Reverse Growth Superstar

: 202: We still breathe

After the first game of the Western Conference Finals, the Mavericks led the Grizzlies 1-0. If you count from the first round, this is already the Mavericks' sixth consecutive win in the playoffs.

Six consecutive victories in the tragic playoffs are enough to illustrate the terrible dominance of a team. The Mavericks have now become a big hit in the West, and all TV shows and basketball experts are analyzing them. Some people now think that the strength of the Mavericks is above the Big Three.

Nowitzki looked at these reports without mentioning how refreshing he was. For so many years, he has been called a "soft egg" by people, and the Mavericks have always been considered a "pseudo strong team." Didn’t the fans ridicule the NBA’s three major delusions of Texas? The Spurs are old, the Rockets are strong, and the Mavericks are weak.

In the eyes of most people, the Mavericks are a "weak team." They may be very good in the regular season, but the championship has never had much to do with them.

But now, seeing public opinion completely reversed, Dirk feels particularly relieved.

In 2006, Nowitzki entered the peak period. In the finals, facing the Heat, the Mavericks won in the first two games. With a lead of 13 points in the last 6 minutes of the third game, they were beaten by Wade, the **** of heaven, for 4 consecutive games. Reversed and lost the championship.

At the end of Game 6 of the Finals, the then Heat coach Pat Riley slammed on the tactical board: "They are a soft team! You are better than them! You must be able to make it to the end!"

After this passage was made public, Dirk has always been worried.

In 2007, the Mavericks made a comeback and won the best 67 wins in team history, and Nowitzki also won the regular season MVP. However, in the playoffs, facing the offensive "Golden State Bandit", Dirk was completely lost and the team was reduced to the background of the "Black Eight Miracle".

The first-round exit made the personable German out of control, leaving a hole of shame in the passage wall of the Oracle Arena. He who came to the stage to accept the award a week later was even more forceful with a smile and a heart twisted. So far, the name "soft egg" has always been around Dirk.

But Dirk never gave up to prove himself. After the defeat, he began to practice his back body skills frantically, eager to get up from the bottom. Dirk knows very well that in this league, you have to play until the end of the game. You can be 20 points behind, but you have to fight. You don't know what will happen next, all you can do is play hard!

Thinking of those hardships that have passed, Dirk cherishes the opportunities now. But the German may not have thought that his opponents also admire a principle-play hard and never give up!


Just one day later, on May 19, the NBA Western Conference Finals reignited.

Today, the US airline center is still overcrowded. The Mavericks fans put on blue T-shirts, and the whole stand seemed to be turned into a churning ocean. The fans here are looking forward to witnessing the Mavericks lead 2-0 at home and look forward to seeing the unstoppable Dallas Cowboys continue to win at home.

But today, it was not the Mavericks who first appeared on the court to warm up. Instead, it was the Grizzlies that were slaughtered in the last game.

And judging from the mental state of the Grizzlies, they seem to have no pressure at all.

"These guys, just bluff."

"Yeah, yeah, see how long they can hold on."

"The Spurs and the Thunder are too old and the other is too young. It is pure luck for the Grizzlies to beat them."

"Yes, do they really think they can win in Dallas? I guess we can also sweep the Grizzlies 4-0 this round."

"That's natural. Is it possible that the Grizzlies are better than the defending champion Lakers?"

The Mavericks fans talked a lot, but the words were mocking. The big victory in the last game made them extremely proud.

After a while, Mavericks players and reporters also entered. Nowitzki looked at Link, who was desperately warming up, and couldn't help laughing. It is good for young people to be motivated, but sometimes it is necessary to recognize the difference in strength.

Dirk sent a text message to Link, just to motivate him to get rid of the Spurs. But the Germans never thought that Link and Grizzlies could beat the Mavericks.

Before the start of the game, reporters have free time for interviews. There is no doubt that Link, who was just recently selected for the Rookie of the Year and was compared with Wall and Griffin, has become the most popular Grizzlies player among reporters.

"Link, you said yesterday that the Mavericks are adding difficulty to yourself. But many people outside think that you are actually finished, you are just stiff mouth. What is your response to this?"

An ESPN reporter brought out the hottest topic.

Link's eyes were unwavering, "We still breathe, we are not over yet."

Ten minutes later, when Dirk learned that Link answered reporters like this, the German was taken aback.

No... he is just a rookie, he can't be that strong.


In the jump ball stage, the Mavericks players are a little proud. As for the Grizzlies, everyone seemed to have fire in their eyes!

However, most Mavericks players still didn't care, because the last match made them think they had fully understood the strength gap between the two sides.

In their view, the Grizzlies will never win. The Grizzlies won the first two rounds mainly because Randolph blocked the killer. But in this round of the series, Dirk is better than Randolph!

"Energetic guys, we have to bite to the end!"

Before jumping the ball, Randolph yelled at all the Grizzlies players. Some Mavericks fans even wanted to laugh at the look of the Grizzlies.

how? Think you can win by winking? This is competitive sports, here we speak with strength!

The referee blew his whistle, and Tyson Chandler leaped high and dexterously, winning the first basketball for the Mavericks. In terms of athletic ability, Gasol is indeed inferior to the "boxing champion." From the jump ball, the Mavericks did not intend to let the Grizzlies win!

"The Mavericks took the lead. In the last game, the Grizzlies were ruined by the Mavericks' terrible offensive wave. Let's see what kind of defense the Grizzlies will play today!"

Kidd took possession of the ball past half-court and directed his teammates to move. Nowitzki had arrived early and planned to play Randolph at the start.

But today, Randolph's defense is extremely rough. First of all, he can't give Dirk a chance to catch the ball too easily, and secondly, he can't let him turn around and make a jumper.

Nowitzki is 2.13 meters tall, which is a head taller than Randolph of 2.06 meters. Coupled with the fact that the Golden Rooster has a relatively high shot point to retreat independently, it is not easy to be disturbed. So, as long as Dirk starts to shoot, Randolph is basically gone. This is why Dirk scored 48 points in 15 shots in the last game.

Therefore, today Randolph said nothing to make Dirk turn around easily. But Kidd doesn't care about those, he believes in Dirk's ability.

In the end, the Mavericks first attack, Kidd still chose to hang the ball inside!

As soon as Dirk received the ball, he was pushed out suddenly and his center of gravity became a little unstable. Seeing Randolph defending himself so well, Nowitz turned around and broke through after making a decision, holding the ball to the basket!

Just do it, Dirk suddenly turned around, using Randolph as the axis to change the back basket into the face frame.

But Nowitzki just ran out of no more than two steps, only to find that Link suddenly jumped out, stepping on the edge of the reasonable collision zone, just so stubbornly blocking Dirk's way!

Nowitzki is so big and weighs so much, it's not a small one who just stopped when he said he stopped. In such a sudden situation, Dirk just collided with Link, and the impact was not small!

Link only felt as if he had been hit by a truck. Nowitzki was not the kind of player who played on his body. UU reads, but as an NBA-level insider, it's enough to drink a pot if he rushes and hits you.

Link fell straight to the bottom line and fell into the reporters' pile. Link really hopes he is playing NCAA now, because in NCAA games, the bottom line is generally not reporters, but sweet cheerleaders...

"Toot toot!" The referee's whistle sounded quickly, Dirk Nowitzki committed an offensive foul! Suddenly, the Global Pavilion booed.

However, Mike Brin still applauded Link's performance. "There is no doubt that this is an offensive foul. Link's position is very chicken thieves, just at the edge of the reasonable collision zone. Even if it's just a small step in, this is all It's a defensive foul! This foul was not accidental, it was made by Link deliberately. It seems that today, the Grizzlies intend to use team power to contain Dirk!"

On the court, Nowitzki is not so irritable, he just thinks that Link's kid is very smart, and the timing of the foul is very unexpected.

And Dirk was really hit hard just now, and he was worried about whether Link flying out would be in serious trouble.

As a result, Link didn't ask anyone to support him, so he got up without frowning.

As he got up, he said to himself, "I really have gained weight this summer, and I have been hit every time!"

Dirk was a little surprised, he knew exactly how strong he was just now. It's impossible to be smashed like that.

It seems that today, the Grizzlies are really going to get angry. Link's attitude has shown the Grizzlies' determination today!

"Interesting." Dirk smiled and began to retreat. Link's foul helped the Grizzlies win the offensive ball, and the Grizzlies will have a chance to score first.

A fierce battle for fortifications officially kicked off.

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