, he didn't care what Simmons said.

Those well-founded analyses have automatically blocked Antetokounmpo.

This guy is still full of confidence, he believes this season will be the season of take-off in his career.

He is no longer the young kid of last season, and the Bucks have grown into a well-deserved overlord of the Eastern Conference.

Antetokounmpo, who won the Eastern Conference championship, is extremely inflated, and he firmly believes that the Bucks cannot be easily defeated.

If the Grizzlies want to win, they have to come back with a painful price. 4 to 0? That's impossible!

Link also joined the melee at this time. He posted a video of Rodman participating in a talk show some time ago.

In the video, the host asked Rodman whether the current Grizzlies can beat the bulls of the year and whether he can guard Link.

Rodman’s answer fits his style very well: “Of course the Bulls can win. The Grizzlies couldn’t make it to the Finals in that era. As for Link, I don’t have to worry at all. Because Pippen locked up before he met me. He's dead."

In this video, Link added a sentence: "Yang Nisi is like Rodman, who can't."

Link's counterattack, scolding two people at once, was extremely wonderful...

The fierce war of words between the two sides made the smell of gunpowder in this finals more and more intense.

The NBA officials also started to propagate this year's finals as a battle between the new and old overlords.

This round of the series may end an old era and open a new era.

The time when Antetokounmpo became the face of the league is now!

What’s more weird is that some Grizzlies fans go to Antetokounmpo’s social media to But they don’t want the Bucks to win the championship. The only request of this group of fans is to hope that Ade Tokumbodo insisted on a few games.

In this way, they can watch Link play a few more games...

In this hot atmosphere, the NBA Finals finally officially opened on June 2.

Link's last finals, the alternation of old and new eras, the rise of Antetokounmpo...

These factors have caused fans to actively pour into the arena, or wait in front of the TV or computer, waiting for the game to start.

Although Link said that he only wanted to play four more games before retiring, many people still think that it is just a joke, and this year's finals will definitely not be that simple.

Antetokounmpo will never surrender easily.

However, after the finals really started, people were surprised to find that Link was really not a joke.

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