Reverse Growth Superstar

: 145: From idol to friend

After the game with the New York Knicks, the No. 18 Grizzlies did not play. They will not start fighting with the Pacers in Indianapolis until the 19th. Therefore, Hollins took the team to Indianapolis on the 18th for training.

Since there is plenty of time, Hollins would naturally rather lead the team early. After all, Memphis and Indianapolis are still a little far apart. Even if it’s a plane, it takes three and a half hours. If the game starts on the day, it will be too late.

Depart on the morning of the 18th, arrive in Polis at noon, and train directly at the Conseco Arena in the afternoon. Tomorrow players will be able to directly participate in the game without the burden of running around. For Hollins, this arrangement is perfect.

During the media opening hours of the training in the afternoon, there were reporters who asked Link how they felt after defeating Griffin. It seems that this matter has not been fully fermented after so many days.

Even Link was a little annoyed by being asked, I wonder if Griffin has gone up the hairline these days.

After the interview and the whole team practiced running tactics, the Grizzlies' training today is over.

"Link, where to go at night? Tony and I want to go to Indianapolis Motor Speedway, are you going? Experience the fun of speed and passion."

As soon as the training was over, Randolph leaned over to Link. This is Randolph's favorite moment of the day-arranging recreational activities after training.

"Racing car? What kind of car can you sit in with this weight, you are afraid that you are not only driving an SUV on the track."

"Damn, I'll ride you around in an SUV. Why not try it tonight?" Randolph was excited. He is a person who likes to pursue excitement. Before coming to Memphis, it was common for him to get caught for speeding.

Although he is much more honest now, Randolph will not want to miss a chance to drive a speeding legally.

Although the Indianapolis Motor Speedway will hold many races, it is open to the public when there are no races, and every racing enthusiast can get off the track. Before coming to Indianapolis, Randolph had already planned a good run.

"No tonight, I have an appointment tonight, you go with Tony."

As soon as Link finished speaking, he found that Tony Allen had also "teleported" to his side.

"Have an appointment? With whom? Men and women? Where to go?" Tony Allen asked four times, like an old father who was broken.

"Um... and Paul George, why, want to go."

"Cut." Randolph and Tony Allen waved at the same time.

Link shook his head, ignoring the two funny comparisons. He and George had indeed not seen each other for a long time, and Link was still very interested in this old classmate.

Although George's performance of 7.8 points and 3.7 rebounds per game this season made him not even selected for the All-Star Rookie Game, Link has no doubt about George's ability. He knows how strong his old classmates will become in the future.

And what makes Link even more interested is that this old classmate also said that he would introduce someone to him today.

Hmm...It's not bad if it's a female celebrity...


"Female celebrities? How did I know female celebrities, do you guys think this is Los Angeles? Wait, you guys haven't found a girlfriend yet. No, Randolph should take you out often. Okay. Link, link, so you were thinking about this. It's okay, if you want, I can take you to a new nightclub in the evening."

"Um... Forget it, George, I have to play tomorrow. You know, I have never liked that kind of place. Going for one night, my ears are still buzzing the next morning." Looking at George who was smiling thiefly, Link waved his hands in disappointment, and he introduced himself to George and introduced himself to not a female star.

As for nightclubs... Link knows that George likes to go to nightclubs. Indeed, he is a hard-working player. In the year Link crossed over, George even played MVP-level data performance in the Thunder. But this does not prevent George from enjoying playing, he was a nightclub coffee in college. It's just that George separates play from work and never affects work because of play.

With George, an old driver, Link believes that if he goes to a nightclub, it will be more fun than racing with Randolph. But there will be a game tomorrow, and there are lessons for Anthony and Harden. Therefore, Link could only reluctantly refuse.

"Then who did you introduce me to? Is it a big man?"

"You're right, what a big man. Come on, you'll know when you get in!" George finished speaking, and put on Link's shoulders into the restaurant.

For some reason, Link suddenly lost interest in this meal. He lives in a pile of men every day, and he has to get to know another big man after he finally comes out... Link really feels that his life is almost no color.

"Right there, do you know who he is? He is..."

"Brad Stevens!?" Before George could finish his introduction, Link called out Stevens' name! He knew that these two guys were in Indianapolis, but he didn't expect them to know each other!

But on second thought, everyone is from the Indianapolis basketball circle, and it is normal to know each other.

Stevens was somewhat surprised when he heard someone yelling to himself. And I was even more surprised to see that the person shouting at himself was Link.

Does that kid also know himself?

"You know him? Haha, I thought he was only famous in Indiana." George looked at George dumbfounded. Is it possible that Link also pays attention to the NCAA in this state?

"How could you not know it! Mr. Brad, it's a blessing to meet you! I am Link and I am glad to meet you! I like you in the Celtics very much... Well, I like you very much in the Bulldogs The coaching style of the team, I am actually one of your fans." Link shook hands with Stevens very enthusiastically.

George on the side looked contemptuous. Just now Link looked reluctant to meet people. The result now? It smells really good!

"It's a lucky meeting. I didn't expect you to know about me. I also like your style of playing, Link. I heard that George is your old classmate, so I wanted to invite you out to meet. I didn't expect it, I still I thought you wouldn't pay attention to NCAA games." Stevens was a little surprised, after all, he is not a famous coach.

Although he led Butler University to create the "Cinderella Mythology" last season and counterattacked all the power in the championship, he eventually lost in the finals. Overall, Stevens does have a gap between the NCAA and the real coach There are many famous players, but there are only a few famous coaches, and they can be counted with one hand.

Others may be unknown to a few people in a lifetime. What's more, Stevens is still the kind of head coach who is halfway through.

But Stevens is still too modest here, in fact he was very popular last year. US President Opama personally called him to congratulate him when he reached the final at Butler University. After the end of last season, he also appeared on many talk shows. Although Stevens is not as well-known as an NBA star, he is still a public figure.

"Who doesn't follow the NCAA in the United States? And you were very hot last year. Anyone who follows basketball knows your name." Link told a white lie here, because as a Chinese in his previous life, he Like most people, I learned about Stevens through the NBA.

But well, Stevens is not an NBA head coach yet, and Link almost missed it.

"Hahaha, it seems that we are half old acquaintances! George, the meeting of the three of us is simply doomed by heaven!"

"Yes, God is destined. Please, after a good night's rest, stop talking about basketball. If you make friends, can't you talk about something else?"

Link, George and Stevens met for the first time in Indianapolis.

Link was very thankful that he decided to meet George instead of going to the racetrack with Randolph. Otherwise, he might lose an opportunity to meet his idol. No, now he should be called Stevens friend.

Sometimes, a seemingly insignificant small decision in life, looking back, it is very likely to change many things...

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