Reverse Growth Superstar

: One hundred and ninety-seven: What the hell? Record-breaking! ?

Seeing Link used such an incredible way to assist Battier to make a desperate three-pointer, Popovich really wanted to knock Link's head and see, why is that kid so smart?

There is no shortage of smart players in the NBA. In fact, players with lower backgrounds are likely to be smarter. After all, those "silly heads and silly brains" brutalist players, because of their physical fitness there, most of them won't be too low.

For example, the "Human Victory Cigar" Scarabrian on the Celtics bench back then, don't think he was just a "water fountain" player, but if he doesn't play basketball, he can be an airplane engineer. His teammates said more than once that this guy is the person with the highest IQ in the team.

In addition, players like Anthony Parker and Bowen are generally smart and sinister. A qualified NBA player has to memorize countless tactical moves, countless defensive responses, and the habits of opposing players. A dumb person simply can't do it.

And the low-level players like Link who are not outstanding in physical fitness will not be able to survive in the NBA if their brain is not a step forward.

Therefore, there is no shortage of smart people in the NBA. But even in this environment, Popovich thinks Link's basketball IQ is too good!

His performance in the last one and a half minutes was very calm at every moment, every defense, every pass, every counterattack timing was just right.

This reminds Popovich of someone who was swept by the Suns in the Western Conference semifinals last year when Grant Hill was always abruptly hitting the Spurs!

That's right, Grant Hill! These two guys are so alike!

Hill played only the role of a role player in the Western Conference semifinals last season, but his calm passing, shots, and solid defense made Popovich extremely distressed.

When the sun went well, Hill almost disappeared. But in the second and third games, when the Suns got into trouble, Hill immediately scored two 18-point performances. He can always make the most correct decision, so the efficiency is very high. In an interview last year, Popovich commented, "Hill is a player who really relies on his brain to play!"

And now Link is a Grant Hill who has more playing time and shot rights, better physical fitness, tougher defense, and more passionate blood!

A better Grant Hill, and this is just his rookie season...

Now even Popovich is starting to look forward to how Link can grow up.

In the last 29 seconds, the Spurs gave up resistance. The fans in the ATT Center have been passionate from the beginning to now extremely lonely. Most of them covered their heads with their hands and couldn't believe that the Spurs had lost the game at home! The shadow of being swept 4-0 by the Suns in the Western Conference semifinals last season has once again come to mind.

Will they be defeated by the Grizzlies? Most Spurs players don't dare to think deeply about this question, they are afraid they can't bear the excitement of this answer.

After 29 seconds, the buzzer sounds at the end of the game. 105 to 93, the Grizzlies won their first game away by 12 points. In the last 1 minute and 28 seconds, the Grizzlies scored 10 points, while the Spurs only scored 3 points. By the way, these 3 minutes are still the last 29 seconds of garbage time.

If the Grizzlies are serious about guarding, it's not impossible for the Spurs to close at the end.

After the game, the Grizzlies players rushed into the court excitedly. Hollins was the first to rush to hug Link, and then everyone else rushed!

In the history of the Grizzlies, this is definitely a pivotal victory!

"We won, you broke the record, good fellow, I knew this was your stage!" Hollins shouted in a hoarse voice.

"It's not that I broke the record, it's everyone who broke the record! This is our stage, the Memphis stage!" Link didn't know what Hollins was talking about, he only knew that this was the first time in Grizzlies history. Won in the Western Conference semifinals. Now every step they take, they are making history.

Therefore, he thought that Hollins was referring to this incident.

"Don't be **** modest, Link! As the first rookie in the Grizzlies history to score a double-double in the playoffs, after the end of this season, you have to invite us all to play!" Randolph jumped up with excitement and yelled at Link. Every time the fat man lands, Link feels that the floor will vibrate.

and many more? What did that guy just say?

Would you please go play this offseason? No, not this. The first rookie in Grizzlies history to score a double-double in the playoffs? First! Grizzlies history!

"Wocao!" Link was suddenly stupid. It turned out that the record they were talking about was this! ?

"What am I!?" From the excitement at the beginning, Link turned into a dazed expression.

"You're Link!" Randolph responded in a loud voice, headlessly.

"Fuck, who asked you this! You just said that I broke the team history record!?"

"Yes, to be precise, you set a record for the Grizzlies! Damn, why should I remind you every time a record is broken! It was the same with the last triple-double, can you get a snack!?" Randolph was angry However, he patted Link's head. Link remembered Ginobili's unique hairstyle today, so he ran away.

The first rookie in the history of the Grizzlies to win a double-double in the playoffs, Link, who calmed down and cleared the title, smiled, which sounds quite bluffing!

He only knew that it was the first time he had double-doubles in the playoffs. He didn't expect that he would break the team history record by accident!

When Link finally reacted, he was surrounded by reporters. Facing the dazzling flashing light and the active crowd of reporters, Link felt dizzy.

Is this what it feels like to be famous in the playoffs? Indeed, Link was also very popular in the first round, but his performance was mostly on the defensive end. But there is no doubt that fans and reporters are more concerned about offense!

"Link, congratulations, how do you feel about being part of the Grizzlies history!?"

"I'm honored, I'm awesome... No, I mean, my teammates are also amazing." Link patted his head, so excited that he was so excited. truth.

"After winning the first victory at the ATT Center, will you pursue the victory?"

"Our goal is to fight to so we will keep fighting."

In addition to Link, Shane Battier, who made 2 of 2 3-pointers and contributed a key steal at the critical moment today, also became a favorite of reporters.

But the reporter who interviewed Shane inevitably asked him a few questions about Link.

"Whether you or Link can guard against who is on the training ground?"

"Hahaha, I really can't beat him. His defense is very tough, but he can defend the scoring leader." Battier admitted without shy from the fact that Link is better than himself, which is not a shame for him. .

"So what do you think Link's double-double stats means for him today? Will this be a turning point in his career? The playoffs are a massacre, but it is also a place where people can make rapid progress. Place. After today, will Link rise to a level?"

"What does it mean? Not what it means to him. You should ask what it means to the league. After all, in NBA history, most rookies who can score double-doubles in the playoffs have become A superstar. So the answer is obvious. Link’s performance today means that the league will have one more superstar player in the future! As for improvement... I can only say that you have nothing to do with the kid’s improvement speed."

Battier's eyes are firm, he is not a braggart.

At this time, Popovich, who had escaped the reporter's "hunt" early, was in a bad mood.

The Spurs are indeed completely restrained by the Grizzlies from the lineup, and the Grizzlies also have a super rookie who can take up the offensive task at any time.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Popovich knew better than anyone else.

In this round of the series, the Spurs are basically suspended.

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