Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand three hundred and fifty-three: Thank you

Outside the Bradley Center, the fans who came from afar cheered and cried.

Link won, and the total score of the series became 3-0. He wanted to achieve the ultimate goal of four consecutive championships, which can basically be said to have been achieved.

But it also means that this will be the last glorious night of Link's career.

The hearts of the fans are both joyful and sad.

Many fans raised the signs in their hands, begging Link to stay.

He is only 32 years old. He is in good health and has never suffered a devastating injury in his career.

He is at the peak, he can still fight!

Everyone hoped that Link could continue this crazy performance, not end it all.

And what they wanted to say was said by Stephen A. Smith at this time.

Link stayed where he was. He didn't expect Stephen A. Smith, who had always been rude, would actually say such things.

Obviously it was a happy night worth celebrating, but now it's a bit more sad.

Link and Stephen A. Smith looked at each other for a few seconds, and neither of them spoke.

Stephen A. Smith was waiting for Link's reply, but Link didn't know what to say for a while.

The two looked at each other for about half a minute before Link slowly said: "I can't bear the pitch either, Stephen. But I have made a decision, man. Let's start the interview, otherwise the fans will have to turn the stage."

"Is there no room for reconsideration?" Stephen A. Smith continued to ask, he knew that it was impossible to keep Link with a few words.

But he still wants to try.

He didn't want his favorite player to leave the stage of history just like that.

Stephen A. Smith is a famous tongue, whether you are a rookie or an league superstar, he can do it right.

But Link alone, he never sprayed.

It is not difficult to see where Link is in the heart of Stephen A. Smith.

"At least for now, I won't change my decision, Stephen." Link patted Stephen A. Smith on the shoulder, and his answer was clear.

After listening, Smith nodded silently, then reconstituted his emotions and signaled the camera to start shooting.

"Hello, audience friends, now standing next to me is Link, who has once again performed miracles, Link, today's game..."


It was the first time that Milwaukee became the center of world attention, but unfortunately, people's eyes fell on the enemies of Milwaukee.

Link's 50-point battle became the first hot spot in this year's finals.

Of course, in addition to 50 points, what people are most concerned about now is Link's career planning.

So in the press conference after the game, the reporters immediately changed the topic after asking a few questions related to 50 points.

"Link, the next game will most likely be the last of your career. Do you really want to choose the rapids to retreat at the peak?"

"Today, tens of thousands of fans outside the Bradley Center held up signs to keep you. This is not the first time fans have spontaneously kept you, Link. Will their actions make you change your mind?"

"Everyone wants to see your legend continue, what do you think?"

In the matter of Link's retirement, the ninth single game of 50 points in the playoffs seems to be worthless.

After all, records can be recreated. But a legendary career cannot be copied.

Link was not in a hurry when facing reporters' questions.

He approached the microphone calmly, with a smile on his mouth.

The reporters at the scene dared to swear to God that this was one of the few gracious moments in the press conference for Link in the past decade.

"How should I say? Thank you for your concern and retention. I am very glad that I have so many people who love me. But everything has an end. The end of my career is now. I owe my family. Too much, I just want to use the remaining time to make up as much as possible."

"I love my wife and children, but over the years I have been together with my family. Most of the time, my figure is missing from my house. My children feel gloomy when they hear that I am going out to play away games. I even. ...I can't spare a weekend to accompany her to the park."

Link said more and more. Today, he decided to dig out his heart with reporters and fans.

"I don’t know if you can imagine what kind of life it is. Anyway, I’m tired of it. I’m not tired of basketball, but tired of being separated from my family. I hope that for the rest of my life, I can The focus is on the family from basketball. I admit that this is a bit selfish, but for six, not for the sake of seven championship trophies. I think I should be a little selfish, right?"

As Link said, he smiled, but no one could laugh.

Everyone was surprised to find that this was the first time in ten years that Link had revealed his true feelings.

Link has always been a tough guy in people's hearts, a god-like existence, a monster who will stick to the end no matter what difficulties he has.

He didn't know what compassion was or sadness. No matter what happens, he will always rush out a way like a killing machine.

So many people have ignored it, Link is also a person with seven emotions and six desires!

It is only today that reporters have seen Link's tenderness for the first time in ten years.

Although he has made great achievements in the NBA, he is no different from most of you and me.

He would also feel guilty and miss his wife and daughter. When the family watched the Grizzlies’ Christmas fight in front of the TV, why didn’t Link want to spend the festive season with his family?

Seeing that the reporters were speechless, Link continued to speak.

What he said just now was to reporters and fans. Now, it is the turn to speak to his teammates.

"Furthermore, there is no team in this world that can rely on someone forever. Magic and Kobe can't stay with the Lakers for a lifetime, and Michael can't play with the Bulls until now. I think my departure is for the Grizzlies. It is a very correct decision. We have many outstanding young players. I believe they can have a bright future. I continue to occupy the core position and will only hinder their development. You have to believe that even if there is no me in the future, the Grizzlies Still the most powerful contender for the championship."

"Thank you for your support over the past ten years. Without you, I cannot go now. I apologize to you again, but I still want to live my own life. This is my answer and I hope you can understand."

Link finished speaking, got up, nodded at everyone, then turned and left.

The reporters looked at each other and fell silent.

Link's words are up to this point, what else can be kept?

Whether to retire or not is Link's personal decision, and no one can interfere.

Link doesn't belong to a certain person, and you can't just keep him and tie up his life just because everyone still wants to watch him play.

The reporters had prepared a lot of questions, and even prepared a lot of excuses to persuade Link to stay but now, everyone is relieved.

A window was closed, but for Link, the new world, the door to a new life, was beckoning to him.

Ten minutes later, Link's statement was conveyed to every fan's mobile phone.

The timeliness of news in the Internet age really deserves its reputation.

Outside the Bradley Center, the fans gradually dispersed.

Since it is impossible to retain, why is it a blessing to remain unchanged?

Link has dedicated a wonderful ten years to them, and now, it is time for them to pay tribute to Link.

After half an hour, all the discussions on the Internet that kept Link disappeared. Instead, it was a sentence shared by basketball fans from all over the world in different languages.

"Thank you, Link."

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