Reverse Growth Superstar

: One hundred and ninety-five: Things that superstars can do

Duncan scored 8 points in the second quarter and made 4 of 5 shots in the opening game. But instead of starting a counterattack, the Spurs were forced to fall behind by 7 points. Popovich was extremely desperate, and Link used the team offense to push the Spurs into desperation.

Maybe Link's scoring is not so explosive, and the assist data is not so exaggerated. But his thing did revitalize the Grizzlies' offense, which is an indisputable fact.

But speaking of it, shouldn't the team offense be the Spurs unique job...

After the timeout, the Grizzlies brought Randolph back up, and Popovich was heartbroken again, because it meant that the Grizzlies' offensive firepower would become stronger than before.

Sure enough, the subsequent game became more difficult for the Spurs. First of all, under Randolph's defense, Duncan's offense could not be as easy as before. Counterpointing a 100 kg inside line and counterpointing a 120 kg "Roshan" are two completely different concepts.

Second, the Grizzlies' offense has changed more. After Randolph came back, the Grizzlies had more offensive points. Randolph also changed his head-to-head single-handedness with Duncan in the first quarter and became more dependent on team offense, which allowed Randolph to play well on offense.

Randolph's performance in the playoffs this year is really very good, almost superstar level. Cuts, hooks, jump shots... all kinds of scoring skills are possible.

Under the Grizzlies' fierce offensive, the Spurs trailed by 13 points at most. At the end of the game, the Grizzlies returned to the locker room with a 52-43 lead.

"They scored 52 points in halftime, which is not the Grizzlies's usual style. They usually win on defense, but today the Grizzlies played vigorously on the offensive end. Zach scored 15 points and 6 in halftime. Rebounding, he made the Spurs' inside defense miserable."

"Yes, inside defense, this is the Spurs' biggest weakness this year. Blair, Bonner, and McDyess are unable to support the Spurs' inside defense. The Brazilian Splitter is still too young, and Popovich seems afraid Give him more playing time in the playoffs. This is not a tactical issue, but a purely staffing issue. I think this round of the series will be extremely difficult for the Spurs."

After watching half of the game, the two commentators were worried about the Spurs' prospects. In the face of evenly matched opponents, the Spurs may be able to defeat the opponent by the tactics of the coach or the individual players. But strictly speaking, the Spurs and Grizzlies are not evenly matched.

Yes, the Spurs are No. 1 in the Western Conference, but their lineup just happened to be restrained by the Grizzlies. The Spurs have the weakest inside defense, and the Grizzlies have the strongest inside offense. The Spurs have the strongest perimeter offense, and as a result, the Grizzlies’ perimeter defensive chain is beyond the reach of other teams. From number one to number three, everyone in the Grizzlies can defend.

Cole doesn't know what Popovich thinks. In his opinion, the crisis of the Spurs' series is more than just this match.

After the start of the second half, the Spurs played a strong offense. Richard Jefferson finally found the touch and took the lead in making a three-pointer to help the Spurs narrow the gap. Subsequently, Duncan continued to make times in the paint, and Parker stole Conley on the defensive end. After a meal, the Spurs played a 10-0 start in the third quarter.

However, after 10 to 0, the Spurs only led by only 1 point. No way, the pit dug in front is really too big.

After that, the Grizzlies slowed down, Randolph began to succeed in the penalty area, and Mayo, who came off the bench, immediately scored three points. The Spurs quickly lost their lead and were suppressed until the fourth quarter.

During this period, the exhausted Duncan's offensive momentum began to weaken. Parker and Ginobili had to struggle to survive the Grizzlies' tight perimeter defense. Until the end of the fourth quarter, "Red Mamba" Bonner hit two consecutive three-pointers in 41 seconds, which allowed the Spurs to slow down.

Gasol is too slow, every time he faces Bonner, he will be stolen a few three-pointers. At this point, the score has become 90 to 95, with 1 minute and 28 seconds remaining in the game. If it weren't for Bonner's two three-pointers, the Grizzlies should now be 11 points ahead, which would give them complete control of the overall situation.

But now, everything has changed. 1 minute 28 seconds to chase 5 points, this is an opportunity for the Spurs, who are desperate for victory!

Hollins immediately suspended the game, the Spurs' background is always here. Although the whole game was suppressed on the scene, but at the last moment, the Spurs were not far behind.

After all, it's still No. 1 in the West!

"Okay guys, you have done a good job so far. You still maintained the lead in the last 1:28 of the game. I am proud of you. But if you lose the game in the end, believe me, others will only give you shame! We just missed some opportunities, and now I don’t want to see similar things happen again. In the last few rounds, every attack is about winning or losing. So, I need your patience to pass on and prevent mistakes. Then, try to solve the attack in the open. ."

Hollins finished speaking and looked at Link's data on the big screen. 23 points and 8 assists, a double-double with two assists. His organization and support today are the reason why the Grizzlies' offense is so smooth.

Speaking of, rookies who can score double-doubles in a single game in the playoffs during their rookie season, generally end up as superstars. For example, Karl Malone, for example Rose, for example, Duncan, who is now 35 years old, and so on. Originally, it was difficult to make the playoffs during the rookie season, even James and Durant had not done it. What's more, he has to score a double-double in the playoffs.

And such a character seems to have never existed in the history of the Grizzlies...

The Grizzlies’ offense was blocked just now, and Hollins now hopes that the team can keep the offense smooth at the last minute. Otherwise, now that the Spurs are on the move, defense alone will definitely be unstoppable.

To achieve this goal, Hollins needs to make good use of Link's outstanding offensive performance today. The critical moment is left to that kid!

"Link, you will play the second position after you play. Sean, you will play the third position. I need you to open up the space beyond the three-point line to seize the opportunity!" Hollins changed and he used Battier. Substitute Tony Allen, the goal is to stabilize the offense while ensuring the defense as much as possible.

Link and Battier are very good defensively. Although they are not as pure as Tony Allen, they will not have a problem with a Ginobili who is too physically exhausted in the fourth quarter.

"In the last one and a half minutes, Link, you will control the offense. The Spurs will definitely strengthen their defense on the inside, so we can hit the ball outside, just like you did in the second quarter."

The timeout was short, and Hollins didn't say a word before the game restarted.

The Grizzlies players stepped onto the court one after another. They clapped and cheered each other. They believed that the Grizzlies' journey was not over yet.

Link was about to turn around to join the ranks of his teammates, but Hollins grabbed his shoulders.


Hollins walked up to Link, helped him organize his jersey, and patted him solemnly on the shoulder.

"The playoffs are the stage to create stars, Link. Now, the stage is up to you."

Link smiled, of course he understood what Hollins meant.

In the last minute and a half, Link needs to end it all. He will prove that No. 1 in the West is not invincible.

With the stage and the opportunity, the rest is up to you.

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